*Building Loans or Refinancing lo,%%est rates; columitinents within 21 to 48 Ijours. B-'ARNETT & SCHELL4 748 Elmn St. Winnetka 965 151LTN38-1tc A BÉAUTIFULý LOTI 75XI76 WITH MANY FINE TREES IN FINE, north east section of Wilntette. An older home remodeled and in flue con- dition, 4 bedrooms, 2 miodemr baths. ýprice reduced to $12,500 for immnffediate sale. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION. 1603 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Gré~. 2700 Wilmette ý608 Rogers Park 663U 151LTrN3$-I tt FOR SALE' OR EX-CHÂNGE FOR north shore home. N.. e. cor. Grove and Jefferson,, aacrlfte for cash. B. B. Clover, Glencoe 177. 151L38-tp NO.RTH 'WOODS CLUB IN UPPER: MICHIGAN WHERE huntingr and fishlng are unsurpass-.?d. Fina1neaty sound, private family é lub with over 12,000 acres, 14 private lakes, miles of trout streama, 41> room miodern club bouse with complete hotel service and tennis courts (golf course near>, offers for the first timie inyears a few membershlps to desirable gentiles. Each membershlp will include a build- ing site of several hundred f cet "f lake shore of your own choosing and 'n un-, divided Interet ln ail assets of the club, the value of whlch is several times il e cost of a membership. We do flot olierate, for profit but 'for economny and thc coin- fort and convenience of inemibers. Our mýana5er is an expert builder and de- signer of cabins and is at . your servie at no cost. We aiso offer a $ 4,500 modern'6 zooin 1log cabin with beautiful fireopiace, oak floors anrd bsement 'garge for $2,50, on termes. For informati,)n eal Chas. B. Johnson, Dôrchester .5734, days, evenings or Sundays. We employ no salegimen. 159LrN28-ltî' 160 MUSINEUS PROPKRTY GARAGe. - EVANSTON 1iOÇATION. Weéll eQuippd-Storage--Perfect set up for good mnechanie. Will1 sel reason-. ably. Phone Hollycourt 8531, evenings. 160LTN38-lte 142 ACUVMSE AND »TAUS Illinois Country Club. CLEAN -SAFE DEPENDABLE Sorne Articles Greatlv Reduced sÉVERAr, DRE;%.sSE.RS, 'BEDS CHIIF- foniers, dressing tables, odd chalirs, radios, smalj -chests e(4 to-6 draweirs), bookeases in« miahoganiy, maple and tiak. Several, four and 6 burner gas stovesi1 Consolé type. 6 rooin heaters. Dining sets in nmahogany, mnaple' and wailnu t. Snare and bass druins. Trunks, îainps,ý .mirrors, picture,-, 9x12 and scatter uugs.' Old spinet piano, rosewood case, date,' 1851. Odd china, liuiens, books, etc. Savè . 11111e ' Saye Morley. 1721* Benson Ave., %/2blocl< norh Zef Church Street, Evanston, 1714TN3'!-Itcj [DISTiýNGUISftgD F U li N I'T LT R E, auth.. Chippendale and, Windsor chairs;- couches, tables, chairs, beds, itîci. 4-poster, or. and, domn. rugs,, ar'- moire, dressers, desks,, Steinway gd.. piano,i etchings, hiatgings, porc, range, wash. Mach., etc. At reas, prices, priv.: purch. only. Owner at Log Flouse, 1258 Scott Ave.,' Winnetka. 10-12 Sat. and Suin. mornings, or tel. Ranid. 1857 fori apDt. '17LLTN38,ltic FOUR-POST C A NOP Y- TOP I3ED Santa Domingo mahogany, carved,ý box-springs and miattress; Steinway gr-and piano; old stamp collectar's al- bumin, with stamnps; Oriental rugm; îîah. Sley twin beds; walnut twin beds; j Old four-post Southern bed, Chenhille. c.arpeting by yard, other dompestie rugs, 11x12. 10x12, 8ic12. B. J. SUMARISKI 264 E. Dcèerpath' Lake. Forest 13 17LLTN38-lte WALNIUT DINING ROOM' SET 8 pieces. $3I5. 1424 Forest Ave. * Phone Wilmette 4146 1711,TN38-ltp 8-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE .Cost$225. Sell for $35. 'Perfect 'for dlning roonu or recreation rooni. Phone Glecoce 984. l71LTN:-tp FOR SALE~: COLONIAL M AP LE, CANOPY TOP, 7 PIECE BED ROOM 'SET.. GOOD AS NEW. 1/2COST PRICE. LAREVIEW 8778. 171LTN38-ltcý DUNCAN PHYFE DINING ROOM SETi. $50-00. WILMETTE 22.q4. 17iLTN3t-ltp, MOVING-SAC. FINE 10-PC. i3ER- key and Gay wal. diruixg rm. set; mah. occas. table; Maple desk. Excel. cond. Dresser. Alil bargains._Gre. i1594. want to eat irn comfort. 