Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1938, p. 40

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Society ýHes N. S. Members on Board The annual Meeting of the Crippled Children's Society. of Evanqton held its annual meet-« ing Wednesday of this week at 'noon inPatten Memlorial, hall. In the abseneofMs.Rbert' Hovey, who is in Palm. Beach, *J. Roy'Skiles, first vice-presi- dent, presidled. Ai, the meeting the nominating committee'presented the slate of ne* oficers for the'coming year who are: Dr. John L. Porter, honorary presi- *dent; Mrs. William F. Stahl of Ev- aniston, president; J. Roy Skiles,' first vice-president; Mrs. Budd- Corbus, second vice-president; Mns. Edwin S. Ford, third vice-president; Mrs. Al- fred Taylor of Glencoe,' recording secretary; Mrs. John 'Eliot Wa'rner of Winnetka, corresponding secre- tary; John Kimbark of Evanston, treasuner. Mrs. Drennan Slater is publicity* chairman; Mrs. Rodney Stankweather of Winnetka, chairman of ways and nMeans; Miss Helen Chapman, chair- man of placement; Mrs. joseph Mol- 1er of Winnetka, chairman of enter- tainment. On the board of directors are Mrs. Hovey, Mrs. John J. Louis, Dr. Rob- ert Lonergan, Mrs. H. Carman 'Lut- kmn, Mrs. Sidney Porter, Mrs. Don - ald Marnn, Mrs. Chester Tripp, and Mrs. Arthur Rogers. This year twenty-one children are in the room for crippled children in the Haven school in Evanston, which the society aids, and just recently, have been included in that number four ýchildren f rom the north shore. Five persons, including the teacher's, 'do full time work. Recently,' too, the Crippled Chil- dren's society has, with the aid of the Visiting Nurse association, secured artificial linibs for two men who, be- cause of this help, bave found posi- Mrs. Guy Gladson will open her home at 426 Central avenue, Wil- mette, Saturday evening,.February '5, for a bridge party given under aus- pices of, the ways and mean .s depart- ment of the.Woman's club of Wil- mette.. The committee for the evening con- sistsý of Mrs., John J. Tracey, chair- mnin Mrs . John S. Cook, Mrs. Henry G. Dalton, Mrs. Gladson, Mrs. Hor- ace Grignon, Mrs. J. W. Heffernan, Mrs. Frank,' Kaye, . - rs. , William Krippes, Mrs. L. A. LaMair, Mrs. Ernest. Mundee, Mrs. James V. O'Brien, Mrs. Albert Stall, Mrs. Ar- thur Wernecke, and Mrs., A. W. Witbrow. *Thé fine arts department- of the. club presents its. next ýprogram Fn-am day, February 1l, at 2 o'clock in the *Woman's club. -A'talk on the history of the dance will be given, illustrated by students of Betty Jones, and, in. addition, a dramatic roader *will be present, it is expected. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Clar- ence M. Weeks, Mns. N. P. Zech. anid Mns. Gabe Wegener. Division Has Party The second ,division of the W'ilniiette Parish Methodist Episcopal chunch had a panty in the Woman's noom on Fri~- day night of last week, which included the husbands' of niembèrs of the group. Mrs. H. O. Hayes, Mrs. J. L. Munreli. and Mrs. J.' D.Co were in charge of arrangemients. Directs Sewiuig S Mrs . Harold Brouit of Wilmette is chairmont of the advisory board of. the North; Shore Alurnnae as- sociation of Gamma Phi Beta. The board of that newly formied organ- isation, a consolidation of three alumnae grou ps, will be entertained at luncheon at 1 o'clock Monda y, PFebruary 7, by the president, MTÇrs. I-aves McKinney. Infant WeIfare Cenfer Holds January Meeting The January meeting of the 'sew- ing conmittee of the Wilmette center' of the Infant Welfane Society of Chi-' cago was held Thursday, Jaiiuar\- 27, -at the Wilmette Womani's club. Mrs. Ralph Hartmani, the new sewing chiainînan, was in charge, assisted by Mrs. J. L. Conliss, co-chairman in charge of points, and Mrs. Herbert Smnith, co-chairman in charge of %JOgiiiîî*u F111 ICIO' New Board to Be Cuest, of Presi dent Mrs. Hayes McK.inney, pre si- denit of:the new' board. of the- North Shore Alumnae a.ssocia- tion of, Gamma Phi Beta. will entertain that group at a one. o'clock luncheon in bher home' at, 1035 Chestnut avenue, Wilmuette on Monday, February 7. Plans. will:b discussed for the annual banquet to 1be held Saturday,> February 26, at the Drake, hotel. Mns. Hubert Ha rdy of Envanston is vice-presidecnt and director of pro- grams. Mrs. George Grant of Win- ànetka. is second vice-president and membership chairman; Mrs. _Tom .Leeming of Highland Park is -secre- tary; Mrs. Harold Lundherg of Wil- met te, treasuren; Mrs. T. Edwarcl Ryran of Winnëtlcà and Miss florothy Somers of Evanston are co-chairmen of the social committee; Mrs. D. D. Waitley of Evanston is chainman of hospitality; Mrs. L. E. Scriven of Ev- anston is chairman of transportation; Mrs. Edward Otterstrom of Evanstoný is editor of Crescent Chatter; Mrs. John Ifageman of Evanston, chair- man of magazine s'ubscriptions; Mrs. Harold Brown of Wilmette, chairman of the Advisony board; Mrs. John B. Kirby of Evansto'n, chairmah of pub- licity, with Mrs. Godfrey Jacobi in charge for Winnetka and 'Mrs. Lew- is B. Ermeling for Wilmette. Skokie Valley D. A@ R.b fo Have Luncheon Feb.: 14: The February meetig of the Skokie Valley- chapterDaughtens, of the Amenican Revolution, will be held IMonday, Februarv 14. The memibens of the chapter will be the guests of Mrs. Otto 'M. Ruth of Kenilworth who will entertain the chapter at Speçial, guests at inctude those. who sionary projects on tnlt Ç9flUittons in this Meeting will viited thems- ithe recent tour. S ociety 01vj iC ':a go,Luas iicharge of a meeting' of her committee held Thursday of last week at the 'Womn- an' lb. oloing the imeeting Mrs. Hartmntn entertained the gqroup:for luntcheon' and bridge at her homte. day party Saturday for ber son, ~Bruce, Jr., who will celebrate bis first birthday February 5. -Mrs. Hulbert will 'have as ber guests about six children, withi their mothers and grandmothers. Lad ie.s AdtoMeef The Ladies' Aid society of St. John's Lutheran church wil' hold its monthly meeting today (Thursday) at 2 o'clock at the church. The mnemn- bers will sew for the orphanage at. Addison, 111. W.ILMETTE LIFE

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