\Vthrthe ., assiing ,of 1937 and a<>i 1 M'ali .)) 1UL xarburiier WinCfl nas ccept ing the tact of a generai 'J'liUi.îet i Puto cnsrked ha 111 of uje~al over Ithe tolînîiv 'i ltti O OitU7e ht r i(I beinstalied Iniicither. a ew or leaîîî abasemenclt. %t~ l geerl. uîhedluelher a black hecat- ant Itnie *t~ reîstîî eanel or a gtin métal home te5 u ra crakh witlîblackcastings, it fits tiiula cx.cC 1 -lit lto 11-Modern baseniemît or utilitv-, t ionallv guo(1' ai idro in iitlmNn-lv die( ith a special ' flots~ g~ ~ Iîevv refractorv andi îflsulatînginia-j t rial, the -radiation -froîn heat. k lunemif utthe vear- reduced lu amnmu.Hw er tltuhio uviisimmt .does lot have to 1) e ilu- 1hli 1ve.belwe .ask. . s ta 1lv l1 ii té,ouse, for it imav be 'lli var (if 1937 Prlac(d out of doors if desire(l. hegimi -ith Iî almnusît ei1) -Draft", Garburmill- eetuigiiit>l. I I iio<etl2y priccd, its installationl A. M. Laidàkèi' lavor contimîued C mS low anditis opcrating cost is b)uSinesýs recuverv, 'ie"l le, for- it uitilizes the coibus-,., mnrae noc-cer va ca i jcmic.,tîilv Naste -vhiclî accunmulates jin ev- Î in aliartilnents ani hoilles. Iliglîcr Or.\ estabIisIinnenit, as a fuel. These rumts. mortgage !moie,,plentiful, con t i et --t the.l -success 'of thik unit is îiemîire ,cin 'ilnvesting, àand a sl()%iowi hatairfor'comibustion. is iitrod.uccd1 rîsmnigreatl estate market, iii fact, a îhrough an.autontcdîprstl v cry lhealtlliv Situation to invite upu t « Caslh door itiithé front 0fý the unit maîistî aii(l elithisiasîn c0f evcr v idi- ,()'thiat thieiicoingi, air is dr.awivn tue ~lid Becmneis . t of the combustion chianber ini Become S . asmodc ilwcorrect ainouintto 1proînote a ,slo\v '['ie irî fur pamodc teaýdy fire until al of the combiltts-* TI i c firi fiur toitlis wcetible aste is redueed to adr-\,asti. -c tr ni e I v buisv and atisfactory i ,Thi uomnlatic damlper so suipplies, înoîntis wthaitypes of 'real estate -ai 1regulates the draf.îth lat there iw îigs l ad buglt. loi, wîrare 1n(4sparks îior f6v ash drawn tUp Iuldiç. r' ediîg wit h thé ips andl Teîusîodri ntteol d()uvîî s of 'general Ibîîsiîîess 1cuîîditiun. loi.-qlo(lribt leol '~i~~mîgtm h a an June bi t o ue \Vlo finids a>use for- this iiiea ni ui ani "gui, o~vî aamm itor, 1for industrv lias putits stanilp Il4i liiand aIiý,(i(to\eIl 1 1 (u1approval lupon this unit as a trashl alililvdu*tîîsh off bevr. Ho Id u l)urner. Homes, schools, industrial evcer,.1 -i Spite of *jhcsCc ond(itions, the plants, liospital,,, etc., find tieir \car of 1937 li;i,, slî( yîma It1i i lees'hîhgs lot oniy more sighitIv and n volume of sales over. ftie vear of sanmitarv, but tlieir fire hazard. caused 193<x -bv Oite storage of accuintlated iwaste, is rednced whien this unit is flstalied. Optimistic About 1938 to luhie výear of .1938, wc look for-i ývatrd lu iicrteasecl activilv resuilting, i e.(xceIllt -business; îo a good (le- nmand foýr homecs ncw anid 01(V andi ti). a colnstaiitll increasîîig iîterest il! ~alrtmcnett andt commercial, pýropr- tics. Restore(i confidience ini investing, Wl1 Coicand wl'icn il 'does, the (tie- \Vtîoccupancv at aroun-d 981( Ii a1partImnent Ibuliliiîgs and fewv vacant hîunics for relit. conIi)iic wili luchier Make Spring Repairs -in Advance of Painting Job XVarning tbat spinîg repairs sliould he- comipleted before. sprimig paîntîng-l is <loue as *ssued tlîis N%-ek by the A. A. Building .Mainitenance- Service Of Keîîi lworlh, whicli specializes bmn ivork for gutters. downîspotit sheat - ing plantl. and furnlace or boiter IN NEW OFFICE ule A. J. Johnson,. well knownlbule JI4,~.( è<tC! lE Ti4ri ve tL .filt 1-iYoc ciral prod. mt colowD- VIAEIENT H.BRUNS, 105., menceca oMd, lViiîncttv'.Iri fi Bictt n*as thv'<cspc a nd;( bieilder of thiis nn-Qn Imiwn,'int teI n i li a a Hill te-d uvS. ~dj I ON B. i '4 EUI'FX EY l'.Timsbrick i<calccr ï'. iîfrncc îî'ith a ttachcd bu 'rnt cnkrtand ere cted at ciBriur r.t.ct. Keoi ilicoirth. loin )ow.br'ick rr sinqer ilîq rcvvcc.is Iucited ut 1 f?îunînîu r<ul. l lîn."tteI>t id yi<unhonsc. iucutc Uat e98 unt- set la )ne.U /cilcoc .eIifiltil.0?is ; a ir-ondiiOn i insu/ated with foui-inch rock îu'ooli lviscous- s.in la-n non. stonce cx t e r i o r. 1?céliitcct: R. P. Tr-a udletti. E. M. DNLO DANIELSONj PAINTERS BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS, 939. Elmfiwood Avenue, Evýandton, Greeneaf 8222, Wilmette 353 MRJi. AND MuS. CARLÉTON W. WAs'I4IBURN1E. JModern home at 1055 -Ut. Pleasant road, Vln- uetka. Designietl b>yAijonso Iaînefcli; architect, A. S. M or- pJiett.* No basenent, second floqr attic ouer garage. lit- terfir color se&-heme anîd inii- Vctligheieto moderil. 4) f