1111fNE~ rAV>KI V ilage to Instali B idigi MANGE PLN; Two-WaV Radio BidninNe T. Villages -AUDIENCE TOLD illg board's conilittee ol Hi ts $3 622 9Total k.A. R.. Hato Ex lsWarreni T. Fifer is cliairinan. lias de- 13 eodIcue 8 ei c'idled to bring thie squad car sevc THîO E ecs Wti onhp Nlany Advantages of Man-ý up t, date b, Inore c Io.sel%- coor-dilat THAO E ager orm o Govrnmen îîîgtl'eîî wih lie<lqtarter amiitli 'li residence shovn On the JCs 1,0 eacli utheri -tlogllî fli fistallation of cover of ti s ainuall)Uiilditl erg ain t owv ai sse issue, is one recently c n hnre n egtyto ei -Speakiîga the. joint ditinler ilutU- 1hi 11nproveinent lias been 01(e )CC wC. 1\ A enhl -and de costnge and,362 ht7O wre ui oîg f Wîilmlette Ciic lague, anid ~>~ i(Cl*lttioi 1»v flie boardl for soute ; ,Às c a e Hn ea t ni l-orth. Kew Tier township. àuring :1937, as lîelod Nfoîday îîiglt ,at ýSlawnc eere o lcPce lis. .iecîi residence of French compared to .225, with an estimnated Wilnuett League f Woniei refte ri e d ai( r c the li e atPier wa h. o t of $ , 167 5 l 9 6 Cotlîtrv -%club, Village Presideint Har-- litte \Vitl power .to act. Siiice Iliat <îIesikgn has e leven roonms.aud 1cs f$,1,7,i 96 ry ,C. Kii une gave.lis tîîieqtîii%.ocal!, tie .c cnimittee lias nila(le four bath-s icldga Eiglît of thue residences, costin vildorseinent of the Village Maae i 1uin argenncr Diat an i of muniacipalra oi taoodiliiveiigtin f ue(life- tUlitIbroit.1th scod _____________o_____t___e__second_____ Iii hi Coiuictîuî.eutsysteîîîs availabie, an(l iS I10W,. it floor over the garagew g MOicuietoNr. Kiuî,îe ,s .qaî cd. readv to tak-e (lefilnite ac- Mod ru Tetrhef~nsr~ 1938 Buligand Réa Es- ti m a vil t h a t t h e V ill g e o d e r f e a t ti e s f . c n s t u c - a t e A n iu l in th is is s u e b e g i n s lis iierco-tion have heen enmployed ili . on Page 24 and continue& -through -S ide ,u ti cludng, reinforced concrete 3 P gs o f s o tîî e * S t a t S u i t i n P î n ea n d s t e e l f o r t h e fi r s t . fl -o o r . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ th1r -tiira>pi porated Woodey road section during cats for Ille. po, Street Death Crash and gas -fired conditioted air Wdlre o 6 w but gav'e IO1( i ut o iooogrwrg ou of th heat. 'lhle haseinîct includes the past year, ascmaeto1,wh S iCt 1 s >ftla duit t th000 Puue sre a 1pIiiîe p)anelled recreatioîî an estimated cost of $700,000, the wheui a clioice ývill WAiîînletka, crossing of tîhe Chicago, rooml anld halwith cornplete Irvou e be made. a hall Ilreviouvlae ofear.tte ~ ~ aîîd North Western Iîueon the evei bar and tap ro.onu. The îôre la th orvl ages of Vletté,' The nieetii ing of October. 30, 1937.. wlîen t i Kenilworth, Xinnetka n lece wvas largely. at- %vornen ivere killed, was- instituted xa JILO'aICt VJ > the ne eiences n 197numbered tended b' tuent- 'gis leriwyiithe Crut Toloif. 17,wt nestimated cost of $2,962,- ber o bo hcourt of Cook countY, Tuesdav of _______________970, as conipared to 209, costing groups. Tlieguest ithis Week. by the law flrm of* Bell, $3,216,775, lun 1936. speaker %%,as D)r. Boyd, and -Marshall, attoriieys for, GENERAL WELFARE FOPRUM I Permit& Reach $3,962,219 F . D . S i e f k i n A . R . H a t t o u i , d i - f r e d B r i t t a in , j r . , h u ts b a n d o f - o ei T e r g i a i c i f t h e e iT h t o a u b r f b i d n g p - b cene X rthetr of politicéal] -tLhe womien who -%wasý killed. Threuametgofhe e-iTettlnmerfbidnge- of Nrthwsteri uiverilv î,eral WVelfare Foruni will be lield Fr1-imits issued lu the four villages ini whi spoke oit -The Village Maniage r At, the sanie time it was atnnou,îiced day ecvenitig, Janutary 28, ini the court- 1193 was 480 representinga otf an<id i, Ftitctiotnsý" h Village thiat George C. Getgood, director of. cil' chamler of the- Village hall. ,A 1$3,962,219, as compared to 494, and N1aîîage plai-being thec topiC Of tlie Winnetka conimunity holuse. and general discussion or topîcs havinig $3,723,077, the previous year. Th'le disusson.itislaud of the other woman, had, to dIo with dlie ptîshilîg of the general foregoing totals for 1937, it is pointed !)r iann ai lca gven-ett1ed clainîs agaitist the railroad oltwelfare bill, iiw before Conigress out, also. include a new private school frontl( th ofj court. wihl he huad. ni1 he v1 we trm t1 building and a dormitory with a total ltnd>it opf its ticcessar3' futîctionis, - --- ~icost of $450,O00. ald thai 110 village should set uip a AAv r g st4 s' " go'-uuintjust- because 'fl/ Impose Fines on AArgCa 1,0 ATui fohloIeES;he average cos.t of thîe 192ne a getieral goverinient pli.H on- Motorists Who VÎolate [residences' bult the--past 'year wa col ont tlîat local goverrîmeuit lias two a plia ,es. Whliclî lie designated as. fol- Parking Regulat ions a *hittle ess thn Pag 50)r bu low'111 . we~ iluniette police departnîeîît l-Policy-what is t b. don. reports tlîat during thie past ,veek)_________________(oniueonPg25 Z-Organization-to get the. needed yiolators of the ordinatîce prohibit - C rn r's . JuyHod thingis don, promptly and effciently. itug parking automobiles witliout . ~rnrsJr od Under this heading cozues adin- lighits or -with thé~ left wh,j ati thà t wiÏl-be"qic-l-y- t-ir -il ua îriurnl to ii11WitU'e y, *Micb., where thev -will -make cere' Searcli for improvements inid- ta t~ilb ucl placed in the. this week -and participate in~ the theyrhoe partmnental work and greater efi- hands of onie who will find amipleý serviecs ia the WFilmnette Baptist ciencv ini carrying out plans for tise for it. chuirh Sîinday iiior>' in , GOE T LIiL ROK. 30. D. Stfle or anu yari hig er. e f c e n c a n . g e at r s rv c e arl u K e m e , c air a n 0.1»r S i l ' W a s fo a y y a sM rs. C . F . S o u th w a rd , 3 0 6 O x fo rd : to the public.. Note: 'Economny Shop, Iocated at minist('r of the Baptist church. Mrs. road, Kenilworth, bas gone to Little 2 'lhe mnanager plan always lia 1135 Greetileaf avenue, is operated by SilrÉilas eavstri h ok r. ovthrsseMs (continued'ila<j onP.ae4. h ove'sCu fi-r the -week-end. BB.Wa tson, - for six' weeks.