Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1938, p. 42

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and D.A. R. Ban quel Judge John P. McGoorty, judge of the superior court of Cook.,Count-, since 1923. and forinerlv judge:of the Appellate, court. - wiIl be thé- speaker at the dinner mieeting of the Illinois Societv, of Sons.'of thLmn cati Re volution, and four north shore chapters of -D]aughters. of the American Revolution at tht Orrington hotel. Evanston. at 7 o'lcFebruary 22. Washing- to -sbirtdv He wilI give a patriotie adrèsson-the subject of, "George - Washington and Côl oniai Influences." Dwight 'S. Bobb of Evanston wil act as. toastmaster. Musical, enter- tainiment will be furnîshed bv the Harmony Masters, a maie, quartet which hag been engaged. through the instrunmentaiitv of. Mrs. Charles C. Bulikley, regent of Glencoe chapter of the D. A. R., -who w%%as appointed general chairman of the entire event last June. The Harmonv Masters. considered verv excellent,ý have' been, invited to sing for the Nat,Çional League of American Penwomen in Washington. By their organization into a quartet, the Harmony Master., of which Rai- G. Steiner is manager. brings together the technique of con- cert, radio and screen. 1Mr. &obb is chairman oithe pro- gram committee and of dinner ar- rangements for, the S. A. R. Sen-ing on bis committee are Donald Wilev and Frank H.. T. Potter. Juçige j. Kent Greene is president of the Illi- nois S. A. P, Mrs. Floyd E. Thompson of Ev- anston is chairman of D. A. R. ban- quet arrangements. :She wiIl be asý- sisted by MNrs. .Bulkley,, Ifrs. John Hornn adMs. George Mieth. of Glenicoe chapter: Mr.Gor ge E. ShPman, regent of kki all chapter, and Ms. \W. A. Kabors and Mrs. J, K. Farley, Jr.: Mis. Reid R. Bronson, regent, and Mrs. Dean Lake TraxIer and Mrs. John Ta . ai M~rs. k.rederick C. NMinkier of Ev- anston, and Mrs. Charles WN. Moodv Of Wilmette, %%ill represent Fort Dearborn chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution as delegates at the Continental. Congress to be held at Washington. D. C., the week' of April 17. Alternates wvill, be, ap- pointed by the éhapteris. regent. Mrs, Reid R.* Bronson, from the book 0f registration when the congress. con-:. venes. The election of delegates took, place at the last 'meeting of the chapter. January 17, at the Evanston ý%?o mans club. At the samne meeting delegates were selected to attend the annual .State conference March 16,, 17 and 18. at. the Stevens hotel, Chicago. Thev- arei M rs. IMarquis .J. Newell, and Mrs. George J. Reeling of Evanston. AI-- ternates are Mrs. WNard M\i.,NWhitney. Mrs. Thomas C. Gray, Miss Martha Barrett and Mrs. Simon C. Miller. al o f Evanston: Imr.E. H- Westland of .Chicago, and Mrs. L. P. Marten,. of Wilmette., Auction Sale Tea to Bondit Junior School1 'An aucion sale tea' at the Orring- ton :hotel In Evanston on Februarv 2L, at' 2 o'ciock. ivill be sponsored bY the Evanston Friends of Chi'cazo Junior school for the benefit of the scholarship . fund for boys at the school in Elgin. . Mrs. BurpettiF. Bliss of Evanston* is to be. hostess. aasisted by Mirs. 0. H. Rucker of Chicago, Mrs. G. E. Ander. NIrs. E. E. Laxman. Mrs. Gertrude E. Stuart, Mrs. Frank D.. Chase. and Mirs. Paul Truesdell.: ail1.*of Evans- ton. Within Next Week Evanston and north iziore' Kappa Alpha Thietas are looôk m.7, iorward, to ,an inf6r)rn-l dance at. the 'Theta biouse i Evanston and .to a luncheôn program at the-Glengables Tea roomr, Glencoe. wvithiin the next i i ~MalcoùYn Baltcur Phço Mrs. Ricil4rd Fendc f Ez-an>stoP: ts, duérin,.q tht' absence Ocf M rs. J Vil- il'm Reed, social chairîtnan, takinqt ièr -pla ce' for the, Kappa Kapp'a (, >abcPlCf.I dessert bridue ar rur: .cfio*cIck. >cf flhe Kappai housc ii:, Ez-ansto-n. National College "Y" Club Plans. Barrn Dmnce A barn dance. complet e «-ith plaid shirts. patched overails,, and a hili- billy orchestra. wiII draw some ffty couples to the gymnnasiumn of the Na- tional College of Education in E-.-- anston Saturdav evening. Februarv 12.1 The 'occasion is the annuai partv- genby the Y 'club, social -service, organization of the -college - girls. t Has Douce Tickets raise fud or their philanthropic work 'among needv families in> Chi- - ~ cago and along the north shore. The high point of be Ilhe -Cake wl. the eve-ning wNil, sýhore students Mrs. C L e Seaerfor IlleY club and MnIr~pae r the party are:D A. R. Reading Groups Sherman avenue. of the club: and Mrs T 1, i1H.. 'inging guests opens at 12 barn, dane ,ait tr of EducatiopioOn Februdri 12. urman <jj he Y Club ai Colle qe vevening, a, e resnted to the chapter at that time. Mrs. Olive Shabino .of 'Wilmette, chairman of the entertain- ment committee, -will report on plàns for the semi-annual bridge parti. Luncheon will be served. In March there wiIl be no meetings of the historv, reading groups, that being the month of the annual state eonference at the Stevens hotel, in Chicago. WILMBTTE LF Miss Fran.ces Griggs of Evanstoin has been.appoinited 'by the president. 'Mrs. H. A. Morrison. to make ar- rangements for the dance. Which îl be held at the chapter hou-se. .(019 University' place. Evanston. on Fn.- day evening. F.cbruaric 11. at 8:3() o' dock. Plans for the evening also inclÜde bridge and a short program, 'Mrs. \VillardT. Grimm of. Kenil- wvorth is in charge of m u-sic and has engaged Cli ff Aspegren's- orchestra. Miss M.\arjorie Beebe of Kenilvo rtli is planning the refreshrnents and iss OoothvMoyers of Evanston is arranging the entertainiment. Others on the dance commfittee are Mirs. Clyde T. Marshall of Highland- Pa rk, MNrs. W. E. 'Clark, of, Glencoe, Mr s., Burt Cochran of 'Winnetka, Mrs. L. E. 1 Mitten 'of Ke.nilworth, Miss fane Davis of Wýýilmette,. Mrs.> Rud-' dick Lawrenée. M rs. 1 Lvle. Fisher. and, Mrs. L. W'. Wilson of EÉvanston.. and MNrs. G. M. Lawler of Chicago. 1The hiuncheon-program NwilI take place on Wednesday, February 16, at. 1. -Memories of Hawaii" will be the topic of a talk by NMrs. jack Morrow. a Theta alunina of Xorthvestern wuho Il%-ed for eight -,ears in Hawaii. Lunche.on reservations are to be made..bv . \oilda-%' night with Mrs. LoKlauser of Evanston, or at. the Glengables Tea roomn in *Glencoe. This is one 0f a series of montll mecetinigs arranged by 1rs. Chester Taylor. Jr.. program chairm an. Miss Helen Sargent, -Mrs. .Richard ,F. Norton, and Mrs. Tusten Acke'rmati. k>i h 'I Flower have the to the m o'clock.

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