-~ - --- - - - - .~ Winnetica during the .past week. Onle wsfor a new residence and the PMD A ELLIS & COn uNC." others were for remodeling jobs. fletln ~a 4r Cn- 'ol W. G. Kelly is building a n,ew brick* 40 Yars 0f Continuoues erie veneer residence of eleven rooms and: OIL BUI&19£».&ad att.ached two-cà'r garage at 730 Hib- AIR CNDITINEUSbard road.' The cost of theimprove- OAS BOM19ER STOKEES ment is, $32,000. Theodore -G. Thomas OU CeuSer Stmet WinDeSa 1la i the architect and- John H. Davies _____________________________ the builder. Permits for alteriationeand remodel- Au luE THE MAliK«> FOR ing work were taken out by Vin ton * IE. Sisson, 429 Walniut street, $550; * EU J *John Desmond, 1414 Asbury avenue. i I8$0%%0 Adolpb and Lillian W. John-, I ~ __son, 893 Oak street. $250Q. RE£MODELIýN JOBs. SBuilding p ermits for.two remodel- in-jobs were issued in, Gencoe dur-: ipg the past weekà. They were takcen à i I out by. Gerbard Foremnan. for work on, bis residence,;àt:No. 1 Pomnander walk, costing $10,000. The other was issued to G. R. Windes, 456 Drexel av~enute. Esthflated .cost of the 'im- provements here is$34 Allse Vraa Limes BUILDS PRIVATE GARAGE The one building permit issued i Wilmette during the past week was for a' private garage which C. A. Woodruff is erecting at 180 Prairie avenue. Thie estimated cost of the improvement is $300. - UnIy one-third as many flew resi Pace tor V ivatof 1 dences were autbhorized by .kuildingý T e ra oeLa ako epermits issued in the four New Trier 'TeFederlHm onBtko evillage s-Wilmetf e, Kenilwortb, \lTin - Chicago in 1937 disbursed the largest netka and Glencoe-during Januar, total inits five years lending history,. as wvere* Iaunched in the sanie area $12 '964,761.16, A. R. Gardner, pres- du'rin h istmnbo1teya ident,- told the representatives of the 1937. The total. value of building of memzber savings and loan institutions ail kidsinjanuarv, was mort tan f o liois and W isconsin. at thir F0 per cent less ýthan in, the cor--ana etn t h tvn oe 5responding, month a. year ago, as in-_nCiaols ek epn t dicated by the foloit 1tal lead among thie twelve regional baniks 1938 - in advances outstaiiding,,the Chicago Residences Total uistitutioni closed thie yeair, with $31,- No.Val No Va. ;12,438.61, lent to its members, $1 u -auay..... 6 $93.040 19 - i-12,4 (j-f0..fec $.9in use throughout the 1937 ec 62 Residences Total :ountry. Tbe. report was given at a No. Val. o . dinner attended by fivehundred sav- January -_. 17 $253,000 24 $297.250: ings and boan ,executives from the two state and leaders in thé business from Icoast to ýcoast. .1r GardnScoutpointed t6 the, increase News in colatSaiuatiocs nd the de- I crease in non-collateralized as an ini- dication that.homeà lending institutionsý jCOURT 0OF HONOR are borrowing for business expansion FAt a court of honor held Tuesday and that the ueed, for emergency bor- evéning af the Wilniette PresbyterianI rowing is disappearing. church, tbe following awards were Thie Chicago bank, he said, was the presented. by Police Chief Cloyd C. largest. participant of tbe Federal M.NcGuire and Fire Chief WValter Zib- Home Loan batik systeni, in ail three hIe, assisted by mnembers of their of the debenture offerings by thie sys- departments>: tem this past year. 'I has taken Troop 1 a total of $17,941,565 of the proceeds Second Class: Eddie Fratiz, Edwin oi the successful sale of these se- Phelps, R i c hl a r d Trego: NMert curities new to the mar-ket and un- Badges: Curtis Brown, patbfinding; backed by any government guarantee. Dale Chronic, pathfinding; Five Year Asume Independent Statua Yeteran: Frank Stecker.. 1937 ýW~s notable in seeing the be-' JTroowt 2 .1inrlrnia d- f th tem's financinz i also open -a tea room at hits new .9", Â&iJuJ place of business. Kratnpe, Franklinilewis, Grant Reck- - -~ . sIeck, Mark Youtig; Lif e.: Edward Miss Addie -M ae Crowe. arrived Xeigel; Eagle:. Bob Maeser: M1enit iBadges: Loring Armstrong, first aid. Tuesday of last week from ber home sîcat twr anr.pit in Ooss, Mii.,to penda mntbing. bird: study;- William Faville, first or so visiting 'Mrs. Burt Crowe,. 234 aid, swinming, music, handicraft: Ralegh oadKenlworb.Gordon Forrester, swimming; Ever- ci ett Kennedy; woodworking; Williami g] jKing, civics; Franklin Lewis. swiM-1 Iming'; Warren Macensie. gwitmmnef credit needs of our members and tci retire $3,550,000 of deposits of other Federal Home Loan batiks which ve' had been using." At the close of the year, the batik hiad cash and govertiment or goverui- nient-guaranteed securities amnounting to more than 26 per cent 'of total resources, and this after the' heaviest lending month in December ini its history%, he reported. Guest speakers were Oscar, R.I. OAL &MATERIAL CO. t.W WiIm.t$.4200 Secmd class : Eugene H-asselberg, Frank Rothing; flrst class.: Kenneifh Manley, Andrew Mueller, Dave Mur- phy, BOb Storrs; star: David Mur- phy; life: Mario Pagliarulo; menit badges,: Andrew Mueler, personalý h ealIt b, woodworking, handicrafti workinig;«.Dave Murphy, personal Jack Farg t idet tthat Rie will continue tô clinib. pathfinding; Edward Murphy,.scholar- ship, handicraft; L-arry Murphy, per- sonal health, handicraft; Maio Pegli- arulo, athletics, safety; Tom Kent, rowing. výIr r.uI.M. LPIFAUI~ à a Se 13011 MW -& 1