Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1938, p. 46

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Lgazine flot Ion on "How to back. No' one caà argue that there arnfot sufficientlY go od.individual bail players on the squtad to have mnade à bette r showing.- In f act, many have..hinted that therein was the whole secret: there Were 100 m.a n y1 individual' standouts.. S u c h a conditioin emst remain. theon- etical, and %vhat school is not be- <Lehie) se t eveý* 50 ôften E. .s.ngs with this identîcal B. jea"ga ,roblem? Havf ig ba*dtheir way across the basketball horizon early ini the season to give every evidence of being a chainpionship contender, the teain folded for some inexplicable reason, dropping four i order. Then they came back spectacularly against 'Mor- ton to cop a thrilling wn-and il looked as though misfortuiie had been, frightefled away. Thorough Drubbung Last Friday night, then, the ap- gna- o run Your Vow UnreIenting Figlit 4.' There are tWo organizations in Chicago that have been conduicting a steady fine against the. politics in thé Chicago school -situation, the Chi- cago Principals' club and, the Citizens' School committee. Their âvowed in- tenition is, neyer to quit. They are non- partisan.and their influence is thrown for the best in education. They have toid the governor r epeagtedly that the Chicago school situation consti- tutes a major problein. It would seem that the governor now ýunderstands this thoroughly. 5. Outwardly it would not seemi that the ,office of state superintende nt means so very much in; the Chicago situation.. Primarily it is viewed as. one having to do :with the 5chools: in the state as a %Vholé. But the rea- son why so much attaches is the fact that Qovernor H-orner, by having Mr. Jensen as the candidate'on his ticket', and enjoying the support of States Attorney Courtney and Judge jarecki, has offeredrdirect battle to the Kelly- Nash crowd over a state post other- wise insignificant politically. Has Broad Influence 6. Finally in choosing 'Mr. Jensen. the governor gýained the services of one of the best known professional educators in the state, for Jensen basý tlt& lia fu .. Yq- Paltr---- significance for the fait election. In the approaching primaries, of course friendly Republicans can not tbrow any support to the Jensen candidacy, unless, they switch party's tempor-ý arilv. RepubIican candidates. f ear this. The repre senrtatives, of manry school organlizationis are saying the Repub- licans .thrlough their. cenbral commrnit,- tees played the usual game of sèlecting candidates both for countyý superin- tendent of schools and 'state superie- tendent on a geographical patronage basis, insteaid of getting the strongest and best candidates educationally, to meet strongly intrenched, comnpetition. H4ere in New Trier Township recently th e Republican county central coin- mittee gave local people several hours to -.suggest candidates. for a highly technical position,, and then snatched away the opportunity in Qrder 'to nominate a little known 'man in i a strong Democraàti.c area. The out- spoken complaint' against this false gesture bas been that old-time Re- publica1ts havoe not learned' anything about menit even after repeated. de- f eat s. The Horp.er forces moved the battie into enemv territory .in Chicago oni W\ednesday- when they arranged a large congratulatory luncheon for Mr. jen5en. Scheduled to attend were people high ini the officiai ranks of teacher and school boardl associa- tions, the principal universities anid ini men s and w.omen's civic Organiza- ot asphaitroonnga. Some1 of you probably remember the skepticisrn with which the first asphaît shingles were regarded. XVould the roof be waterproof.- What ivould haýppen in a wind, storm? -Would the siate-4lke granules stay put? The overwhelmning numb er, of homes in every part of America protected by asphalitshingles. is ample testimony, of the groundlessness -of the' skepticismn. The laboratory, has played a big_ noie. inu penfecting and maiit aining the manufacturing, process used. in making asphalt roofing. Take that littie si.ate-lIike granule which pro- tects t .he, asphaît shingle fronm all phases of the elements. Here, as: the chief chemist, of tlw Bird Planit explamied, to us, was ont of the mnostý important- parts of the shingle. This is ýthat little granule embeddedtin.t1w asph'ait coatingof*. the shingle which gives al] the colcr. and beauty , to your roof. But it doC > ,more, it, protects thaï as1Phalt f roin the disintegrating action of th~e qsun\.ý rays. Bird and Son have installed expcn-. sive and accurate machines for appi - ing this priminlg, coat of oi inmrei- ately before, the'.. imne the gaut of minerai are dep)osited oùto tht: molten coating. Due to this process they are enabied to embed aiid hol<l firmlv embedded "an üiusual aniount of protective ineral granules. S Thus througii the treatment ie 1)v Bird's modern Chicago Roofiig- ticavor t(-ogl t the base of the difficulty, ,Coach Clyde Grater had the boys ini the lecture rootl, Mon d a yafter- un1poOfn, pi'Cpara- tory to the gaule with Oak .arlc Nevns, g 0~ ~ - CH 1ILI CONNOISSEUR Clark Gable's favorite eating plaue iSL&ýceWi caf e operated by a formner film diector. 'bers. 'He is also .very weu l otJo1 in bringîrlg about a efinité nmeeting nîc-e granules. almost the saine number of elected of minds b)etween1 themsýelv and school officiais. 1Gov-ernor tiorner on the mnanY Prol)- On Monday educatoi-s and cïvic-, lemns of more th-an ten tIiousýand minedindviuas .fnm anypatseducationaiiy and financiaily inipov-- BASKETBA I of the state ýassemhled at Springfield erished school districts l in oî. to hnrMr. Jeniýen 1w fiing iS * petition forcaiididacN,. The importan i - "A" LEAGUE thing 'about this othervvise îleasant onsos oEatfoeani .jtaittings gesture was that the interests repre- BuiesWdV cto \Iî',»~~g... .. sented were both independent Repub-:Wlntecfciory.7 licans and Democrats, men from tuni- %Ir. and Mns. Harry B. Johnston,ï lrnette on ......e.y . versity, normal school, teacher unon1320> Greenwood avenue, are leaving R ecd Devils.............4 publshe, chmbe of ommrceand todav for ,Atlantic Cit,, where Mn. 1 (>vers......... .......3 p~abishr, hanber f cmmece inton iil csinf4i aw,. 1 ~Va-Va-Els.......2 .778 .444 -444 :333 .222 are. pretty good after ail. Rather, sponsoreud bythle Acflevement. club - this support is for Mayor Kelly and Of the school. Mn. Thornpsoin was* Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Chittick of -not for- the schools. In these circum- lecturer for -the national parks ex- 1520 Highland avenue, anrived homte statices, Governor Horner very prob- hibit of A Century of Progress. His Wediiesday after spending a' mqiith ably* reckons astuteiy that if reformn pictures are photographs taken while touning along the western coast. TheN in schooî conditions ail over the state lie was in the ranger service. Tickets began their trip in Victoria, Canada, Will be hailed by the press, the best for the progra m may be obtained by and tnaveled asfaasSnDg, tfhing he ould do politicaiiy would calling. the school. fa.,bfrerîring hom.nDeo

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