Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1938, p. 12

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il imette and Park avenues ..I. Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9 :15 a. m-First service. 9:30 'a. in.-Suniday.ý school and Bible classes. 10:40 a. m.-Preparatory service for Holv Communion, 10:55 a. m.-Sunday school class for- children oif three to five 'years. . 11:00 a. m.-.Second !.ervice, with Holy 'conmmunion. MEETINGS Ladies' Aid, today. 2 p. Opep bouse, today, 8tfo Il p. m. *Junior Walther league, Friday%, 8p. m. Sat urday, 9:30 a. . ; Wednesday, 4 p. M. Senior 'Walther league, Sunda, 5-30 p. ni.;. supper served at 7 o'ecck. Adult catechumen class, Mo6nday, 8ý p. m., in thé pastor's study. Voting,,members3, Tuésday..8 p. M. Evenlng ircle, Tuesday, 8 -p. m., *ith Mrs. G. F. 8imons, 234 Seventeenth street. The order o!, service at il o'clock on Sunday :wlll include, the following:i Préeludé-Allegro moderato ._ Schubert Introlt-"Behold, the Lord"ý..Schmauck Offertory-Intei;;ezzo . .. Rhelnberger Thé Sérmon--"A Llght Shining in a Dark Place".....2 Peter 1 :1 A-21 * The Communion. Postlude-Postlude in D) .Guilmnant Today the Ladies' Aid soiety is hav- lng a shower for oui- orphan hole i Addison. The superîntendent of the ho me, thé e . TI. H. Thormahlen, will bé preserit tnd tel o! the work of théý, home, Beginnlng Sunday, the 'Senioi, Walther leagué wlll nieet each 4Sbnday evening at 5:30. On the first and thîrd SuiidaN,.; of the month supper will be served at thé* church at 7 o'lock; on thé second and fourth Sundayq, at the home of!a ini- ber. No church, home? Accept our invita-ë tion! Methodist Churck *Wilmnetté avenue at Luake avenue. Rev. Anios Thornburg, minister Dr. Tioracé Greeley Smnith, présidenit of Garrett Biblical Institute, will preach at the Il o'clock Worship'>service in this churehli 13ndaY morning, February 6. Dr. Smith is wel l known to ail of Wilmétte as a beloved fornmer minister, of this cihrhl. Thé minister will préach at Héndrlcks chapél, Syracuse uLniver- àlti*, Syracuse. N. Y., Sundny norning. The worship) service begins with the * organ prelude at 10:45 o'clock and théf Introit ls sung just befo.e il. .you are Thé United Methodiat'council les be- ln& held today, FI'iday, and, Saturday at thé Stevens hotel. The Women's Gulld willI meet today (Thursday) at 10 ock to sew. The business meeting and prograin la at 1.30. 14isa Maybelle Mai-nland.wil) dis- cum, "The Protestant Wxouan's Club Prtorate." The Lyýric ensjemble'cf present a miusical program, Choir rehearsal was hield TuesdaY evening of this week because of the LUnited Methodist council, but rehear- sal will be held on Thursday evening as usual next week. The 'Woman's 'Missionary society will hold its regular monthly meeting Tburs- day, February 10, at -1:30 'Ëlock with an irregular attendance, the "irregu- laip." being members who piay dues but do flot attend meetings. Special guests of the meeting will -be those who to'ik part: in the missionary,,tour of last week. Miss Blanche Loucks of the Chicago Training sehool on G.arrett campusw i discuss present conditions in China. The S cout troops for boys and girls, snsored by this, church, meet as fol- G-;irl Scout Troop 1-Thursdays at 7:15 pa. Girl, Scout Troop 2-Thursdays at 3;45 p.m. Girl scout '1roop, 4-Tuesd.zyjs ut 3:45 p.m. Brownle Paek 1-Wednesdays at 3 :30 Boy Scout Troop 3-Tuesdayg' at 7:30 p.rn. English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleai "A HOUS~E -0F WORSHIP 'lhle Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 9:A45 a.m.-Church sohool Il a.m.-Mornlng worshlp. 3 p.m-Junior Luther League 5 :30 p.m.-Senlor Luther league The music for the service oft worship next Sunday Inorning is as follows;* Organ Prelude-Prayer......... Hiller Anthem-Breathe on Me, Breath of God..........Thompson Thýe Senior Choir Song-Savior, Like a Shépherd Lead Us.................. Bradbury The Junior Choir 'Postiude-Rogation March ... Gigout Victoria McLeo-Ministry of Music The Woman's society will meet on Thursday afternoon of this week at the c,-hurchi at 2 o'clock. *The Senior- choir will rehearse on Thur-sday evening At 7 :30 o'clock. Thé Junior choir Will rehearse on Saturday morning 'at.10 o'clock. Church school. convenes on Sunday. morning at 9 :45 oMcock. 