EVANSTON: 522 Davis St. Greenleaf 1855 Hlolycouft 1855 WINNE'rKA: 790 Elm, st. Winnetka, 2700. Briargate 1S,.-5 HIGHLAND PARK: 6 . St. Jobhns St. Winnetka' 1802: Highland Park 1855 147LTe0_i-lC SÈVEN LARGE ROOMS. MODERN bath, laVatory,, breakfast room, auto- matlc heat, 2-car garage, large lot, excellent location, close to schools and transp. Complote insula.ý tion and, ~Storm sash, make heat cost only $100. per year* Th we wants offer around and you make offer. Fc>r information -Cail Mr. Jenkins. SHORE-TOWNS', REALTY CORP. 1603 Chicago Aveniue, -Evanstoni Gre, 2700 WiI. 608 Rog~. . 636 South Highland Park WE HAVE AN UNUSUALLY attractive and livable Early Amorican homo, bit. by ownor in 1937. Pine panelied dining rm. and hàli, large liv. nm., fireplaco, bookshelves, bay win- dow, open porch. 2 airy bed- rnis. and bath on 2nd floor can be finished at small cost. ~RlflTLl8 ~iRy, Hubbard Woods School District YOU MAY HAVE PRACTICALLY abandoned your plan to buy a horne and decided to continue to remt. Before ,mraking a definite decision, such as this it would be to your extremne advantage to investigate the 'rentlng terms-~ on which you can,,buy this very comfort- ablo 4 bedrooni bouse on pretty wooded lot In good neigbborhood. The price we are autborized to quote is $12,500. (Ask for Mrs. Plttmnan.) E. Sawyer Smnith,. 725 Elm Street, Winn. 3500. 1471,TN42-Itc Wagner Road, Glenview White, palnted franie country home wlth 2 or more acres of land ln estate district west of Winnetka. S bedrooms, 4 baths, gas air conditioned heat. At- tached-garage. *2ô0,000. Terms. These homes shown by appoint- ment only., WYATTr & COONS 1026 Waukegan Road Glenview 7 147LT1442-ltc MARVELOUS BU'Ys WHY PAY RENTr? English brick homfe, 30-ft. liv- ing room, heated sun rm., Ige. scroenod porch, brkfst. noolç,3 bedroonis, btd. 91p. pot-eh, 2K baths, unflnlshed 3rd ficor; o011 heat and ohl watem heater;, stove and Frigijdaire. Offiered at $16,M0. CHARMING F'RENCH, COLONIAL in exclusive Hill Road section. Well-built and pianned. Sun rn., 5 'bedroonis, -3% baths, attached garage. Ofiered at surprisingly low figure. Frances J. Winscott ~Exclusive Agent 414 LiÙ'den Ave. Winnetka 1267 147LTN42-lt- GLENVIEW - Zonlng protection, finie schools, saniitary and storm sewers, city water and good transportation are a 'few of the advantages to occupants of this lâvely Colonial bouse. Red brick and White'- clapboard-overlooks wood- land from a screened porcb. 7 large rooms, 2 tile baths and complote lava- tory-and--such charming papers and fixtures, too. Just new with ovory rnod- arn t,%nnr St-na O cm2 fraenl irptilnc-*tl 147 C HESTNIJT ST, WINNETKA YOU MAY GET THE KEY FOR THIS dellghtful Georgian Colonial and go through at your leisure. Ail reasonable offer-s forremitor purchase will be con- sidered. Cali us or your own broker for full particulars. SMART & GOLEE,. mc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1564 Sherman Ave. Willmotte 24ý4 147LTN '-Ite 931 PONTIAC, ROAD FRANKLIN REALTIY CORPORATION University 1777 Evanston 147LTN42-1tc $12,500 BUYS EX BEST EAST -WILMETTE setoon a 75-4t. wooded.lot, a otlivable home wlth 4 bdý- rme, 2 baths, hot water oil heat, 2-car garage. SmnalI, cash, requimed. .Mr. ,Lfott. TrHE BILLS REALTY,, m'c. 529 Davis St. Gre. 1166, W11. 