Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1938, p. 55

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For the year 1942, a tax 'sufficlent to produce the surn of $5,960 for. interest and principal;. For the year 1943, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of . $5,810 for interest and principal ; For the year 1944, a tax sufficlent to1 produe the - sum of $5,660 foi- interest and principal; .For the year .1945, atax suffiient to produce the um of '$5,510 for interest and principal; .For the year 1946, a tax suffieient to produce: the sum of $5,360 foi- lnterest and principal ; For the year,1947, a- tax sufflient to produce the s+um of $5,210 foi' interest, and principal.; For the year 1948, a :tax sufficient to produce -the süm of .$2,060 foi- interest. and principal. That principal or interest falling -due at any time when there are inisufflient funds on hand to pay the saine be paid promptly. when due from c urrent funds on hanil in advancement of the collec- tion of taxes, and when-taxes shall have been collectod, reimbursement shahl be made to the said funds in the amounts thus advanced. SECTION, 4. That -forthwlth upon the'ý passage, an'd publication' of .this ordi-- nance, a copy hereof, certified by the Clerk of, said. Village, whlch icertificate shaîl recite that this ordinance has béen ~passed' by the Presldetnt anid Board of Trustees of said Village and published as required by law, shall be filed with the County ýClerk of Cook County. who shall i and for each of the years 1938 to 1948, bath years iricluded, ascertain the, rate per.,cent requlred to produce the aggregatetax hereinbefore provided to be leVried for, each of satd years re- spectively, and' extend the samne for. collection on the tax books without- limiitation as to rate or amount, in like manner a- taxes for general corporate l)urposes foi- each of said years are levied and collected, and when collected such taxes shahl be used only for, the purpose of paying principal and in- terest uipon the bonds herein authorized when the saine mature, SECTION 5. That said bonds be ex- ecuted as soon after this oridinance be-. conmes effective as imay be, and be de- posited.with the Treasurer of said Vil- lage, and be by him delivered, to Balr man and Mlain,. Chica.go, Illinois, the pur-, chasers thereof, upon receipt of the pur-' iehase p)rice therefor, same being not less than. par' and .accrued interest ,to date of delivery thereof, contract. for the ý:sale, of .whichi. heretofore cntecd. into,, be and the saine is in ail respects ratified and confirmcd. SECTION 6. This ordinance shahl be in force and cffect from and aftcr- its passage, approval and publication- as rcqulred by'law. Passed and deposlted in mny office of Village Clerk this 22nd day of Pcb- ruary, 1938. Nicholas P. Miller, Vilag Clerk Approved' by mie this' 22nd day of February, 1938. HaryC. cinne, Wayne Hot2e, son of Mr. and M d.Chres E. Hotze, 749 Twelfth stireet, Wilmette,.has been pledged to the Sigma Chi fratcrnitt at the Unive rsity..of Illinois where he is' a freshman.. He is a graduate of New Trier HYigh school. NEW BOOKS List New Volumes in Collection- of Wilmette Library The Wilmette public library lias' added the following books to -its col- lection, it was announced this week:, Fiction Aydelotte-Tru mpets Calling Cbhr1stie-Death on the Nile Dos Passos-U.S.A. Lews-Prodigal Parents Simpson-Under Capricorn Swlnnerton-Harvest 'Coniedy N'on 'Fietion Edman-Four WVays of Philosophy 1 Modley-How to Use Pictorial Statistics Dlckinson-lMecchanics of Prosperlty Smith-I n d nst r i a I ad Commercial Geography Blair-Mike Fink Wilder-Mayo Cl mjc Graham - Interpretation of Financial Statemnents Modem ,Public ity Selling, Through the ýWindow Enloylng Fine Artst Eberlein -Practical, Book of Garden Structurev Chamnberlain-Open House in New Eng- i landa Reynolds - Complletu HIook ()f Modemn _Crafts_ ' The following mnen were elected to carry on the responsibilities as of-* ficers of thé North Shore Arta coun- cil for the coming 12 months. o Winnetka; first vice-president; T. A.: Con nors of Lake Forest ; second vice-, pesident, Judge Perry L. Persons of Watikegan; third vice-president, J. B. Jackson