Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 82

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Persnne Offices -Mrs. Henry Zander, Jr., will give Anunounce Pesnel6 f i eand Chairmen the third book review for the Neigh- chairman; Mrs. Alex Joslin, pence in the inorning, Tuesday, February chairman; Mrs. M. Salisbury, United 1, at thr home of Mrs. F. R. Kilner, Thank Offering custodian. . 1 430 Sheridan road. Mrs. Zander wili Whitehouse gùild -Mtrs. William discuss al[of the niew books.and re- Whittier, Jr., president; Mrs. Warren vièw Sinclair Lewis' book just off the Triggs, vice-president; Mrs. Jean Huif, press, "Prodigal Parents." secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Richard Westbrook,. work chairman; Mms Whittier,,pnc cai 1a; -Mrs. Charles Jordan Jr., United .Thank Offeripg Gîves Réception cusodin. William White- guild-Mrý.- Fred- Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., 431 Esse x erick R. Cross, president; Mrs. New.- road, Kenilworth, gave an, informaI ton: Forsythe,' vice-president; Mrs. R. reception recently, which was a sur- ,. Baity, secretary; Mrs. John A. Taft, prise pgrty in honor of her husband s treasurer; Mrs. Howard'Mullins, pence, birthday. chairmani; Mrs. John A. Taft, United Thank Offerîng custodian. Aids WIIhDoe Mens end Wom.n's Groups Com- piet. EIect ion and Ap~i~ monts frComing Yeoar *The men 's and wo men's: or- ganizations Of the Church of the Holy Comforter this m.onth completed *tbe election and apî- pointment of new officers for tecoming year. The former vestry of twelve bas' been re- duced to five,. and in pflace of a larger vestry an officer's counci] assists with the management of the eh:rch,-The new chaira ofthe officer's council is je'sse Srigon the vestry are A. B. Carl- son, senior wrarden; Albert Fleiséh- mann, junior warden; Whitaker Baer, Ftéderiék J. Schmidt, and Warren Buckley, vestrymen., The officers of the Woman's auxiliary are : Mrs. Albert Fleiscfimann, presi-. dent; Mrs. Frank Peters; vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Whitaker Baer, treasurer;, Mrs. Louis Dewitt Jones, secretary; Mrs. Albert Korte, work chairman; Mrs. joseph Kleckner, assistant work *chairnian; Louis Dewitt Jones, pence chairman; Mrs. Howard Mullins, as- -sistant pence chairman, and Mrs. Burt Crowe, chairinan of United Thank 0f- fering. Griswotd guild ofllcers are:. Mrs. Alfred Foxeroft, president; Mrs. Don *Craft, vice-president; Mrs. Albert Rolle, secretary; Mrs. Bernard Black, *treasurer; Mrs. W. E. Richmond, work chairman; Mrs. Charles Simmons, pence chairman, and Mrs. George Armstrong, United Thank Off ering custodian. McLrenguild-Mrs. Tuthili Ket- cham, president.; Mrs. W. Earle Dunn, vice-presiclent; Mrs. Jane Miller, sec- retary; Mrs. Hill Carruth, treasurer; Mrs. R. C. Osterstrom, work chair- man; Mrs. L. J. Walde, assistant work chairman; Mrs. S. A. Williamns, pence Guests of Honor, at Tea Mrs. Edgar S., Riedel of 1018 Tenth street gave a tea Tuesday afûernoon, January 18, at lier home in Wilniette for Miss Edith M. Dey, heaci of the Mary C. *Wheeler School for Girls at Providence, R. I., and for Mrs. Robert Holding of Providence. Mrs. Holding remained with Mr'. and Mrs. Riedel as their week-end house guest. Pouring at the tea werèï Mrs. Charles Stiger of River Forest, Mrs. Robert Regan of Chicago, and Mrs. -Arthur Stanten and Mrs. Don Prud- den. Malcolm Balfour The respoirsibility of directing Publicity for the bene it dance the Mlrs. Thomnas P. Gibbwis i rs ide>rt of thre lf1oia,'s Catholic Club of W4ilmeitte qvhich is /zavi nq ifs regulartnonthly imeetin g Fridavy alternoon of this 7week at 2, at flice Wilrnette IVonak's Club. Vlrs. Gibbons is assisti n'y tihe Ct i Action group -of flic club> M f11 Siinday sale of litera titrc and publi- cations whricizthec yroup sponsors. This aroup,. with the civics det'art- Mother-Daughter Banquef- in Kenilworth Is Feb. 41 One of the annual evelits in KenilI- worth which is always One of its pop- ular social events, is the Mfothers anid Daughters' banquet at the Kellil- worth club. Under sponsorship of the club, mothers- and daughters ofI<enlil- F. W. w ruermann, work è Aice Harwood, assista surer; .man; work ~mo, oy ,Wtut, ýalso as-' were m club. er Briggs entertained at id bridge at ber bome, >od avenue, Wednesday f last weekc. Her guests !rs of the Illinoîs Country Cord Party St. Mary's society of St. Joseph's church will sponsor a card and .bincô,. Party on Tuesday evening, February . 8 o'clock in the School hall. WILMRTTE LIFE

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