Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1938, p. 25

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Carolina and Governor Henry Horner of Illinois are to be ieading parti- cipants. Oscar Mayer, newly elected president of the Chicago Association of Commerce, the Chicago council of the Boy Scouts. of America, Dr. Charles H. Heimsath of IEvansto n, and thé club's large choir of 125 also will take* part. Elgar's "Land. of Hlope, and Glory," with Mark Love in the solo p)art, to be the highlight of the music programn at the main meeting begininùgîat 8 'clock. Gôvernor Hoey, a distiniguishied * Southern statestnan of national im- portance, bas been a figure in the' political life ofý the country sitice 1898 * when, at the age of 21, he, was elect- ed to the North Carolina. House of Representatives, His progress through the high offices of congress- man, senator, and finally governor. has been won through bis own out- standing qualities ofleadership, hon- esty, friendliness and p o i t i c a 1 acune n. He bas chosen for. bis subject "The Citizen and the Reêpublic.*V*Mverinor Horner will introduce him, and Mr. Barnes will be chairman of the meet- inig. Representatives of the Associ a- tion of Commerce, Union, League club, and other. civic 'bodies are to atteniid. * At ý' o jcic the Boy Scouts will give an interesting exhibition of their "investiture ceremony," à rite which f ew outside the organization are privileged to see and hear. Admission to the club services is free, and doors to' Orchestra hall, wvhere the meetiîgs, are held. will openi at 6 :45. I Chritian cience ~Sirt" Churches I -Sprit.'was the. subject of the lesson-sermon in alI Chu rches of Christ, Scientist, on. Sunidav%,.Feh- r uary 6. The golden text was, "Grieve not * . the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemp- Ca» fild Cook, zceIl-knozwn traz- cicranid lecturer, tuho recently Vis- ited FinIand under the auspices of the governrnet of that nation, teilI present a poganoit"A rnazing. * iln"at Connniitiïty fHo se, Wiîmetko, oni Wednesdrîy ez'ening of nc.rt week. Comnionly known as the land of 10,- 000 lakes, Finland beggars that de- scription, for over 70,000. have been charted by the departmient of geo- graphical survey. Almiost as large as* the -combined areas of Illinois, Wisconsin, and In- diana, Finland ranks . seventh in size arnong Etiropean nations. No such coin- *Natural color motion pictures and Sibelius tmusic will f orm à background tan interesting story by Mr. Cook. Tickets are now on sale at comumuni- ity house. There will be a special- rnatiinee for sehool children at 4 o'clock, at a reduced rate. Reduces possibility of winter colds Prepares for summer swimming Develops all muscles Gives complet. relaxation SPRIHG RATES ARE AVAILABLE NOW Expert Instruction by Mise Dorothy Egan sud Mr., Tom Young TROPICAL LIDO- POOL 1700 Central Street Greemleef 2004 BOYS and IL Saturdoy is Liçicbns Iirfhday and we have Speclal, Gifis' for ail of, y.. who make a p.rchase of $1.9~5 or. more la aony of tlhe Childrem's Departments. FOR THE BOYS Fountaift Pens. you'd better get down darly to, get one of these. FOR THE GIRLS Sewing Boxes. Brightly colored .cretonne, boxes that look like sofas.,-The seat cornes up and you c an put your needies andthrea<d in it-or your jewelry and handkerchiefs. FOR TIIE TOTS Boxes of Crayolas. Bright, clear -colors. for picture coloring. Remeniber- SATURDAY AT 00 D'AVIS STREET, EVANSTON PATR ONIZE O UR AD VER TISERS 1 :30 p. m. The program includes music by the 3rd Field Artillery band, an exhibition by the 6lst Coast ar- tillery (anti-aircraft), and a 'demon- stration staged by recruits of the l4th Cavalry.. Classes for ladies' jumping and polo ponies have beený added to the ustual, jumning classes.

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