*Miss Cheek, at Tea A tea in honor of Miss Mary E. Woolley. president-emneritus, of M 1ount 'Holyoke college. and Miss Mary' Ashby Cheek. presi- dent of Rockford college and -àa former dean. at Mount Holvoké, wilbe held by the Chicago NWount Holyoke club from 4:30, until 7:o'clock Thursd;av,,iarch 3, at the Chicago Woman's club. M«iss XXoollev wil speakhriefll at 5 o'clock on the subject. "To What'End-Education ?" Following. the tea the board, men- bers of the club are entertaining at dinner for Miss, Woolley and Miss Cheek. In the receiving, line will be the * guests of honor, and, Miss- Florence Huth ýof Chicago, dean of the School of Speech at Northwesterrn and presi- dent of the. club, also Mrs. James J. * Forstall of Winnetka. an alumna trustee of the coliege. The co-ch «air- men of the aff air are Mrs. Paul. Casterline of Wilmette and Mrs. El- wood Hansmann of Highland Park. Mrs. Casterline is in charge of res- ervations. A group of 1937 graduates now living in the Chicago area or studv- * ing at Northwestern university or the University of Chicago wilI serve as ushers, uder the chairmanship of Miss Jane Horton of Evanston. Among the ushers 'wifl be Mfiss Betty Best of Glencoe, 'Miss Patty ,Quisen- berry of Evanston, Miss Patricia Davis of, Kenilworth, Miss Anna- marie Booz of Xilmette, and 'Miss Bernice Brown. and Grace, Nelson, *students at .Northwestern, Special guests invited to, the tea include Mrs. Walt2er Diii Scott., wif e of the 'president of' Northwestern, Mrs. Robert'Maynard }Iutchins, wif e of the president of the University of Chicago, and the officers of the Chi- cazn clubs, of the fn11n.winna" eastern Paul Stone-Raymor, Ltd. Mis s Jean McCrackeii of Gleicoe, a the:le! t, and Miss kathierine3 of WVinnetka arc eincluided ipt the cast of seventy-five Northwesterm umnzve studen ts .Part icipa ting in the tenth annual Waa-Mlu show, "Of Thee I Si The production qIli take place M Aarch 15-19, ini the .National Colle,,èf of1 "catioî? thca fér. 277n Sheridan road. .'Zupltton., District Pubiicity Clhairmen WiII Meet The :y cha Active in Plans for, Benefit for Creclie fl _Mrs. Nuel D. Belnap 01. \\7asIhington street, Chicago. garet E~tter Creche, the oldest day Aiter greetings by >Mrs. Henry: nursery' in Chicag o. Other' north Rhode, president of the ,Tenth dist- shore members of the: board of di- rict, Mtirs. Theresa Cook Brown, dist- rectors of the Creche are 'Mrs. John r ict music chairman, wili introduce Denniehy of Highland Parký, Mrs. Miss Helen Gilmore of Waukega.n, Johin Dingle of Hubbard Xoods, Mrs. contralto,.who will contribute a group Edmund M-\cKear.nani of Northbrook, of songs,. accompanied by 'Mrs. Richi- Mrs. Thomnas J. McKearnan of North-. ard Lucke at the piano. brook, Mrs. William M. Dewey of Betty Browning of the Chicago WXinnetka, 'Mrs. Lloyd Bailey of Win-. press. will bring publicity suggestions. ietka, Mrs. Edwin Brach-of Winnet- after .%hich Irene Steyskall will help ka, MIrs. Frank Brach of Gienv'.W.. for Junior ScI'ool t Mrs. Porter Fox, a memnber (>f the executive board of the îNorth. Shore Friends, Chicago unorseoo,0 il pen her lovely home at 626 Warvick. road,. Kenilworth, at. 8 ock 'Mondavfebruary 28, for a d e- lightful. evening's entertainrnent thatthis organlization, is sp.«n- soigfor theý benefit of itsý .Scholarship fund*. Dr. Davies* Lazear, a well known Winnetkan who- recently made an. ex- tended motor tour through the Brit- ish Isies, wiil show col9red motion pictures of Englànd and. Edinburgh. England.is noted for the picture sque character, of its country landscape, and Dr. Lazear procured some.verv unusuai and beautiful scenes of this Ser hsch cal country. The film includes iighted view of the farnous Edini- dt- burgh castie, taken at niidnight, a Eu _boat trip down the Thames, an 1d scenes taken in' the southwvestteri part-of England, In the lovely coun-, ties of Devon and, Cornwall, a section not commonly visited by tourists;. The membership and its friends are eagerly awaitîng the privilege of see- itIg this thrilling film. Assisting Mrs. Fox in rtecciving, *wilL' be Mrs. 'Horace Capron and Mrs. Campbell Collins of .Kenilworth, and Mrs. J. Preston I3urliùgham and 'Mrs Ella Aindrews of Winnetl-ca. Reservations n'ay, be muade by tele- phoning Mrs. Elmer, Jeweli Dick (À Winnetka or -M.rs., John \V.-Ruet- tinger .of Glcncoe. Sois 'Tickets Walter F. Shattuck, Jr., 528 Wý%ar- The Kenilworth wick road, Kenilworth, entertained a 'Marv Crane league party of nine guests, at dinner at his at the' home of M home preceding the last North Shore 515 Brier street,. Fortnightly dance of the season on Mrs. Wýilliam Ellisc February 12. occasion, a w%%ork me( ioi e cr ceui t arr ureek SettIe- ment schooi, Carr Creek, Ky., and for the Ameriéan Red Cross. Mrs. Len Young Smiith of Wýin-. iietký. is chairrnian of the group: Aetively at for the Crosi to bc giveoc~ at Marshajll F Jjclpap of Hi Margaret Ett( bcneficiary. nday, Febritary 28, d's is irs. Nue! 1D. bard Woods. The Crcce till be the WILMIETTE LIFE 4..