Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1938, p. 46

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Sponsor a Garden Market in Spring, Tbe Wilmette Garden. club wilI' Sponsor1 an annual Wil- mette Garden market this spring as, itlbas other springs. Mrs.: Elliott Youngberg, 419. Washington avenue, Wilmette,. basbeen appointed by the - club's president, . Mrs.. Charles Van Deursen,- chairman of the ma r- ket,, and the.date anmi place ivili. be announced later;, .At -the meeting of the club Iast Friday at the borne of Mrs. Charles, Bixby, 1104 Asbland avenue, tbe nominating ctmmittee, consistingf Mrs. Charles N. Hurîbut, chairman, and Mrs.. Charles R. Norman. and Mrsi John F. Weedon, presented the name ýof Mrs. *Edward L. Sclieiden- helrn as the new program' chairman for the 'club year beginning in Oc-. tober. Election of officers takes place in September. and the names 'of the other new officers will be presented to the club in August. The prize (tickets for the annual fower show) for the best clippings on gardening (for the club's new scrap- book) was awarded at the meeting to Mrs. John Hardy Weedon. Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, program chairman of tbe day, made a unified and interest- ing program based on the clippings which tbe members had sent in tor the to read the selections, she asked for and brought out the personal ex- periences of each reader, in garden- ing. and traveling, and so made a live, creative affair out of thereading, of the articles she had selected from the pile of material submitted. Asocial hour followed, in.the din-, ing rooru where a beautiful center- Piece of flowers had been.' arranged by Mrs. C. D. Ewer, one of the host- esses. Mrs, Hurîbut and Mrs. John F. Weedon poured. The hostesses. were Mrs. Bixby, Mrs. Ewer, and Moffett Phot( Mrs.,Fred Schroeder, Jr., at the le! t, and M4iss Frances. Cier, ýhave been appointed by Mrs. Hill Blackett of Winptetka, nmembership' chairmnan of the Women's Republican Club of New Trier, as co-chairmen of the mpember-, shi> committee for Wilmette. Assisted by a large number of Wilmette womeen, a drive for new members in- the village is esou' in progress. Member- ship ip» the club is open to any Republican zvomen interested. A large meeting and tea zcill be held ai Mrs. Schroeder's home oit Febriiary- 28. The eight guilds oi the Church of~ the Holy Comforter will hold lunch-. eon and sewing meetings next Mon- day at the homes of members. Th e Seabury guild wiIl meet at the home of Mrs. George R. Dodge, 377 Ridige road, Kenilworth, andthe Mc- Laren guild with Mrs. George Hill, 1931 Sherman avenue, Evanston. Mrs.. Elton Hascall will entertain Launches Drive for New Mem bers A membership drive, is now .underway to ýobtain new Wil- metteý members. forý the Wom- Yen 's Republlican Cluib f New Trier, of which Mr.s. Edward B. Hall of Winnetka is president., Mrs. Hill Blackett. of Win netka, Igençral, membership chairman, bas I appointed Miss Frances Cutier and IMrs. 'Fred. Schroeder, Jr., co-chafir- men of the membership commi ttee' for Wilmette, and the following womn- en are serving. on their committee: Mrs.- Bernard Black, Mrs. F. S. Yantis, Mrs. H. E. Ringholm, Mrs. Ç eorge Putnamn, Mrs. Harold Brown, Mrs.. Paul A. Hoffman, Mrs. Frank J. Ijowd; Mrs. John O. Snook, Mrs. Paul C. Lang,ý Miss Mildred Hebel, Mrs. Ralph F. Potter, Mrs. Charles L. Ostrom, Mrs. Harry N. KerÈ, Mrs. Lloyd Clark Ayres, Mrs. H. E. Poronto, Mrs. - Harold Lundberg, Mrs. Frank Karslake, Mts. Paul Cutl 'er, and, Mrs. Frank W.* Allen. 1Mrs. C. P. Evans and Mrm Lewis B. Ermeling are Wilmette repre- sentatives on the board of i~he XXom-. en's Republican Club of New Trier. Any Republican woman who is inter- ested in joining is invited to, com- municate with Miss Cutler or Mrs Schroeder, or their côrnrittee. A large meeting and tea will be gi%"etn at Mrs. Schroeder's hoine, 1000 Lake avenue, on February 28. Grarden Club of lIllinoijS Sptnsors Lecture Ser According. to announcemen t bv the Kenilworth Viome and Garden 'club, the Garden Club of Illinois **Il I)resent a series of lectures by Miss: Clare Cronenwett of Los Angeles. Cal., at the Palmer House Tliursday afternoon, February 17, at 2 o'clock Miss Marcellene Snorf entertained at a party' Saturday for sixteen of ber friendsa at the home of her parents, Dr' and ý Mrs. Lowell D. Snorf, 717 Eleawood avenue. Miss Snorf also gae for ,ixtecn guests week favors, and refreshmen served. Mrs. Herbert Wlnnetka and Mrs. Geo: ge rald of Chicago will 1, ofthe arrangements. M.p Fit Charles Main of 1040 Forest avenue M. Ftz-returned recently from a two weekse charge business and pleasutre trip in the Paci- fie nortbwest. or. tr. ie arangement.I Miss Cronenwett will give three lectures explaining these principles and showing how tbey apply to the three, schools of arrangement *most. often used-Tbe Victorian, thé Mod1- erand arrangements with an Oriental feeling. WILMÉTTE LIFE

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