cmi lector and welI known to hundreds- of north shore commuters. Taken seriously ili several weeks ago, Mr. Robinson was removed to a hospital in Rochester, Minn., ivhere he died last Friday. Mr. Robin son was born in Clymnan, and with his family came to reside in Kenilworth in 189.--He- was- the last methber of a large' family. In recent years he hadl resided with bhis brother-in-law,, Patrick O'Mara and bis niiece, Mrs. john J. Schneider, at 1029 Greenleaf. avenue, Wilmette. Also surviving' Mr... Robinson are three nephewi, Johq, Thomas and Franicis Cha ndier. J. Ri D. Stevenson Dieu at San"tarum James R.L D. Stevenson, former head of the Robert Stevenson drug company, passed aWay Iast Friday snorning at the N1orthi Shore health resort, Winnetka, after an illness of three years. Mr. Stevenson, wbo. bad retired from active business in 1924, was 62 easof age, and, prior to bis iii- ness made his home at 560' Haw- thorne place, Chicago. He is survived by bis widow, by a son, James R. D. Stevenson, Jr.., of Kenilworth, andi a daughter, Mrs. Paul B. Magnuson, Jr., of North- pany. lie was a member of, tbe.Nortb Sbh-ore Golf cjlub, of the Wilmette Ro- tary. club, and of the Wilmette Chamn- ber of Commerce. He was treasùrer of .the Eskimo club, organiza tion of North Shore coal dealers, and it was at a meeting of- that organization on Thursday tbat he was first stricken. He is survived by bis widow; b'y :wo children, Robert andjoan;, by twô sisters, Mrs. William D. Leary and Mrs. Albert Odeggaard, and, by a brotber, Frank, ail of Wilmette. Early Resident of Kenilworth -Te Dead, Mn., Charles L. McCloud, one of the e.arliest residents of Kenitworth,, passed away Iast Saturday noon 'at thé Georgian hôtel in E'vanston after an illnesa- of two days. Mrs. McCloud, witb ber late hus- band, first moved to the community nearly 40 years ago, shortly after it was founded. About 15 years ago they made their home in Calif orn la, and Mrs. McCloud returned to tbe North Shore after bis passing about a year ago. Sbe was 74 years of age. El Nora Weld irabert of rElgin, the Rev. Hiram C. Weld- of Boston,. Mass., Kenneth ., Eunice A., Wayne- K, -ethan R., and, Verna Bell S. Weld. He was a member of the Welcomle Masonic lodge No. 916' and an 'offi- ciai mreiber of the 1N1ortb Shore Methiodist Episcopal' churcb, Glen- TIhe services were conducted by the Rev. Harold W. McIlnay at the church ont Monday:afternoon. Former, Resident of 'North Sh1-ore Is Dead Gerhardt A. Stolteben, 73. former [resident of Winnetka and Wi1mette, passed away, a: .the home of b is daughter, 'Mrs. G. Wallace 'Moore, 6508 North Clarernont avenue, Chi- Fcago, Vriday of last week. He bad been in ili bealtb for somne time. Funeral services were held at St. Henry's cburch on M.%onday morning with interment a: AIl Saints' cerne- tery. Formerly associated with Armour and company, fie had been retired for the past nine years. His wife passed away exactly six years be-1 fore. He is survived by bis daughter,l and by a son, jack. had made her home. "Glorified Plowers" Offered. in This Shop Pursuing a hobby, namnely flowers, Mrs. Harry B. Gordon of 1014, Cherry street, Winnetka, opened ber. shop, "The Peggy. Gordon Glorified Flow;ers". at 1600, Sheridan râad «in No Man's Land, last. Saturday. In ber greenhouse she will specialize in one of her great favorites, camellîe,, whichar now the vogue in N ew York, and ini orcbids. Gardenias, and flowers and plants of the,,se ason are also displayed. Boat and Sport Show to Open February..27: With the hint of sprti n h. ar boating and other out-of-door sport lovers of ail ages end both sexes are turning their eyes toward famous Navy Pier, Chicago, where the ninth' auwal edition of th~e Nationtal Boat and Sport show starts February 27 and runs eight days through Marcb 6. The opening day, Sunday, Febru- ary 27, will be known as "Illinois Day" witb the Department of Conservation of this state arranging a celebration, which mwill include leading state ofi - cials. Wednesdayi March 2, is Minne- sota Day, and other days of the. week wvilI be suitably designated. 1 NWILOW5ORTIFDICDl., LUIMONMÉTsuc",i foc a,