Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1938, p. 30

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SUBsCXIrrî,Oi: $z Pi£1YL'& SINGLE COPI FU 5 CE-fre AI! communications and contribuLtins intended for ptul- cation must bear the naine and address of the zuthor, flot .aceusarily for publication, but fer Our file$. Such material mmîus readi the editor by Tuesday noon to be in i de for the current issue. LETERs-AND BDILLS The punsters make a great deal of iun of the ado nitio-n to "«write to. your contressman or Sena-, tor' in support (if or oppo'.itioni to buis. before.tbe conigreis.. The inferenice is. that ileit much atten- tion i's paid to such letter.. by the legisiators. andi that they go aheati andtif-, wbat thev wvant'to do anyway. WVe do< not think. that 0-e inference i.. justifieti. UnIies the conigressmfan senator is a bopeless, party hack-horse. anti we admit that. there are mavoi them. be will be impressetiby expressions of opinion con 1veyed tobim through the mediium -À, letters anti wiII pav .attention to the wishes of "the peo-ple back hoe7 .Xter al. it is the People of the district or >tâte urp<an ;h4m these legisIatrors fiimst depend for the %vote'ç that will 'keefx tbèm,ýii office. Andti. .e c 4) o t hesitate to aivîs-e rcader-s to write to their senators and conigresmen relative to tbree batibilis now before congress. two of whicb, would würk harmi to the people of AIltbe. country. anti the second of which would bring ruin to the entire mid-west section. fromn a n-anufacturing.ai industrial point of view., One îf these is the NitKeiIar bill (SenIate bill 3022), which bas been declareti bv the National Civil Service Reform league t, 4e -tht ie mst. brazen attempt that bas yet been matie to -extenti the spoil5 system ini the federal government." It provides that ail appointments ti.- 6rst. second anti third class postmasterships andi to ail government positions paying in excess of $4.000 'per arinum. must be confirmeti by the senate. What it actualîy does, andi that is the evident intent. is to substitute: the political spoils system for. the menit system. The ,urpose is to knock out .tbe Ramnscheck bill XH . 1531 ) which provides: for the menit system. Should the lMcKellar -billbecome: law,, it will mean a long step bacékwra.rc in efficiency oif governrnent services, a step that it wilI take many vears to regain. The second is the Senator M-\cAdoo bill to exempt ail coastwise shiiuping froni payment of 'toil for itself. It enibodies the principle of crafting every- tbing for war purposes, through a systetu of licenses. The main objection is the placing of so muchi power into the bands of one mian--there neyer yet having been a man càpable of assuming it. We qtill be- 1ev that it talces 130, million people to, govern Lincoln. The Iast new thing %-as said of him masw years ago. Even to say that the glory of his naine grows with each passing year is trite. The best that we can do is to speculate upon wbat thie mani Who so eloquently spoke of "a new nation con- ceived in liberty." and that "we are now engageti in a, great civil war, testing whether that nation. or any nation. so conceived . can long endure,." would do were he président of these United States >today. :Woùld it be necessary for representatives of big and lite business to jôurneýV to Washington to pleati %ith bim to st;ay :the destructive-handti tat threatens the very life of al, business through con- flscatorv- taxation and the compétition oif tax- exempt goverumental enterprises?, Woulti he joyfully. engage in a fishing expédition While mobs took over large industrial plants and Med them in contempt of tbe law andi the *courts? Wvoulti be permit, a Secretarv. of Labor to pro- tect alien radicals against deportation white tbey journey* up anti down the, coun .trv preaching the destruction. of thé Amnerican form of.,governmerît byý force anti violence? Woulti he withhold action white ccmmunistic radicals take charge