Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1938, p. 86

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* Wedding Dress A wedding dress of ivory and golti brocade., designed by the bride, -was worn- by Miss Elsie Knight Wad.e,, daughte.r of Mr. and'i Mrs.. Reginald WN. Wade, 1,509- Spencer-av'enue, for' her. mharriage last Saturday, after-. noon in St. Mark's churcb, Ev- anston, to Lymnan Penin Gravi son of Mfrs. William Thurston. Gray' of :Eyanston. The. dress, semi-princess in' style, wua s fasliioiiéd xith V neckline, a nd sof t roi! icollar. a draped- sleeve three-qtuarters lethli, andi a train. A shirred cap of brocade edged with a net frili held ini place a floor lengtli Veil of lutle, and she caîried a brocaie rmuif in the centèr of which was a corsage of white and. lavender orchids. Thie bride also worca pairofseed peari earrings; a .weçldiinggift froîn a relative. Mlis.; Relia Straing. WVhite snapAragons, white daisies and otiier'white flowers were placed in tlu standards at ither side of the chancel and somne of the sanie flowers dccorated the altar for the at Sit. Mýark's and a former Wilmette i esident, -Following the2 ceremony 'a reception was held at the Georgian hotel in Evanston. T he taffeta dresses of the bride 's attendants wvere mnade with ckt edgeq in pleating and long, fuil skirts. The matron of honor, Mrs. William Morris (Arne Marie Wilson) of WVil- mette, was i violet taffeta with a matching shirred hat trimnied with plumes in the same shade. and she carried a 'violet taffeta muiff wth a Mr. Gray is taking his bride to Plorida on their honeymoon and they also plan a.trip ta Havana. WVhen they return ýthey will be at' home ini Town House Photo) H-er Pnther-s -wcddiing dress of zvhite satin in1 ai ail-over hand etm- byroidired design zwith rosepoint lace bert/îa was worn by Miss Virginia H-calv., daughter of Mr. and Airs. WVilliam F rancis H1caly, 205 Meirose ave~ne. Kenilworth, when A *e became the bride of Richard Page Sitnder- land, soitaofAMr. and Mrs. George Sunderland of 1285 Asbury avenue, Hub- bard iVoods, January 19, .àt St. Athanasius church i Evanston. M-r. and .irS. Sunderlan.d cruised -ota lc [l'est Iiidies on their hopreyeinoani. Mrs. Allan E. Bullev, 333 Ricbi- mond road, Kenilwvorth, entertained fine guests at luncheon and bridge at ber, home on Monday. Lynich Wedding A pro)fusioni of Eý'aster lîl* aànd mîany wIhite candies d((. orateti St. Mary's chur-ch in - anston for the nuptial high mass. at1i1 o'lock last Saturdav mlorning in. vhich Miss Helen Lynch, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Lynch, 135, Meirose avenuie, Kenilworth, )- caille the bride of James NeIsoli Kelk of Chicalgo, the Soli of Mrs.. James Nelson Kellyh TIIhe crCmony %%-as 1pcrfornîe<1 jbv the- Rt. kev. Monsignor Robert C \laguire. titn.cle of the bride and chail- celrof. thée.arch-idocesec of th cago. Ass ii 1dm%%,as -thé ~ jlhn ..< FNL eara i 0 Vlvîe ~i flic culbi alt of the, tmass;. 1~olhiwIng he reinonv arj tion iv a bcl<lat sIîaivnee (uî, CIIII) iwl, Cre the Sýxne décor;, i sciiil'astçr Mies anîd gren Ifutl -g', W ascarrie -)ut. Thle ir(e vr ai uu: 90WIl n 1ade ahcWith tiers of r,,n point lace trimiîîniz ti hic il sir cauiglit 'ait iiiturv-a 1 l, vtii i, tr orangt.hhoomS. HelI' 1r tulle veil ce:i cade<h froina *Iiaddress of orangLý blossolls. 011 :heri way, to the altar she carried a rosary, the gift. ef Cardinal ýmundeli,.and for the n( cessioîîal fromi thé church her bou- quet wvas garElenias an d, hues of ti)e * vallev. Margot (vn red) slipper. 1satini fa.sbioned the go-w;l of the, matron of honor, Mrs. Richard D. Cagney of Evansto.n,. the formier Mary Cecelia 'ylvch, whose wedding took p lace last May. She 'wore aý matching off- the-face hiait of stitched velvet and carried a miink muif with an orchid corsage in the center. .,. twj,m 'ot-her o& th- -orchids. .ceewt Mrs. C. Rollin Smith- gave a dessert After February 20, folloiîg a wed- bridge on Monday in ber home at diing trip to California. Mr. KelI- 1728 Highland avenue for the Third and bis bride will be at home in their division of the M.\ethodist Woman's Evan-stosi apartmnent onPrire ve Guild. nue.. WILýMETTELI FW

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