Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1938, p. 44

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Sketch Plans for Annuel, Benefit. The Pi' I3eta, Phi settiement sehool in, Gatlinburg, Tenn., will derive benefit from the an- nual bridge party the North Shore Alumnae club of that so-. rority will have at ýthe Evans- ton Womnan's club Fricl'ay after- noon, February 18, at 1:30. O'clôck. Dessert wvil1 be served. and a style show ýwill be given. Also a feature of the afternoon wjll be a presentation of littie modeéls. showing clothes for boys 'and girls. Mrs. Charles E. Clifton, Jr., of Ev- anston is, general. chairman ofý the affair., Mrs. Dale S. Sutton is ticke.t chairman; Miss Rita'Pool, fashion show' elmirman; Mrs. Carlton C. Cummins, president of the Alumnae club; is refreshment and properties chairman; NMrs. David Hicks, prize chairman; Mrs. joseph ]Reed, chair- man of the candy sale. Ail are rsensof Evanston. lin Wilmette, Mrs. B. MN. Marcon and Mrs. H. B. Taylor are ticket chairmen for their village. In Winnetka, the ticket chairmen are Mrs. Frank M. Awalt and Mrs. R. H. Irvine. In Glericoe, Mrs, Lyman '.\I Drake, Jr., is ini charge of tickets. The Beryl shop of. Glencoe will present the review of spring fashions. Mrs. John Monk of Winnetka will be in charge of a group of children who will.act, as mannequins for an exhibit of clothesfor boys and girls. Mary Crane League Sets Benefit Day The Kappa Kappa Gammira Alumnnae association is côrnpleting plans for -a dessert bridge and style show Wed-, nesday afternoon,. February 16, at 1 o'clock, at -the -Kappa, bouse in Evans- ton. An Evanston shop is providing the display of spring styles for the' affair iVhich. is -a benefit- for. Kappa's neW project,, "The Hearthstone,", a home for aged Kappa's, in Winter Park, Fia. The home is a. merm orial. to Louise Bennett Boyd, one of the founders of Kappa Kappa Gamina. The hostess in charge of ref resh- ments is Mrs. Curtis Tathamn of Ev- anston. The social chairman handling the details of the bene-fit, is Mrs. Richard Fend of Evanston. Assist- ing Mrs. Tatham are Mrs. Dudley .Foust, -Mrs. Waldo Fisher, Mrs. Les- lie Gage,, Mrs. Walter Glass, Mrs. B. B. Hanselmaàn,. Mrs. Williamn Heat-, on, Mrs. Allen Howard, and Miss *Margaret Gurley. DeHaven Photo -V!r:. B. V . Marcon i: one of tz('o chairntem n j; Wilmette for the sale of tickets for the dessert bridge and style show which will be given bY the North Shore Alumnnae club of Pi Beta Phi Friday, February 18, at 1:30 o'clock, at the Evans- ton Womait's clubh as a bene fit for- the sorority's settlcment school Mn Tennessee. On Commite for Delfa Zeta Moikers' Bridge The Delta Zeta 'Mothers* club of Northwestern university anniounces a benefit bridge party Saturday, Feb- ruary 12, at the sorority bouse. 717 University place. Evanstoi. at 2 o0'clock. Prizes and refreshments are included in plans for the afternoon. The comrnittee arranging the event consists of 'Mrs- A. B. Brandes.: of AI Phi Kappa Psi Club. The regular meeting of the Moéthers- a nd \Vives club of Phi Kappa Psi. *will be held at the fraternit-v bouse at 2 o'clock 'Monday, February 14. The business meeting will be fôlIow-ý ed by a book review by Mrs. Frank Schieble of Evanston, The hostesses for. the afternoon are 'Mrs~. E. H. Krell, chairman, of Elmhurst, Mrs. Per.ry Feaman of Wilmette, and M-\rs. Robert Bailey of Evanston. President for Unique Party of Radcliffe Club Final reservations wvill be taken until Saturday noon for the Radcliffe, bridge, parchesi. and "01(f maid" party, w hich is to be held the night of Valen- tine.'s day, February 14, at the home. of. Mr. and Mrs. William A. -Magie. Il1, 469 Maple ave- nue, Wiintetka., That is, whe.re the ma in party will be held, but there will be at least one smaller auxiîliaryparty held at thé home of a co-hostess,1 for thosýýe who prefer bridge without parchesi. Assisting the Magies are >several, former Radcliff-e omen. and_their husbands, the .Harry Dunbaughs,the Walter Fishers, the Heyliger de- Winidts1, and the Francis Whit.eheads, some of whom will entertain at din- ner before the party. Proceeds for this affair go to sweil thife Regional Scholarship funid, of the. Radcliffe- Club -of Chicago. Each year, the Radcliffe graduates of the ,Chicago, area raise funds for a schoèl- arshîp which sends a Chicago gir l of outstandîngability to Radcliffe, Reservations for the party are to be made with MNrs. Magie or. Mrs. Whitehead. N. S. Girls lncluded in Rockford Drama Club T-,he:,Rockford College Drasnatic club, included several nofth shore stu- dents'.in its, recent selection of: new Permanent, members and a gro.up _of assocîate members. In the Eist ô! new members, f etéd at a, formai banquet given by- the cl ub january 22, are, among others, Miss June Barrie of Glencoe, Miss Frances Rapp of Wilmette, Miss to Mrs. Carl Johnsen's i1- S. Edwin H. Mittelbusher of *will review "Journalist's *Lilian Mowrer, at the regu- Ihly book review meeting of ge Friday afternoon. of this the. home of"Mrs. Roscoe 24 Lincoln str:eetEvanston. To celebrate the Valentine season, Sunset Ridge Country club is having a buffét dinner, with dancing, Sat- urday evening, February 12. Pinkey Aarseth's orchestra will provide the music. Valentine decorations are be- ing arranged for this. affair.. to be held ill home of Mr. :Magie, 469. iretkit. ape avenue, tuf- - -ou u ciuK inecub will nold iU C. spring dessert bridge Party, also at LIsY the chapter house. af.. Tickets may be obtained froin the 'rty president, Mfrs. Edwin M. Porter~ the 1218 Forest avenue, Wihiette, or A4. from the social chairman, Mrs. Iii Russell E. Hoffer, 205Rdgeavne Evanston. WILMETTE LIFE the lé 44»

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