Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1938, p. 50

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RUSH AND HICKORY SEATS 1Ma.de to order reasonably. Christ Wire Winnetka 297 6 15LTN42-4tp CAR]PENTER. Screens. Weatherstrip- plng. ANTIQUES, Carvlng, 1enfodel- Ing furniture and.Refinlsahlng. University 7912, 6680,and. 9722 Geias & Wablberg, 745 Asbury Ave. !SLTN40-3tPý ELECTRIC WELDING, BOILER weldlng, machine s hop and automo- tiveé parts Jobberse. PAVLIK BROTHERS.' ]PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 15LTN31-26tp FURNITURE SPRAYING Also wlcker furniture à refrigerators. We iùse lhur-re ard and, fast. Wlnnietka 3185. iSLTN39-4tp Seasoned Fireplace Logs go CU. YT. TO Â TOI',, $7. 128 CU. b-T. to a cord, $14. Glencoe 859. Ï5LTN51-4tp WANTED: TO GIYFI MONTJILY service on sets of books. Ail state- inefitg, Iax reporte flied. Reaoabe rates. Blackinton Wilmette 847 15LTN41-4ti> OPTOMETILIST 36 yrs. experlence. Eyes fitted properly. Broken lenses replaced, trames repo.lred. JOSEPHI F. KUSS 804 Elm St. Wlnnetka 3671 15A-LTN35-tfC 17 OENKRAL NEPAIRING Wilmette Fix-it Shop WE, I ANYTHIN<Q. RADIOS, ELEC- talcal appliancese, door bells, house wlrlng etc. Prices very rase. AIR work guar. 1330 Central, Wilmette 1330. 17L'rN40-4te sil BUILDING AND RPAIR Remodeling & Modernizing PLANNED AND EXECU TED BY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS 40W, Add a bathroom or recreation roofi Remodeling of entire home Ail under one contract By competent designer anfd builder F H A long or short ternis arrangied L. 'T. McGINNIS-20 years remudeiing and building on the North Shore. 1343 Ridge Rd.' Wllmette 5064 21LTN42-ltp Painting, Decorating SANITAS A> ANVSINiOLD' fluors made like new by dustless mna- chinery. Our specialty on washlng walN- and' woudwork that doesn't hurt the sur- face, yet at a low eost. Our work is dune to you.r satisfaction by a record of good 'reference and bestý mat. at. lowest prices.. MELVIN. WIL. 3413. 2 5LTN42- It» EXPERT DECORATING! HIGH (iORADE DECOItTING AND aintlng done neat and enGur anedworkmansbip and materlal used throughout. Our service is prompt and cuurteous. Prices are reasonable. Nuth- lng is too large orsmall for us. If y'ou need decoratlng S 1Cali, us for, a free estimate. Joseph Zach Wilmfette 1925 25LTN41-4tp LOUIS SKOLNIK EXP. IN ANY LINE 0F DEC.'.0F- fers lowest possible pri ces this month. Beautiful wall papér design.s of 1938 on hand. Appreciate your cail for any amt. of *ork. Carry insuran.e. WINN. 258 > VIL. 3503 25)LTN42-ltp) 1. SKOLNIK COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE. Wall washiiùg & starching; paper clng. Colot, matching and touch-up wurk reas. Lowest Prices. Any size job. Rets. QOALITY WORK ONLY. Wilmette 4288 2 5LTN4 2-lt» DURKOOP, DECORATING SERVICE Glence 1807 Sheldrake 5132 B. V. Durlcoop' K. L. Durkoop 2 5LTN40-tfc DECORATOR RELIAI3LE,' EXPEEIENCEID, EXPERT Reasonable Puices Kenilworth 5217 25LTN41-4tp C. W. ANDERSON PAINTING AND X)ECORATING 'iLeasonable prices,, Wilmette 4621. 25LTN41-4tp SKILLED WORKMANSHIP IN PAINT- ing and decorating., Can accelerate- vast difference in beauty, 'dignity and. eharming attraction with greatest ecun- orny. Winnetka 209. 25L42-ltp PAINTING, PAPER IIANGING. DEC- urating interior or exterior. 25 years experience. Estimates cheerfuily given. Prices reas. Tom Wosser. Wil. 1879.' 