of Highlandý Park; fourth vicepresident, Theodore A une of Winnetka;. commissioner, Henry Fowler of Wilmnette; t reasurer, Otto F. Fisher of Highwood.' National council representât ives, Henry Fowler of Wilmette and T. A. Connors of Lake Forest; alternate national council representatives, Rob- etF. Doepel :of Winnetka, Walter. C.. Gaede of Waukegan;. finance chairmnan, Albert P. Snite of Hig--1- land Park ; chairman of court. of honor. and advancement committee,, William E. Webster of Libertyville.;> chairman -of training and- leadership committee, 'Milton H. Wright of Lake Bluff; chairman of. h alth and safety committee, George Scheuchenpflug of Ilighland Park; chairman of camp- ing and activities committee, .John W. Davis of Highland Park; chair- man of organization commi ttee, Keni- neth L. Fox of Glencoe; sub-com-I .niittees on organization: scouting, Ford Wilson of Lake Bluff; cubbing. Glen Reinier of Waukegan- senior scouting, Wil'l C. Huggins of Wil- mette; commodore and chairma'h of Sea Scout committee, Will C. Hug- gins of Wilmette. DINNER PROGRAM The 400Ônmen and wonien who at- tended the animal meeting and Scout leaders' appreciation dinner of the north Shore Area council last Tues- day evening at thc Ravinia, 'hçol, are' ail enthused oN-cr the splendid program. *Without a ýdoubt," they say, "this is the.best*of the many good annual meetings we have ever had." Among the high-lights of the programi there was a ventriloquist act "Rusty Whitç in School Days" by Lester Rizek, Jr., a Chicago Scout, the parade of glags. M nanuei-, Paul aon y, Jack N o as - c.one, Spencer R:aYmnondp, Rober6t Rigler, Don Roycc,.Kelth Verno'n, Robert War- ren, Ray Wicsei and,,Heniy Zander. First ,class: Stephen Chase, Jer ry Finnigan, Allan Gilbert, William Hem- locker, Jack Ketcheam,' Albert Korte, Bob Lindberg, F ergus Mead, Paul Mooney, Jack NovasicOne, Duitley Orvis,à Donr Raggio, Donald Royce. Star: Don. Campbell., Bob Lindberg- Fergus Mead. Life: Don Campbell, Bob Lindberg. Silver palm., George Simon. Menit badges: Benton Baker, print- ing, basketry, personal 'health; >Eari 'Boormai, basketry, çar»entry; Don-'. Campbell, athletlcës, mýetalwork, cook-, Ing, pioneering, buglhg, ,rat aid te animais, lcathercraft; Stephen Chase, first aid, personal hcalth, public healtb, metalwomk, ýbaskctry, woodwork, seholar- ship, carpentry, athîcti es, swlmming; John Connley, woodworkfng; >JMm Crowley, basketry; Jerry ,FInnigaLn, woodworking, handicmaft, earpentry, woodturning, chemlstry -machinery, per- sonal health; fIrst aid'; Ailan . Glbert,' basketry, woodworking; WUai R er- locker, woo'dworking, mcetalwork, read. lng; Dick Joncs, handicraft; Frank Ketcham, scholarshlp, woodcraft, bas- ketry, carpentry, mnachinery; Jack Ketcham, printing; Tom Keteham, car- pentry, woodworking, mna ch inecry, scholarship; Albert Korte,' art, car- pentry, woodworking, swlmmng, flrst aid,, ife saving, leathercraft, inctal- work; Charles Law, basketry; Bob) Lindberg, personal health, athleties, reading, cooking, public health, flrst aid, weather, printlng, cooking, ]Ife ýaving, swimming; William McLaren, eatb raft; 1'ergus 1~f~Mead.flirstta ,,petryme sving; Bill ýy, Pesonal health, pub- Ddwlork. the Dance 0f JIuly, for any insurance, ecf atgreed to be effected, An the by or With sueh corporation,4 or association durlng such yej NUMS of moncy 50 collected by lageTreasurer shahl be set ai ocia-W iTT $T1 Vilag o ' mt te , Scouts and parents' of Scouts in %oirst NichoSTP: ihe Kenilworth were out' in full force last fi r ihlage Cler night at joseph Sears school at one lage, Printcd and ýublIeéd this 24th day lof the largest courts of honor ever any of Februamy,, A.D, 15.8in the 'Wilnictte held in Kenilworth. Rad 4fe, iga ,ti cutasCa vil-. Nicholas P. Miller Presidin tthscut sCar-: and Village Clerk. man. jwas M. V. Hale. The speaker Lowell Snorf,, son o f Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Snorf, 717 Elmwood avenuAe, Wiirnette, lias been elected President of the freshman cla.ss at the University of Illinois. Lowcell is a Neu&. Trier graduate. He has alsorecently been initiated into. Phi Delta Theta fraternity

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