411 - Bigfluft y Wolf collar tops this smart coat of Shagmoor De. luxe. Fabrie ,Misse' and Women's S~ w <ou là çjj$It"'. I 1' 'ÇA- FE BRUARY, FURNITURE SALE Folks ail over the North Shore have Iearned to anticipate-this annual Furni- ture event. knowing they WiII effeet truly. unusual econmies iii reall1y fine home furnishings. You who have been await- ing this February's Sale will be richi> r-ewarded,- for the values are amoug the ies't offered m %,vears. Sale -HighlgiÎ!ts A big, roomy, comfortable. LOUNCE CHAIR: %sty e. qiîality. coînfort and value are cun.bined in this chair. Shown ini a varietv of covr- 6 5 ing's. $6 ,0 A charming BEDOOMCHAIR A chairOf daintiness *new, bedroom colors. smart new bail, friiigt *Irimrng. A nd comifort. Cen Special discountson FLOOR PIECES 2 Sofas, were $115--now $5,8 I Firniture-Third Floor ' JA NUARY ý27, 1938 - .-,-<~-"- mflbla Lori ..éA