Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1938, p. 59

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the 28th birthday of the Boy Scouts of America. The exact year ending figures just released, show 1,129,827 Boy Scouts, Cubs, senior scouts, and their leaders registered and atvl engaged, in the Program of chaàracter :building, citizenship training, camping crait IS, and, comradeship- in 38,151; troops, packs, ships, neighborhood patrols, and: tribes ,tbroughout, tbe United States of Americaand its possessions.. The,,growthfor the year 1937 over the preceding 12-monith period was 5.65 per cent. The greatest percentageI of growth in a ny 1single phase of. this movement was in Cùbbing, the pro- gram for boys 9, 10, and.,il. years -of, age,, which avýeraged 30.5 per ýcenIt growth. one of Greateat '*The past vear has been one of the greatest ini the history of thé' Scouting movemnent," declared Dr.1 W/est. "h bhas been a year of great achievemertt and greater insprationl, gatbering 27,232 Scouts and leaders from :every state and many foreign countries into a great jamboree camp i upon the shores of the historic Po- tomnac river ini the heart of the na- tion's capital. Witbi this inspiration, we are certain that ail America ap- preciates the fundamental valu~es wbich Scouting offers boys, and that every mani and woman will do ail in bis power to make Scouting avail- able to mnore boys in évery communi - 2,)0 couts, andMi U, meni. I". OM-l. cers are deternîined to mak.e this.', wonderful prograin available to sev- C eral hundred more boys this year.ev HODBANQUET Over 350 Cubs,. Scouts an&d Parents celebrated the -28th aiiniversary of thie founding of the Boy Scouts of America at the Wilmette Masonic temple- last nlight. Prom the en- thusiasm displayed at this meeting the indications were tbat under the. oi iib mm iia nsesareiv itVJ U o attend this meeting. The chairman of the court of, honor is Hector Dodds. Chief McGuîre Presides. The Wilmettë district of the North Shore Area cou ncil hiad, its reguar Scouters' mieeting a few days. ago at the, village hall.,with Chief Mc- Guire presiding. Among events plan-, ned by this' group of meni were. theI district banquet-,forWdedy February 9; district court of honor for Tuesday, February 15. The nextý district meeting, Tuesday, March* 8, and -the district camporal. Saturday, June 4. Those present at the meeting were, iii addition. to Mr. McGuire: Henry Fowler, president of the North Shore Area council, Paul Stoker, P. G. coal. Benjamin Cox, Charles T. Mor- rison. Jack Austin, LlôýI Cage, W. C. Huggins. W. 0. Morris, C. H. SBartlett, Fred MacKenzie. and Clif- ton G. Speer. New Scoutmaster Scouts of Troop I, meeting. at the Congregational church, are fortunate in having as their new Scoutmaster, Paul Gathercoal, a young mp" with exceptional ability ini Scoutinè,. This troop bas for many years been one of Arg Ne, nig n. own, chairnian, A. R. Schul Bartlett, and Mr. Stecker.; sea Scouts of the North- Shore ea: ;engaIged.in a Swiniming meet at ew Trier Hligh scéhool pool Tuesd.ay. ght ý of this- week. RALLY s of Winnetka arc celebrat Whether'.large.,or; emali can',be found conveniently through the' pages of. WJLMETTE LuFE and the message of> QUR& .D VERTISERS ADVERTISERS A&P Food Stores«....*....... 21 Ace Motors mne....... Cover IV Antunes, The...........;....24' Asbury Horne, The .......... Il Aimee................. 47 Bismnarck Hotel...........52 Blue Parrot, The .~...... 3 Book Nook, The ............. 28 Brauch's Slumber Shop...... 25 Burns Toggery............ 7 Chapin Motors.... .....,,4, Chief Wash Go............ 33 Christia.n Science Church..21 Cornnunity Theatre ......... 52 Consumers Go........ 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