Tenth Street and Central.-Avenue WILMÈTEILLINOIS Sunday Srie- i a.m. Wednesday--Testim onial, Meeting-S p.m. Sunday School Exercises-9 :45 9-m- February 27, ý1938 Subject: .CHRIST MEUS READING ROOM-11l33 Central.-AMenue. Open Dofuly (exceptý Wedneday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9A. M. t* 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. te 9 P. M. The Bible and Works, of Matry Baker Eddy" aMd ail other athoried CIITistion Science - Uterature may be read, borrowcd Or purchaoed at the Reading Réonk. TIM, PUULIC J»,.CORDIALLY INVI TO A~Týr.N TUS cuiax INvicE £WA»VINT Tal E ZDNt*mx* ob Thte aitiual Worlid J)cy o!f rayer wtl l eheld on March 4, at thte. Wi- mette Presbyteriait church ùt 2 o'clock. Six Wilmelte churches arc collabor- ating in sponisoring the event, the Methodist, Congregational, Presby.terian, lEp*scopal, and Engiish Lut heran. Each church u411 be represented .by thte chairman or president of the guild or wvoman's soci et y of the church. Mrs. Jamtes T. Venekasen is general chairman. Single Feature Is Evangeline Oi-son Is Hope of P. T. A. in Awarded Seholarship At the close of the first semester North Shore TownS recently at the Free Church academy, (Continued from Page 5) which is a private co-educational TE rootli Brushes 2 for 5le PROMPT DPLIVERY SERVICE Wo odb.ry's FACIAL SOAPI $ e 1 pr sjdozen ForminlIy mi per cake Tooth Poiste- 33c inembership." NEWCOMERS Mrs. A. E. Beirnes of .927 Ramona Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith andi road rettirned home a week ago to- son,,Roderick,who came to the day (Thursday) from Wauseon,'Ohio, lage recently f rom Greensborc where she had been visiting M4rs. H. N. C.,. are the new residents at, Reynolds for ten days. Washington avenue. \ 1 ý