Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1938, p. 56

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Mfr. and Mrs. W. J. King, 611 For- est avenue, are leaving next Tuesday for California. Thev wil. isit theç southern part of the state and plan to be away for five weeks. 171 pou SALE-HO-UnmOtD 00bb DI1$TINXGUISHE F U à,NITIR auth. Chippendale, and W indsor chairs; 4-poster, or. and dom. rugs. 'ar-! moire, dressers. desks, Steinway gd. piano. et chinigs. hangings. porc. raLnge.l wah.' mach.. etc. ..At réas. prices., rvI purch. only. Owne r at Log Hopuse. 15 Scott Ave- Winnetka. 10j-12 Sat. gndt Sun. mornings, or tél. Rand. 1857 for:! appt. 7LN8tc 813 CHEST-NUT COURT.'-[NTA .014 Cherry tKster -lied. Eng. slipper] chair. walnut and cherry. drop-leaf tables, Uip-top tea table.: Walnut and! cherrychest. of drgwers. Old books and silver. Russian 'samoývàr. Severýal gilt mirrors. Pattern glass. Several ydÈý staircase carptn.Winnietk 429. FOR SALE: ON E OA S STCOVE 1.4 .good condition. Fiur-buprner. oven. broDiler. etc. Very. reas. AN4a or 1n e I h.p. m >tcpr., Tel, Wilmette 72 * 1Dintng roorn se t Mr. 'Keliert.rook the picture of-som. in gooýd condition. 9fxl2 rug, ' of his pupils on Thursday evening of very reasonable. W. Buzan, last wee t GIRL SCOUTS 1609,Tenth St., Wilmette 229?. ek' w.hen they met' for a pot' 171LTN3f-1tp) luck supper at the Baptist church. The% SIGE EECRI CONSOLEU ae: Top rowf o lf t igtMr:PHOTOG'RAPHY BADGE K-NEE- CONTR.OL AND SEW L1GHT. ýAlxredJ Heerens. leader. Evelyn Jacoh- $4!0.50j. 5-TEAR GrUARANTEE. tSen, Marjorit 1-aigh, Martha Leach. Teni girls of Troop 1 have finished UNIVRSIY 5171L 4tpMiSssDorothy Taylor. \s-ý1tant. Bett,.avr trsn poorpycus MAOGNYDIIG OO TBL.Craw\fo-rd. -Middle row': N a n c, under the guidance of Charles Keller. round, 4 chaire and buffet. Ven. (YHarra,' Lucile Heerens. Bottom Tegrsecing te photorp reaonbl. inetka 1632. row: Sally Edwrs at Crafr' badge are Betty and PtyCrwod -NlaLTN394 1 .avne. 'SalIy EdwardÉs, Marjorie Haigli, COLONIAL MA H OGA N 'Y DiNIýN ( arîy; Nancy OHarra, Lucile }leerens, Mar- TABLE, 4 EXTRA LEAVES. BEAU> ' ilyn 'Jayne, M\artha Leach, Sue Lyon, 'rIFLCONDITION. ,$15. WINNET.%. J i 1713. 171L?9-ltp 1b LFL Sand NI Louise Nlinear. ' __ _ î CHO iFIM 172 Wu .. VO BY-NUIfL.D. tJ@DB CASH FOR YOUR USED Ft"RNITURE. moderm or antique, and other hanuse- hold articles. conslgniment basis.' "(Cutty Ced CROST FURNITURE STORE Wilrnette schools are benefiting Beauy E1 blShe!198the recently. ora4nized Audio-V'isual Dingw'1 1004-6Ernerffln SLEvansýton. Lni. 0:89> Rie 1l 1 '2T319-ttc 'atoncouncil'.of'suburban Cook, Education erls of 'T WE BU FL-RITUREcQunty. ýAs a mnember of this organi- hm n' JU IS BRICý-A-BRAC, MENS &'WOMl%- zation, our schools are entitlled to thet en's lothing, shoes., etc. Phone Uni- use of two filmns'and;a requested num- Brwi' versity 0103. 921, Chicaàgo Ave.. Evans- o tonm 172LrN39-tp, brotereopticon slides each week. The' B M. BER ~ , Acoriimittee, composed of teachers hean 1- . ft. rvuriQàdfii f social science and science, have This Thursday the girls of Iroop 1. plan to go to Aurora to join the Girl Sco'uts there for a skating party. Culture Februarv, Mr S. Howard give three evenlings to the Froop 1 when she will advise th-e-,cane of the skiin and hair.