Discussez Cost Item Iotîer year since the depressioi. 'ýatuiraly." colitinuied -r. I-Iemp- "M 'js- showing marks not only a 111il, -the cost oi Jabor and inaterial *hange for the better ini the home enlter'iug inlto a building Will have the owners' fortunés, ge'atest sill)9tiiltltWiecé tipoli the'lbut also inIi is fture of bluil(hing19 actiîVîtý\. Alin111- attitude coniceril- crease iii labor anid material In the i ng pro .per care livxt fuwv montbs. is not likclv. On of his home. teoierhand tiiere k n lo evidence T o d a y more tha t costs vihî be der ease d. 'riere.,property. owvners ,irc always a large ltnmler'of peciple than ever 1efore cenidçIng bildling ,- lo defer their knowv and appre- !plans hoping tluat. costs vih belo'. ciate thatý notlî-, 'lhese piersons areu alvtlonied te ing so. enhances1 diapoit tit. BuiIling costs ini the value of a réner-al are not hkl to be uitiiiriil 0 omý e as the lver unless, there is a general dl. proper and i- lt i o f.al valuîes. For instance, dicions uise 1eo dnItriingthte depIrcssî n ildi4cs paint. Thîev re- \vcre lowver, h ý but o was evervtîîin, .H Kugr alize also thlat no ýl(é: Tht- resuit %vas tliat there wa- ayPot ivstmnt ee pract icalk o uln tuicn1 thee-Ini- gi-eiter div-ideiid.,.thian the cm- t)ressioil fr thle >itliple rasnthlat pilexet et an experieniced painting wIwnîu~ie~ sis ad. luebuilingcOlntractor. nurti ovtrz-.1-t. snet 0,00l Ihere is nfc mr opaintin- tluan ueaaenî ng te a s-nui t bat biling nntly coveriing a surface v th aint.. Cests, are îu tt trenddnad Patinitinig anld-dvcorating are acquired dhiie al otb&-r l>siîîcs, 1,trejuulijug at,--acq irdoly thir-othiýiintenîsive itjwad.tralinîg. practice and longo expei- ___ - --- -- -- ---eiuce--andonlv the trainud and ex- 1>eienv(1painter cngv urne( Equlity Ozg.,,,rs. flold r uts rqu-ie SuCCCsstl j)ainltilng iesathor- ApprOxti.aîey 7% ~~l and p 1ractical koldnof çolor Jlarîn~,celor nxin)) -cole)r 5h ad'ug of Real E siai e Valiie -an1 color stvIilng. I 1grtivi in1(liett, to note t bat the trend is now. v ri:~i ~:ivr .N I :1Sl )N fnielvtowvardl ise ot Sulcll skilled tii -"-,ïdt f i'hîi, s.u'oi,11atîa,- thu ]hle of lhoiereani .I<WI I~\Ilrs1111h l>IIîa;ae 7'Of 1total Rveaîl State voltue. \Vhat 1-u otit- rvworth ýSoini 't '(1fuIllil vcst i llateLd figues *hh1 liave -.eecn on tluîs alwav> i ntcrestingý 'Ubljuct il'ia u at mir prese.nt to- tal *nealtlu aIdd< 111 to abouit S-1,0 bil- ]Ions. 0f this anmouîut, an estinîated SI87 billions, consist, of taxcd real esat.ie total prîvate real est ate. nogage dcbt- for the nto is. ap- prexn'uatelv $46 1billiOnjS. ThIlîs;wouild imlcate thalt real estafte 4é(1itv OIi er1S. li sîite of the straîns and <ifli- îtties o( 1 ,the depression \erstill Iuold apoiîtl 751 <- oi the total1 real estate valuie. It wotll be dli 1- clilt 1oto i ea 11v othe cr field ofini- i Residence in Wirnnetka Purchased for $26,500 lTe two-stoiu ,tIccO r esidence on l)Ii n( )1(e road. Vek. lias been ,,Ild byRssl T: ànd Eleanor Jack- sonjý Sturp , to Constance T. Ritchie, irer a conisidleration of JS26,500t 'ac-, c ording, to revenute stanîpls attached feoftue deed filvd %«i.thî Recorder Ed- A nmort-aIe for 16.5 00 due on o Ihtore April 8 'of tluis year wvit1u no initerest spccified. wvasgve to the Chicago Title and Tru ,st conîpany, ES.ýTATE 0F A. S. VAx IJ#iEN Iti> Melrose Mni. AND iMIs. RAI JoHNsox. This nie room *lhom)e at 502 ireenIl cood avenue, Keitilo?-th. h.a 8a lion ro01t iiithe base- ment. It if-as design- cl bu R. F. Jloulihaiê and Ibuit by V. A. 1qïc>ný.plill fi)?(]assocl- atm . FrecTi typ *In <I t eal. ait P) ; I<i ort h a rc nlne., .lltUI îias the su- priipai-chîtect.' AP)-I FlafUl all" Equiipmient on Northlli uot- John 0. Nash, Pro prletor VOGU E 77EA!tre- CL EAN ER S Tel Winuetka LL.OYD J. 2M o oR E. 1l'illiam F. Blades is the lin Qder of this ho nie at 851 Sheridant road. Win- netka. from the plans of George E.' IVolff. There are te»rmonts. Shqoîv» i ider con- c t-.