OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY The Twenty-eighth anniversary of the Sons of Norway, Skjold Lodge, 100, will be observed February 28 at 8 o'clock at the, Swedisb Fraternal hall, 1415 Sherman avenue, Evanstonl. There will be musical entertajumnent- and a dance. Rob.ert F. 1D oepel, 1367 Asbury- aven ue,1 Illhhbard -Woods-, (rig ht) wasý elected Tutesday nighitot succeed ficniry P-ot(lcr, 1404 Foresi avzellle,- WiI- mette, <le f0 as presient o!flic e.V'ortlz>Shore 'Area colilcil of the Boy .Sot o rerc.the electi v îwas lcld ai the anii ,netliflq 911le colincil of tht' Ravin iaischool. M\oiiday evening bas been designat- LENT PROGRAMI ed as meli's recreational night at the ___________________ Wilmette B'aptist churchi. The pro- grai of recreation includes table t ennis, with tournamrent play now i n lprogre53s, and shuffleboard. Alf red fleerens. is iin charge of this actiyity for the men of the church and their coe and one in Morto wm oe Their bonds were &et &t $10,"O0 cch. on .Monday afternooftthey were a3so bound over to. the granmd juy by Police Magistrate Johnm J. Peters of. Wilinette, under $1,00 each on twodie- exit coUts. Failing to raise bond th*y were sent to the county jail. Atiother charge tl pending- in Wilnette. The arrest Wednesday of last week by Kenilworth police* of Donald. Youngmnan, 23, of 2023 Giddings street, and Atlan Freedain, 19, of 3750 XÇorth Wilton Street, Chicago, the of- ficers says, clears up a number of recent'hold-ups in. north 'shore. vil- lages, including that of Mr. and Mrs. 1Robert M. Ellis of 490 Hazel avene. Glencoe, and Police Sergeant Her- nanVatuce of WVilmette. 1Familiar with the practice of hold- up nmen in following cars to resi- dences of owners, later to "stick them up" when they alight., Kenil- %North officers crui.singSheridan road in the vicinity to No Man's Land shortly after 3 o'clock Wednésday morning became suspicious when they saw a car following closely another car, northbound. Forced to Curb SAVE 1 00/o, on Operofifli Coi Chocolate bew-eon two3-L YuIBRCK4 4 loyers of Alrrond Toffee QT ?*'I FACKAGE 9g maple Nut Ice Ççeaim .. Fr-2. ka. Sool, after rnlak<iig the turnil ito Elin street; the front car again turn- ed, but the car wvhich hiad been fol- lowving it. and stili trailed by the Kenilworth squad car, continued West to Green .Bay, road, thence sou'tl to Oak street' and -on dovoi Linden street. A short. distfanc e, south of Oak, street, the Kenilworth officers-forced, the lone occupant of the car, who proved to be Younigman, to the curb. He was found to be armed, and in his car was a radio with wvhich hle Jesus as aids to mieninii their need, must weeic. iTne oaby, Who nas a bruilivi, be clarifled." Tohn, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Althougb the minister is preparing Henry on Febriary 13. the course of study, it is expected that the charactef of the meetings will be aend .reseratioIns 1must, be madle each informai. The Woman's Guild. will week.' The service, will be fro.m 7:30 serve dinner each night, at 6:30 o'clock,' to 8:30. t