'lhé Meditation for -thé service of worship next Sunday mornlng wjil1 be. .basedi on the Gospel Lesson for Trans- figuration Sunday, Matthew 17 :1-9. We wlll again be privlleged in having the Rév. H. Grady Davis, D.1), dliver Wilmette Bapbtist Wilmette and Forest avenues Rey. George D. Aflison, pastor Thèse are great days, ln this church. Attendancé le averagelng 18 per cent aboyé last -yea.r and ail organizations are active in. service.' People who have flot, found a church home in this, corn- munity 'are. cordlally InVitéd té worship lài thé worship service at ilo11 ok personal religion is being stresséd. Du. Allîson closes his six weeks' course ýon thé Twénty-tfhird Psalmn this Stinday, wlth a meditatfon .entitled ."The Provi- dence of Our God." Ail who love Christ are Invitéd. to thé Lord's Supper in. memory of him. Many chlldren attend church, 'and enjoy their weekly- "Visît with thé, Pastor" who, is telllng thém thé story of thé Life of Christ. Congre- gational singlng Is' a -featur.. Thé men, of thé church are meeting ipformally every Monday évening for, fellowship and relaxation. On Tuesday, FPebruarY 8. thé Womian's Mission UJnionli mééts at Temple church and.many will wish to héar. Dr. Margaret Evérhanm of China and *Dr. H. 13. Benninghoff of, Japan., On Frlday evénlng, February 11, there will hé. a great diriner meeting a t Rogers. ]Park church, at which two fa- mous missioniarles, Taylor of China and Bennînghoff of, Japan will state thé case for theéir respective countries In this présent crisis. This meeting Is ap .uprem pportuity And we have heéli allotted thlrty-five tickets. They niay be secured of J. D. Dingle, 'Mrs. Johin M. Davis, or thé mliistér. In the Stinday evenlng young peo- pl's meeting. inspiration and acquain- tancé are being stressed. Harold Cnapp, of Chicago, a young man in a Chicago ehurch, will bring a stirring message growing out o! a récent expérience, of his . in facing thé challenge o! théý world today, as it confronts Américan youth. Invite your friends to come ivith you. On February 12 and 13, Katurday and Sunday, this group wlll 'participaté in thé annual Youth Rally. This yé. ar it is held at. Second church, C'hicag,.. Thé interracial, international serv;tce that Sunday aftérnoon wlll Liké the place of our usual meeting. returning hère for supper and fe11owship). The Jubilée concert of our choir wvill be held Friday, February 18, with the Apollo quartet as guést arýtists. ,A variéd coicert, sécular - and sacred, fea- turing the iMen's, ch(wus,. the Womienls choir and -solo numbers ensures, a largeý audience. Tickets nmay hé securéd of atny ehoîr member. First Con gregational Re. Johni G. Hindléy, minister SUNDAY SERVICES Church school...........9 :30 a.mi. Beginérs and primaries .10:50 a.m. Morning worshln ........1 .1 .m 7:30 -p.m, Boy Scouts, Troo,) il. Thursday, February .10- 3.'30 p.m. Girls' choir rehearsal. 4 Pan. Boyiî' choir rehearsal. 7-:15 p.m. Senior choir rehearsat. Thé Bloard o! Trustées wilf meet Monday at 7 :30 o'clock in thé chUroh THE WOMEN'8 GIILD Thé Central.cirele wlll béenttjine-d The 'recén ciclewill Inîel thîý, Frlday in the home of Mrs. C. NV. Cozzen,7-721 *North Sheridan road, C7hicago. The assistiiig hostéss will bt, Mrs. C. P. Evans. Thé (- ozy Corner' circlé will .,meet Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Win.,iow Godwn,1710 Central avenue. The assistiiig hostessesvill bé %1rýz. C' ..J. 1I1)ariling,. Mr$'.' F. H. Gy and M' E. L. Voit Glahn. BOY s C0UrT 1)INE R 'Phieanniversarv dinner of the %Vil- mette Boy Scouts will be heki.W*- nesday.. February 9,. at 7 o'cloék in th-, Masonie temple. Members of -thée Vil- mnette troops and their parents and friends are invited, to- attend. Tickets, maây le bought froni the Boy Scoutý. KAPPA PI PHI The high sehool Young 1ieopie's grouîi wvill mieét at 5 :30,Sunday evening. There will be an election of thé comrnittt ý to nominaté miembers for the offié-.4, as s,,pecied in. the récently adopted o*ensti- tutioo. Gamés and 'réfrtpshmnénts will follow a "surprise"1 prograni. CHUCHsCHOOL The prinxary department will n'ect ut 930 this Sunday mornlng. Tho_-(hildrel' ivill thén go in cars to thke Jewisih Tem- ple where they Will be gue.ses o! the Sunday School there, observing th, many activities carried on dind attend- inig thé chlldren's worship s5ervice at which the Rabbi wlll speak. Those m-ho lan to attend should, ifpsibea.ll Mrs. Dorothy Stevenson, the primiary superintendent, or the churech offîce, in order that there, wlll hç,l)lelltN of cars, for ail. Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert LI W illett, ninister Dr.Wilts bjt for SundaY, February h. wli be *'Ile Lsurely- (God." The church rvc is at Il o'clock. Tlié music for the churclh servict- will bé as follows: Organ Preludé-Prelude Solenn~el ................ T. T. Noble Anthemi-The King of Love My Shepherd 15 (Ancient lris.h Hymati Offertory-Air fromn - Water Muslc".............. Hundul Solo-Oit Div ine Redeemner. . .. Gounod <Miss Ricekman) Thé Women's guild ivill mheet Mn day, February 7,ý at 10 o'clock. Lunch- eon will be. servéd at 12.,30. The host- esses will be Mrs. Gardner Hender- son, Mrs. Arthur Wakeley, Mrs. Thompson Wakeley, -Mrs. Harry i- liama and Mrs. Myron Watkins. T4ie, work of the guild le for the bhnecfit <of tor and;organist.. Our Bunday schôoo meets ln aIl de-. partments at 9 :30 o1clock. Il

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