Hear -Prominent' Speaker Friday The Rev. 'Martin Carrabinle'. . ..a imanith a,-messaI, bt- Iieved te be oif deep intere*st to these intere.sted'in tiîzpeo- Pi. e, wd t heir developinent. NNill« give a lecture at the W\onian s: Catholie Club of Wilxnette Frn- dav .a fternoôn >of this ~ek on thé subjeet. "Chicago Inter- student Catholie Action.* His takwill -at ex.cl at '. fo1- lowing tuIe I-business !UCtiit-~ at 2. Thespakr i the iitcriIçonMi ha,; been inistructer at St. Narsco:lege St ar% . Br*isish HeIndura.H wa dtrci the -The Jesuit Mis- î sien and elped fe-iîIthe Chicaxc' Initerstîuderita oc Acion. àgroup. for NIlilTi lh~ie t.IW II)%moderauNr. \~ suchi a backgltm s bs and mv:: the koldepracticalexeiec gives. coînbiined ,'vihthe alîvte spéak thllîe Rev. FaIhe- C;a bine~vil apearbefore 1the>club -o be presente.d as eeof the t a:n î.ng spekers, on lits perî The Caîho:ic .c:: ru~a: cîvics dep.irmie::: ci theclu.e InIan. have arr :,. e rra: \V iFa- rCk. M, :h ' k'- PE:-' NI:.P::k I ' k Tcîe' s:P. G -:: . - ilà e o\I - e ' ' Ms-': T-u ".7 .CrS : 's , : s.rrtc d o th', sof tlv po!islicid ": ~se - 'J - "; ! c:: I~ii;*l cýtl a;:d !hefr qucsts Fridav 39 -.us. ~jsnw> t ~ rhc cl. .lrs. f L*L .JF. Lmi.% Represen t Centers af Baptist Links Have Infant Welfare Meeting Luncheons Ths Week * \' '- s.. 7 K 0 f t1e 1I1é t i 1 \VteCrs~seNving. At tlli>ý 1 hn _1> ()f Ille~i fa prtn f. eue a x ientmi!g 1 t = ~ ~ 11 k . :, \\ .cram ford, leader, ~~ XI vs. ll w'1 b cr ie.. i1 Founder's Day at Luncheon Saturday The sixty,-eighith bIirthdlaN- of Kappa Alpha Theta wvilI be cele-: brated Saturday, January ý29, by the North Shore alumnnae cha--t ter, and chapters of the South Shore and Oak Park. That dax ivili be the occasion for alunci1_. eon in the Wedg,.wood room o(f Marshall: Field and compan- at The affair pronise, t10 be of iTii- usual interest in' that. Bettiec (~ke Hamilton of Greenea7,tle. m. of the founders of 'thes(rrt. exetdto he present atid,-%%ill lii-- a short talk. In addition theru will be a- musical program covering îL1e. y-ears of-Kappa Alpha Theta sil* tlç2 .s founding in 1870. NIrs.ý Frank .\lihn of Evanston is direc.ting th(,ki i * whikh a trio coïnposed oi MIr>.J.E ,Sunderland, Mrs. LvleFihr r, Chester Taylor of Evanstori % 1il ai)- pear.. Mrs. Burt Çochran. 1377ý Scott avenue. W\innie,îka. will. 1pu«t'-- side as toastni.stress, Dr.. D Bligh GraSsett > i î netka, national. presidetît,. ~II J)resvIlt also as . will M rs.,u~r~ Bantta, of ,Menasha. \Vi. pat na - tional president MNrz. "1uruToI ul .Ir>. .XiIIard Gril nt f Keiv i,!'u (iStrict peiet \rraingexuet2 and er aT fdu 1ii charge of NI r>. Lei-C .\ \11ud S Forçt', ali(! < hi :r Frîendsof, Orphenage fo Dscluss Benefit,, wiî11 bu huM al 10oc Xen~-d Pl ar \Ma1-;. 1 , . -11 t L11-0 111) \% il!l w ' ec~: ~tCt W * ~ * ~ a: :::~ .-~ 1 '. r...~ nur.er~ V s \~ ward Ma~'-e- ef Ke~::we:~ :s t r-.ièr: c': :rv as- ~e~aî i<m. -o..C t be NedAt f... 7 i ~~~~a .nlas -i sllucol Ie.e L1 oit' iil3 'I c D-1. ý11 r of 11u ilk iSlîti T iii l'td a sI5e. l'a .~ 1~ :n iL i cîî holur, _NM1r PBrv jt1\1 teC aild \11-S . W .,1. 1-laight w il!le b CSt lo -Ille îe. Seth iiEnd grepa: l, *te NNAI. MET T*E.LIFE