- nie toadst( 1 daymiei 1, at the ;club will r, riu'av. lias jusitij-wiel w the h*T . rst stuocunt <abilictt. Th cu aie onsisl-s of'sixteen boys dliii girl,,r,,*lgisî,g froti five to thir- tevti yvars .of ;ig(,,- wW> weA're chOsen two frotmi vcd grade by their clas-s- nats for itis ..exlw(rimnent in self- govertillWlll. As cabinet .memfbers, the itt'cîre Wil meet with Miss Bakrr and one teacher on Fri- day morinlgs to plan the school festivals, assenmblics, and other évents and eilter>rises of interest, to the entiie scliool body. Stert Ini Nursery School While the nursery school children. h.aveî't regular representation, ac- cording to Miss -Baker, they may sendl special rcpre'sefltatives to the meetings whcnevcr they wish. Plans decided upon at the cabinet meetings are carried out by commît- tees on which a child and a staff mem- ber' of the school serve as co-chair- Meni. The members of this first student cabinet, who will,, serve during the spring s emester, arc as follows: froin the eighth grade, Ruth .Reichmann. daughiter of Mr. and «Mrs. J. Mi1tchell, 248 South avenue, Glencoe, who is president of the cabinet,. and Frank-, lin Salomon, son of Mr. and Mrs. joseph Salomnon,-1126 Morse aven ue. Chicago; from the sev enth 'grade, Frances Jackman, daughter of '.\r. and Mrs. 'Alan Jackmian, 2430 'Marcv avenue, 'Evanston, and James Creagh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Creagh, 115 Dup'ee place, XV\ilmette; and from the sixth grade, Van Gathany, son of Mr. and Mrs. WV. V. Gathany, 1225 Chancellor street, Evanstoni anýd Jo-an Haberkorn, daughiter of ' Mr. and Mrs. joseph Haberkorn, 1020 Chestnut ave- nue, \Vilmette. From the fifth grade. Luanne Smith, daughiter of Mrs. W. HawlIev Smith., the North Shore' hotel, Ev-' anston, and jack Baîlman. son, ot M r.' and - Mrs. John Balîman. 1133> Se necarod, Wilmette: from 'thé, fou rth grade', Marilyn 'ilr daugh- terof Dr. .and.,Mrs.1-. iler Ln- sig, M,\ich., and Robert 'Whiton., son of Mr. and. Mrs. H-erbert Whiton. 1614 Colfax-ý street. Evanston:. and W.ANTED TO BUY drea. foru, aize 36 to netka 303. W'ANTED To BUT baby c".rage or twln OKS. ALSO 'îvuvabl Fims Last weeic our films were on the of Laha'i Xiniversal House of 'Wor- jFilms are invaluable today in ail "Arid Southwest" andl "Mexico." ship'at Linden 'avenue and Sheridan lines 'of teaching. A look into the Overhearing the 'comment-s of' the road, Wilmette. Sunday morning *LTN36-4tp past, a trip to our western country boys and girls, their surprise at cer- çiasses for aIl children will meet in JUSTABLE or a ramble through sorte foreign tain 'information given in the films Foundation hall at Il o'clock. Cail Win-conr ae the subject studied a that they had not rvosybtie l)TWINlt more living tbing to the boys and would convince anyone of the value' John B. Whidden of 1009 Elmwood oler. CaiNgrs of pictures ini making a subject more avenue w as in Mineao> ,Min 174L39-ltp Some children graspý more from real -and stimulating to the pupils. last week on a business tp Sho,,i aboz-c ts a group of nmembers. of Girl Scot troop one of Wil- mette, w-ho recepitly comnpIeced a large-scale photography pro ject under the. superzisiopr-of Cha ries, Keller, former resident of!the village Who $Iozu operates a pliotograph.ic. supply store ti' Evapiston., Cla sses Are Aided by Nfaterial f rom Audio-Visual Council

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