Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1938, p. 32

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4 Shore Garden Clubs, Make Entry in Chicogo, Flower Show on Navy, Pier 1 Auxiliary to Be Gardens From Main. to Colifornia Represented in "Garden WaIk". fo Be Held April 2-10 Spicy in. tbeir fragrance, bal- sams f rom the north woods, the first. shipmerit, arrived j-inChi- cago ýMonday to play ýtheir part in the twelfth annual Chicagd Flow er show. on :the Navy Pier April 2-10, inclusive. Again north shore, garden -clubs, mem- bers' of the Garden Club of Ilii- nois, have made entry in the'ex- hibit Which the state organiza- tion, sponsors, and which this year, wiIl be the most expensive show yet givejn. The trees- will be a background for .exhibits in the. "garden walk"1 which will carry out the theme ofr the show, "Gardens from Maine to California," which is really a gesture iînade to the National Council ofs State Garden Clubs of which Mrs.i 0. W.. Dynes;' for the past six years1 general chairman of the Chicago? ishow, is now president. The seven r regiôns of the National counc il: The Paçific Coast region, the Rocky. Mountàin region, the South Centrale States region, the Central. State.s( region, and the South Atlantic States3 region, will bc représented by arch- itectural units and gardens typical1 of the regions. This will bec.greatly different f romni the. other shows presented by thep Garden Club of Illinois, as midwest E gardenis have us.ually been featured..ý New this year, too, will be the Potted plants exhibition, i which I every club in the state will com-_ pete; some clubs will enter* more jý than one. Unusual. plants, many L with *interesting histories, will -be o shown. . t( Local clubs participating in the tI Flower show and their entries and exhibit chahirnen are announced this uaàm T. Bacon is chairman of. the ex- bibitg. The Wi»netka Weeders, whose presidetit is Mrs. Kenneth Hender- son, Winl show a garden in the Cen- tral' States region (Illinois), and potted-plants. Mrs. Waldo Gundlacli isý chairman for, the- club's flower show entries., The Glencoe Garden club, 'Mrs. Sidney F. Beecb, president, will have three exhibits,: a terrace and tea table in the California section,. an ý'etching in thé. Colorado -section, and pottedý plants.. Mrs. D. e. Kissam, is chairman.* of the committee. The. Skokie Garden Club.'of Glen-w coe, whose, president is Mrs., Elmer Wieblodt, will enter a .building,,unit in, the South Atlantic States region, "feeling of Williamsbuirg," and .a potted plant.. Mrs. N. C. Flanagin, is chairman for th.e club. lThe, Evanston junior League- Ga .r- den. club, . headed by. Mrs. -Francis Dakin of Hubb ard Woods, will 'show a garden in the,. landscaping and, architectural feeling of Louisianîa. Mrs, Noble T. Macfarlaiie of Win.. netka and Mrs. Richard C. Iihlemann of Wilmette are co-chairmen. The business executives of the show are chosen from various clubs in the. state. This year they are: Mrs. Dynes, Hinsdale Garden club; Mrs. Warren W. Shoemaker, Win- netka Garden club; Mrs. George Plamondon, Wheaton Garden club; Mrs. joseph M. Cudahy, Lake For- est Garden club; ,Mrs. Howard CÔuntryman, Rock-ford Garden club.; .Mrs. Raymond Knotts, Berwyn Gar- den club, and Mrs. L.' T. Warren, Elmhurst Garden club., 'The consulting adirisory committee includes Mrs. W. L. Karcher,. Free- port Garden club; Mrs. George M. [Kendall, Glen Ellyn Garde» club; Mrs. Dean Wôrkman, La Grange Garden club,. and. Mrs. John T. Pirie, Lake Fore.st Garde» club.. The art director .of the show is M'rs. G. M. McStay-Jackson -of the Lake Bluff Garden, club. 'Arnông. others headi-ng important commit- ees is Mrs. J. Cameron Asplev of he Glencicoe Garden club. Ei. Shipman, Mrs. Carleton Harkness-, and Mrs. Charles C. Bulkley. A siffiilar dinner meeting last year proved so. successful that a second is being undertaken. Mrs. Ken,,eth. Wilson, who mnoved to Wilmette this flu to' i,Qke her home at 36 Linden avez nue, and who served the North. Shore auxiliary of the Chicago M1aternity center as its second president, ?will be among those who u'ill Pour at the f estive tea. and prograï .which, on the afternoon of February 15, zuill mark the fifth anniversary of the founding of the auxiliary. The event u'ill take place at the Georqyian. Valenfine Card Party. Is for Club Building Fund Mrs. Arthur C. Y'ounlgberg. chairhan of :an attractive Valentinc card party to be given, Saturdav nighi Febriuary 12, at 8:30 o'cl-ock at tii Woman's club of Wilmette., for tht henefit of the building fund. The party is given under the. aus. pices of the ways and means cor Five. Years Old The fift.h birthday of the North Shore auxili'ary,of the. Chicago MaÊlernity genter will be cele- -brated. on, February' 15,1 at 2 o'clock, at the, Georgian: hotel. in the afternoon, Edith, Snowden. Scharff ,wi.ll give a dramnatized play review.- Th.e artist giving the program, is well -known for h!er radio work. The occasion will be a festive, Party to celebrate the., founding of1 the auxiliary. Mrs., Ralph Heilman of Evanston,. first president, and Mrs. Kenneth ýWilson, the second presi- dent of the auxiliary, will1 be among those who will pour, as will several charter, members, Mrs. Phelps Smith of Evanston, Mrs. W. {arry Ham- mond of Kenilworth, and Mrs. James Rollins of Evanston. Mrs, William J. Nenner of Germantown, Pa., is coming from the east especially for the, celebration. Mis. Millard B. Kennedy, of Wi*n-" netka, is. chairman of the tea.. .Mrs. Paul Cutter of Wilmette, hospitality ýchairman, will assist the president, Mrs. Earl J. Cooper, i» receiving the guests. Mrs. Lewis B. lýrmeling of Wilmette, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Herbert Mueller and Mrs. Phelps Smith will assist as inembers of the hospit.ality committee in receiving the guests. Dr. Phillip Smith, as a member of the staff of the Chicago Maternity, ceni:ter dispeiîsary at Newberry ave- nue anid Maxwell street, Chicago, will c4t the birthday cake. Dr. Beatrice. Tucker, medical director at the, dis- is ,pensary, will be present for t he Re birthday observance, t. he Le Reading Circle Hostess The Readinig circle will nieet with M rs. George Kibb'y, 835 Lake avenu.. Monday, February,7, at 1, o',. bock. Former Kenil worih Girl Feted During N. S. Visit 00e wenty triends .of long standing gave a combined surprise and bouse warming 'party last Sat- urday evening for -Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Fuerniann, 318 Sterling road, Keiiilworth, at the Fuermann homie. A memento of the occasion was a I beautiful tray, the gift of 'the guests. Dr. and Mrs. Fuermiann have just recently moved into.their new house. WILME1TTE -LI-FE

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