district nortn oi rvanston mu lt- . ice . Il // ' \%est Washington lowinig rcsidenccs and lhomrItese urVI street, Chicago. sold '4 TFle residence at 91,lTelthi street. l'le 1-room 4-bîatlhinl rs-Wilmctte, ivas sold by Nlr..Heletn E. (lnct on a lot 125 x17-3 at 565 A.\r) rig gs to Dr. Hamnilton 11, Ander-1 \Vitac roa(I was piirchasc<1 ironi Mrs. . This hiose is a vhIte clapboard i, c1>ntaîicI ci e v ireatDutch Colonial with 6roml and Il Ni rs. Rbr Shertuan .. Sherman baàths. ks a imeihe)"r of the la%%-ir of Nlil- \VW feel th a t th é-abo purchae er. (,orhia.li. XVestcýott & .\datnS, att and 'others in Ev-instonii indicale ai Salle .s.'tI ot icgô,aInd tl continued interest i north, shor Sall steet Cllcao, nd ~ 4 lie~.residential 'property andl(lblieve thê' j iî Wnntk. I . apan(iegryoutlook, for sprfi'kl.,btiîrîc,s is good.7 ()f BaiIev'. Wbser regôr rv idIllte firni st ates. limiter. 19,S. 1LaSalle treet, handlved Ille legal (etails for \Irl.. Ritchie. The brick1 residletce, foriiirl%-b1) REGENCbY TYPE HOME longillg to fôhn Gabel ait 396 Slheri- MNr. and M.\rs.. A. Hartlev arc dan road, (;Ienco(t)e.,%vas purechascd b%ý owners of a new Regency type home Dr. Stanley: W. Clark. This~ hotîse hîa> at 2219 Thornwood avenue, \Vilmette. four blaIis and. a lo)t 125x175. 'lhle Ftulre needs have bceen ailticlj:ntted, legal duiails . wèrc handled for D)r. a,; (l(lti()IaI roonm mav: latcr be Clark by Nr. Shaniier tii -Shaniner & coîîstructed above Ille kitchen and Shanner, 105, W. Adams strect. and . for NIr. (;alel 1hv .R. N. i-bit. West-7 inster buiilding. I)earl >0111a!inI oni m rne str-cts. IDr. Clark îý a nivneber I)1" Yor K m tlie iacultv eoi rthwsturouîHomer it'v 1)eital seh-11(ol alil lut, fiesIs eing D uit . at ]NO N. Nliciga'avenu. II ) r. Clark A1îîl hlifaînilv are(! 4w (WV upiî tii-ýIl 1Ill 9-rmt un 4-bath riesIdeîîcc t ' 1632 l)insmo're rfaor-Wigîetk.dfo nirybceloniging to NI1r: anidNIr CI~ onstatice T. Rî~t hi v, of Win Î itik. ea!dutail', for clle e happlll M r. Sick. ltolC.t te fiin If Cîcîn i.I)loIo. &~~~~~~~~~ -~î >î 4 V4IackIIh tl' ' tire inurnc bf(or-e you v a r (1. 111' j>;~' hî lILI* <'iIII do*a floe T-be , 9-roûi 3ï a1 1.Ylyth Ca uîi ti-'iîIe u 1.tur hoîsu' iealns thât you 1248 A\ýbIr%* A ni. \\liln u tka. , ~knwyu' uetteti always zafk s 1)b NI r. and NI r . Ih ni:- u I*lfini 1' s . ls . hejn ire cones you al cx' t i IiUwi whi<iityaund INDIAN HILL ESTATES, jt-ly' paid, t-tv,~vnî fruî s. Why pet lut îusr BERLE Sales for 1937 North Shore proper-. ties comnpare favorably with this exclusive: 50. EAST WUNNETKA: 90 foot lot; hic.ely wooded. 7 rîns.; -2 b's.*; lg. enc'l. pchi ;- modern kit- chen; fireplace; lst floor: 2 bedrms. & bath; 2nd lfloor: 2'bedrms. &.bath; Nort'h. Shore. Properties - ilart gage Loans w- uildi Sri"-Reniais Furnislwd - Lnfurnlshed STUDIO: 1750 WiIiow Rd. oil heat; g arage; - only i- $ 14,750. lst mtge. $7,000. Payable $67 per mo. Other G@od Vaines $5.000 #0 $150.00 Select, 4..esite $30. te $65 par Foot SUNSET RIDGE AnY Size Required. ;i-? LX STRIEET WIE<NETKA SM. -Opposite North Shora St.M.n Cati Winnef.ka 3354 doirit t'aapricie." Owners' Representative ASa.Bank -.A Trust Company VELECTUODES AND INSULATONSji" I compact assembly deincd for") YýU" realizuetha1t ,lier \ mraximum effciency. approaches 1000 cfco Complete 095 brner Srvi ýHEATIMG SE>RVIC.E INCe If '<ou are going to buy or .bauld don't failt te see the newt homes we have for sale now. 1-e sfurretmplete building anid finaîîcing service. We take the guess out of buying or building. BARNETT. & SCHELL BenjminDollimore ýmore'conle/te DE-CORATING àan y of t.he SERVICE" homhes showvn in his issue iwere tlecoraid-bv us. 'Our 1oint is up b a qa t- LIf f ure .....~service