of, boats in tbe merchant Mar- ine and scof at ail efforts (-f ships' officiais to maintain discipline? Would he stand mute wbite members of bis çabinet go about the .country preacbing the ýlctrine of hatreti andi setting one contingent of the citizen- ship. againstanother?' Would be bolti bis toingue white c6lleges de- vorteti to the teaching of ccommunini are. openly, mffainitaineti, anti in which professors from s-'omneQf our largest universities are instructo--rs? In short. wbat would Lincoln d(, 'if be coulti return and take the office of president Nvith con- diitions as they are todày? We can .oniv guess. Iinicoîn was a great president.. CLEAN. MILK SUPPLY l'he 'Aterican dairv farmier can d'aim. wthu exaggeration. that be provities the world's' cleaniest mik. !according to an article in the .Dgirvmen' Le *ue NeNs. For more than 'ý years. a national war bas been wageti against b ovine tuberculosis. Today that, war is tirawing te) a close. m-ith the "'enemy," almost completely routeti. Bovine tuberculosis exists on a Fubstaîltial scale in only two of tbe 48 statesý. andî the *Curative -mork is progressing rapidly in both goivernments," says the Saturday Evening Post. "It cost $850 to Prepare them. In 1937 this com-' pany fileti about 44.500 tax returns, the cost of pre- paring which was $21,000., In 1927 this company iied one tax returil in Caniada.. In 1937 it fileti one return) there." Lamped by- a contributor in an Evanston church, a large sign ini duplicate. readihg: "NOT respon- sible for personal property.*" You would expect to see that iný a tavern or a restaurant of the -greasy spooni" type..but in a church! Has Chris-' tianity faileti? Or is it only that no, one' can, tell what those EvaInýtonians. might do? Mlell. sir, we ju'st about. laughed ourseli sick Wednestiay mnorning when we picked up the "Chi- caoDaily tribune" and 1read its side-splitting, report of the Wilmett e explosion! whicth partially nrecked a 1 building. destroyeti three brand_ new automobile,, put four humnan lives in jeopardy and céauseti damage to the tune of some $20,009. -Ha! Ha! Ha!' 0.f course. almost anvone coulti write.- a f utnny story -on so funny a subject, but few coud do it se, weIl as the. reporter or re-write mnan whro handieti this one.. Our. bat b.as al%,ays been, off to ."Tribune" talent. It bas the best. But the guy wbo discovereti bumor, in :the fact that somieone had tbe, misfortune to Jose the. price of: ,tbree new~ automobiles is tops witb us., He's a %Ybam. nothing less. The price of tbree new auti - mocbiles? Ha! Ha! Ha! The wbole front portion * fa building wrecked witli a loss of $10,000 or more. Ho! Ho! Ho! Funny. isn't it? Almwavs, lix;king for a gooti laugh. we shali utihize the time, We usuallv. devote to Charlie ýÀ\IcCartbv in re- reading tbéý "Tribune's", acrounit of the Iroquois fire.* in which sonie 600 lives were siluffed out ini 31 seconds. Tbat muist have.been a sc ream! Itma interest you to kilow% that Scle n Plato) hav e been fouti. in the exact place oi, - %otld iiaturally l ook' for thleml. Bso. w boys. Il years ocI A De-s\Moinies. Iowa. police captain declares that women are safer automobile drivers than men. and entiorses back seat driviing. He saii: 'il bave "Wl oif ]instances to back seat dirivers preventing serlou.s accidents" He knows bis Englisb. if noth- ing el.se. Scouts for ci)lleges are.sçarchitig'the higl selios of the. country for likelv tiniber fronm which tio tievelop drum,.majiors anti tuba 'plavers. Wýhv this unwarranted di-scrim'ination against saxophone playes . * ewTrier bas ixever seen such a. display of *political fireworks as is ini the ,niakiniz for the *An Indiana couple are parents of tel, boys, whose givein names ail begin with the letter O. They are: Oathie. Otis. Ovie. Odie. Oral, Oscar, Orner. Orval, Oliver and Oalcley. O, for the love of Mike! But we've reacheti the column's boitoni. f 4 i j t, 4;

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