PHONE WILMÈTTE 910 TIGHE REALTY CO*' 521 FOURTH ST. ~OnA 44 CustomFuntr CabinettMaknrg Ref:lnis.hinc ,933 Lipde, A venue? JIu>kr-d.,.W a tàd si ID Wiirnetka 235 A LIP COVERS fNlIQUES a --_________________ -~ - Il IIIIII~IiiI I il - - - -. <u~ Z> M. ~ ~ ~ 4 .1 .4 * 4.1'. *f. *. M.AY r. ',. F 1 .~ J~ Nt r~ IA. Dufr- f/i/Ilhome at 075 S1PriHdq, r'aK'niltrrirf h, 6lùlt bu, rn.1 Ifrmph(il1j d a.f.9oif.9, Vrn.'xiy <md Quf» AL )Lom.' iat 631 I iliqorth. Fre2i *tçx-rorims. th, rf , od-led b t L. 'MCAftTHR. wood buflt this rkdrive, Ken- kit ehe Telephone FRArtklin 6800 AND CLA SRET T. MUE.B*l fmieprosi-, WUrntte.Raymonct Loe tvaaý the arcl&teot.. Ameu'r. i R E 77 STREETS