decisiôls.He, shi type and mnethod Benjamin DoIiimore surface wvill take bcst. Hc rnust p)os.- sess nuch knlowledge anid rnanvycyars of.,aried experiencc to enable Iimi toadd that priceless, ingredietnt re- * e(Ige -of ancie' nt i imien~i siy~ie of decoration. he fainiliar with color i ail iis aspects and the proper ojî, etc., nicccs-sarNv to create thec varions shlieens rcqtwrced, froin d(li to hligli rloss finisfies. He shotild know the value of aild curV" desigii and( * be able to offeî- intelligent advice as to their use ini crcatinig.artistic ,cffccts t~any givenls surface as each job and culstoWer niay, require. The right ex posure colors should bc part of, his stock in trade; kioviig proper color tn use on iiorth, snth, cast or Nwest tttral design. of ,%-Iicli is sintila nlianly fouind ini certain liistorical tions of Virginia, was buit by and Mrs. C. C. Blackwel. 801 teclith street, iIrette. .4 Io CIMBL OIN,u , UOe'LIVINÙ tOO.e YOUR HOME-SmaIl homes andlarge homes have one thing in common ... they're worth only as much as the quality -of, the matrialtatges into the m. Whether you are building a new hoe or'remodeling the o4d everything used should be capable of passing a Most rigid inspection. * actionls hicih ofen occtir ofl andu111 plaster surfaces. b cd The honme owner of today, b cd ing advcrtisiing, and the inany y maga- zines dealing mlith homne deçoration, niakes. it ail important for the suc- cessfui decorator to be conistafltlY striving to, find better, materialls and keep constaritly iuformed on the Itest Hubbord, Wood 2738 Green WImnefka 452 Evanstoim-WiImefte 289-Briargale 3838