farniy rcidej litf108 (larri- son aqrej)lie, Blînette. b4loîrii iodr cHtuto John K. Neicaws th(,rlètct WILIAM F.BÎ.ADES. -Vol- maiidy hlomèe util2l (lîsfît avenîue. li*ilioftfi. biilit b v Bilades f rom the' plans Of George 1WoIuf. Rock Ool flu- sulat 1<' u. A. F'RANC (ý. u-sfoo brick veileer Il le tel f> i( le ; 4; O i street, if<î lu'fyI. Walctf rus luearcliifecet. ofrT '. h ;s<; ui f so0u the. iiorth <,(w eu(i r not sliolwu iý lupoto. WILLAUD W. ivvfN. 631 The terni REALTOR is the peculiar and exclusive degign ation. for a mietnher of the National Assoc'iation -of Real Estate Boards. Bv a ccepting such memnbership he bas agreed. to 1observe the Code of Ethies adoptedby the, National Associa- ion and by his own lo 'cal REAL, ESTA TE BOARDl., THE I)ESIGNATION IS THEREFORE.A PLEOGE THAT HE 15- HONEST AND CAPABLE, 0F PROPERLY CARING FOR MATTERS PLACED IN HIS CHARGE. The followingig embers of the Evanston-North' Shore Real Estate Board areentitled to the use of ".Realtor": H.&:R. Anspacit Baird & Warner Baunman & .Cook BillUs Really, hIne. Harit y ,Wood Blount R. Clarence Brownil Hubert W. Butler Margarèt -Byrn A. T. Carlson Cfi icago Tale & Trust Co. City National Agency Collender & Co. Chas. J. Connor Geo. T. Coonley Cooper, Winston & Maniei Joseph Cormack Co. Geo. J. Cyrus & Co. Cuisack Realtv Co. Leicis T. Dodids R. L. Dowvd4ll Edd.(ingtoni & Allen Evanston Bond &.Mtg. Co. Ji!. J.. Faherty First Feeral Savings, & Loan Association First NVational Bank & Trust Co. of Evanston Iacobs & Jacobs Co R. XM1 Johnlston & Co Arniond 1D. Kig. Iw Win. B. Langridge CarolYn V. Lang Helene Lederer Herbert L. Lucas .David C. Malin .Wrn. S. Masoz V. J. McDonnell, McGuire & Orr Mead & Coe .Ann Moreland Murray & Terry erre L. Q. Needler & Co.& Northicnestern lg& Reaiy Go. Earle . Press, Quinlati & Ty'v'son, Inci R<oth Brothers Win. G.- Rugglýes& Co. 9, Sears Real Estate Co.. Siiore-Toicns Reahv ýCo'rp. Sfnart & Golee Edînunld J. Snmith E. Saityet- Smih Stanley, & Comnpany MR. AND MaPS. C. C'. LACK- 'WELL, 2511 lÇceilirorth arc- nue, Wilnette. Richard Mnliri- son, archftct,: lu ite F'reiieli colonial; air-coîîditi<oecd: rf 4israZtioli:iu duflapiit-paoiel- led if th parquet floor. REAL ESTATE BOARD Office of the Secretary, Winnetka 3450