25LTN42-ltp "'Easy" Shop 1Woods, Winn. 9cS 53A-LTN39-tf(ý SU " LETTER SERVICE MUI4TIGRAPHING, MIMEOGRAPH- Ing and Playiôgraipbinii. Malling, Service. RAY'S LETTEIL SERVICE 720 Elm St. Wlnnetka 274 65LTN40-4tP 101PANO TUNING3 EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3. -RE- -pair work guaranteed. 22 years' fac- tory.experience. H. C. Thomas, 206 Co- lumbla Ave. Park Ridge. 1477. 60LTN39-4tP PIANO TUNING AND, REPAIRING. Ail Work Guaranteed- Thomnas Lookerbie 1.Wilirnette, 822 TUNER, WILMETTE PUB. SCHOOLS 60LTN40-4tpý 68 RADIOSER~VICE ____ FOR $1.50 You Can Have an- Expert RADIO EiNGINEER CHECK YOUR set and antenna. Perfect reception de- mands a well kept set and an occasion- al ehéek ùt1by an 'expIert wfil prove inexpensive and insure the best service fromn your radio. Lee S. Fetcher Winn. 2454 68LTN42-4tlr 69 REPAIRINS AND REFINISHING The Village Wood Shop ).pp.' Wilmette Postoffice, Wilmette 3484 Custom-bullt furniture. Expert furniture repalrig and refinishlng. Antiques a specialty. Caning, rushlng. 69LTN40-4tp 78UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRS A. .LUNDMARK Refinishing and Uphohsteriîng 1026 Church St. Evanston. Uni. 6992 72LT.N42-ltp $ 1-EXPERT GUAR. ADJUSTING. Ail makes. Also repairing-cleaning. RecQflditiofllng machines, $8 up. Buy & exch. Millen Hardware.. Wllm. 30M0 73LTN39-4tp, GUARANTE-ED' SERVICE Sewing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners and Radios. Ail Makes. Free Est. BLISS ELECTRIC SERVICE 607 Dernpster St. Uni. 6680, Gre. 7177 73LTN38-tfe - ' ILS ANDW FOIIBf Ai1 WE SUPER V. 'UDY Sù~naay d re 387 wckesarops re 870 j ces a sle ý-LTNq41-4tp ýlty. Dec a Baker, st, ,L MALE, le and hea ýoken. $46. REAL ESTATE LOANS WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR~ 0, First Mortgage bans on North Shore P 'property. interest 4%% to 6%. 1joseph C. Cormack & Co. m1t69 8hermnan, Evatnston Uni. 3388 p 87LTNO-tfd THE n. THE NORTH SHOREI SCH-OOL 0FP C CETAIN 4i)& Ridge,.Wlnnetka 2682. .44LTN42-ltp TUTORING INi FRENCH FOR TRAV- el, conversation, sctiool. Current .French literature.,Group or tndividual tessons. Blanche Mason Tellis. Wln- netka 823. 44LTN40-.4tp 47MUSICAL INSTRUcTrION >MISS IRENE COFFIN Piano instruction for young children. 18 years' study wlth Colum bia and N.. S. Country ïDay Scbool of Music. Ratesreas. 675 Blaekthurn Rîd., Win- netka 623. 47LTN40-3tp PIANO LESS0NS IN YOUR, HOME. Reasunable' rates. Al North Shore towns. Arthur W. Hagen,. 2754 Pr-air-ie Ave., Evanstun. University 5057. 47LTN42'-Iýti? b0À *OARDING SCNOOLS LEAVWE THE CHILDREN WIT*I US WHILE YOU ARE AWAY for a night, a week or a se;Fson. I1eg- istered nurse. Dietetica.iIy planned meal s. Ideal location. Pre-sehoul or after school clubs included. in rate. Children love ii. Transp-ortation to school now attend ing. Phone. for descriptive folder OUTDOOR RECREATION . SCHOOL 822 Mlichigan Ave. Wiliiette 1069 Betsy N. Shapker, Directur llth year 50A-LTN42-1tc se MUICAL INS"tRUMENTS STEINWAY GRAND PIANO, STYLE *"B," fine cond., for sale at reas price. Vlew at log bouse, 1258 Scott Ave., Win- netka, Sat. and Suan. m'ornings, 10-12, or tel. Rand. 1857 for appt. 59LTN41-tfe FOR SAL.E; USED GRAND PIANO, $150. In good condition. In house In Wilmette.' Cali C. W. MacSherry,, Regent 1564. Five grand pianoISen y tipr.. 1 Lowboy upr.. 1 Spinet: bargains. Storage 'Mart. Iredale Storage, 1723 Benson, Evanston. 59LTN42-ltp WANTED -UE GADPIANO for cash.. Phone Sheidrake. 5797. $9LTN41-4tp STEINWAY GRtAND. PIANO, MUST sel], $195 cash. 6512 N' Clark St 59LTN41-4tpý 80 WEARIJNG APPAREL.

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