3740 Skokie Ridge-Glencoe B19AUTIPUL BRICK ANI) FRAME Colonial riesidence, 10 roorns, 6 bed- roinis, 4% baths, dressing ron, Il- bramy, 2-car att. gar. Auto. heat. 90-ft., wooded, lot. 'Lovely restrlcted location. Caîl ns for appt. FRANKLIN REALTY 1CORPORATION University 7777 Evanston 147LTN42-ltc DO YOU WANT TO SELL your house ln 30 days? Consuit us on our HOUSE 0F THE MONTH plan of selling-oum last house was sold in four days. W. G. RUGGLES & CO. 517 Davis Street, Evanston Hol. 6886 Uni. 6886 WiI. 1660 147LTN42-ltc- L.-IÇAq one. W . S. E. WINNETKA WHITE FRAME COLONIAL, 6 RMS., beautlfuiiy decomated, slp. pomch, tile batii, bk. nook, garage. H. W. beat, oil, near station, New Trier and Gmeeley schools., A buy at $12,500. Caîl for appt. FRANKLIN REALTY CORPORATION Univemsity 7777 Evanston 147LTN42-lte 147LTN42-1te SA LE- ORRENT AN.' ATTRACTIVE MODERN HOME near lakte, full studio living roomi lst fi. guest 'rrn. withltUe bath, 3 bed- rn., 2." baths on 2nd fi., tiled kitchen, 2-car att. gar. Immediate occupancy.. Mrs. Mead. THlE BILLS REALTY, Jnc. 529 Davis St. Gre. 1166, Wil. 3740 147LTNi2-ltc EAST WIL#METTE Exc. loc. near 'IL" and, achoolu. .5 bed- rnis., 2 bathe, 2-ca'ga. Muat sacri- fice. Under s14,000. 'innetka 269. 147LTN42-ltp BEAUT. HOME, LESS THAN A YEAR old. 6 bdrmri., 3- bathe,_powder rn., pin. paneled library, roc. rnW-, '0r. orch, 2-car att. gar. Spaclous grounide. *35,000., Carolyn V. Lang, Winn., 1194.- 147LTN42-ltp Modern 6 rooni attracetive home. Near transportation. Large trees. $8,250. phone wlfltte 1imL 147L4-ltp 148 FOR SALE on *ENTr-H@USB TWO WINNETKA HOMES 466 Provident Avenue; 7 large, sunny rooms, hot water heat, tile-floor bath, se. porch, single garage. Poss. May 1- $8,000, or might ent $75 uio. 370 Wàlnut St. N.W. Cor. W4llow, S.E. Sec. conv. to grade and hlghsehools, 7 rooms, hot water heat, semi-bungalow; $10,500 on ros. terme, or might relit $80 month. DO NOT DISTURB TENANTS-Make 410-ACRE ESTATE SITE BEAUTIFUL TRACT NR, MCHENRLY. 20 acres unusually hlgh wooded hUis, bas several pictufosque homesites overý- looking the Fox rivr and several lakies. With 20 acres rolling meadow below, front ing 660 foot on good gravel rQad. %, mile froni concrete highway. Price $5,000 (1088 tlhan motgage). John New- hall, 499 Jefferson Avenue, Glencoe 267. 151LTN42-ltp RIPARIAN HOMESITE ligniana r-* - . 140 Groen E V. beat, 1-car Winnotka 3250 Cal for appt. EALTY FOR SALE: 6 N veneer, esidi 19vanstofl Harding road, 147LTN42-ltc quick sale. $7J UJniverstty 8' ROOM FURNISHED C07 Lake ICatherine near Mi Wlsconsin. Write Mrs. B. F 909 Broadway, Colurmbui .ltp I . ibiu u, iiinaen.