'They prefer - d-el9pmient,' ami profits. te. confer in confort-to buy and to seli "it is an ax.iorn (f the air condition- ncomfort. ing b)usiness--ha'sCed upon the experi- 'inj(ý (neto itsi user-that the. advantages 'Owners of specialty shops, drug go on a scale of diininishing returns," soerestaurants, shoe stores, doctors, _says Mr. Wheer thai is,. the .uooner stores, Iis added fac'ility 'is provided, the 'dentists andi realtor5, the alert-to-the- greater the proportionate advangage. limes.members of these andi many otiier C(>nversely, whten every 51101) 'of offie of busifnesses andi professional cias si fica a giveuu type hs air>conditioned but one, ta he last'mnin gets the lenst advantage, lions ,are. today-despite the, fact,-that mnerely a 'cîîauce to survive. The alert. it is.niidwiter-giviflg air. conditioiîing meiM'4ant today is finding 'out, -how to the really .erious côtnsid eration it (le- iike .prolits, ont of the air."' Today--after- 32, years of practical seve.experiene-the .air conditioning indus- The currenit trenld of intcrest in air try is, in a position'lu answer the) quts- conditioning in 'Chicago andi ils suburbs ions of the. Public,. and particula fy h .ich-.inem pofessional andcontiria is '1responlsible for the opening of pil-ýublic, with at.'lt reitrsin igan ' avenue sales offices by the Air as to results, surprising as to the facil- Comfort corporation, for the past se"-I ity of installation, and gratifying to lth- ftîajority when il cornies 1,, <ost xf ini- .eral Years exclusive representalives <>of'sallutin ian d:upkeep. the Carrier corpôration. pioneer airt,- condiîioning nuianufiaclurers. ,I1t is re- sponsible for the iiicreasing of Air 'Coini- i ABOUT KITCHENS' fort corpo(ratio n's' cotîtract, enigineceri ng ________________________ andi installation personnel tb 40 pe rsolis. By Melville C. Deani, New. The air condiîioning iudustry is eCii- Aeia oeApine t erninigth e secon d (qnarter century ofi .eca*HmAplane ils'« eýxistenice, ,geared , bu the denîands' andi the needs of the limies. "Whîat will '[lie kitchenis di our homes have 1 we do about air conditioniuîg ?" is far l on g been one of the mo-st essential easier to answ%-rli 1938 than il vas mit least convenient andi attractive even a year ago. rootus of the home, whien they,,cai New "Package Item À hé asinteresting anti fascifiating as Today, according to H. E-l'. Wh. elr, other4 rocins. The _colonial fireplace 'president,, Air Confort-corporation, a ir. wit hils spits., crane-'and brick., ovens conditionmng is available:as a "package contrasts from- the cast iron stove itemi," thanks 10 tdesign and.manifactur of yesteryear anti more markedly ing refinemieuts that have been thor- f rom today's compact but handily ar- oughly fildit tesîed under ail maniner of *renged kitchen, withi today's utensils conditions. 1which eliminate so much of the This njew evlonî, is une of il'ie drudgery of the past. But always the Most significatît trendss ni the industry. kitchen rnust be the source of health- For many types of business, il remioves il, wholeso»ie f oodi andi delicacies 10 the last objection to ininiediabe -action. sustain hf e or te fickle' thé palates "Today package type air conidtion*n of fami'ly' and guests both yoing and is lower ini first cost than inany sup-'ld po)se," M r. Whleeler points out, Wbat About Convenience? .Can Be EasiIy Movéd But why andi whence -cotrne and, 'Todav the -short lease" probleinha what are the conveniences of. the. beeni solveti hy the tievelopmnent ofunits "*.\,w Anerican Homne Kitchen?" that make.it po)ssible',té uove an installi' Was the kitchen of yesteryear really. lio ,fon >oe qilingtoatô*dr s houghtfully, Ilogically, arrangeti or readily as1 one moveýs showcases andti tlke Tpy u goWa 'tixtures. U lsocl tenin 0Ca-uuhserieus thouight' and careful rier's portable units tt p u b astudy given to fndingheesna1 'light socket in home, office or shop. 10t convenient arrangement, ease of *Today air conditioning does flot have inaintaîning a highly sanitary state to wait uipon a general remodeling pro- to light cheerful surroundinigs ta mininmize the drudgery of inaking the 17 FO IFAE-OU9NOD 005_ V =À l . lqu-:bq 7-PC. BEAU, BURL WALNUT BIED- zines, papers, rage, furil room Set; 10-pc. exquisitely carved best m~arket prices. Cali master English dinlng room set. Mag. Wil. 481. grandfather's dlock, .grand piano, 'i- TI,. Dealer, PJil entaI and domestlc rugs, paintings, jff cempîcte, set of, Encyclopedia, Britain-ý Will buy fumniture, ba nica, 15 vols. Beacon lghts of History, old iron,, washing machin% John Lord, etc., phone afer'.4. p.m., of junk; pay beet, pricce.1 Wilmette 3023. .17ILTN.te-1up WIL' vate eOOKS., ALSO alU. 174LTN37-4tp Schurn-an 1-.NOTICE h tubs, On and after this date 1. s, any kind responsible for debts 'other Vilmette 744. 'cnftacted forby myscîf. LTN36-4tp '-. .A .WI not be than -those Freeman many case temperaturca arc maintalnied exactly, wicih had been donc by feel, judgmnent anud gues and toc cftcn with disastrous rcsuîîs. * What I. Avaijable But, what le avallable today 'eome- one asks? mFundamnentalîy, a kno.wledge cf ,the Most convenient ,arrangemne. t o the essential. equipmeùt for a modeml kitchen ln a given space, old. or new.e Th-les ineu-des storage of. food stuifts k,