tournanient, New Triér's basketeers were to moire from Waukegan to May- wood, Wednesday night, wbere the sec- tional liminations are to be held at the Proviso Higb scbooî gymi. Waukegaia, runner-up ini the play at tbeir own. floor, will also come along as .represehtative of tbis district. Win- tiers of sectional tities will qualify for. the state finals. In order, New Tirdowned Arl- ington Heigbts (49 t o 25), Palatine ý(33 to 25); Wau- kegan. (35 to 30). A'handsonie tropby was awarded theni in, recognition of being undefeated. Cly d e Grater, wbo bas coacbed New Trier basket-, bail squads for a goodly, numer of y ea rs,.idicated tbat tbe work of seve ral players had pleased bum, a ni d had played an im- portant p a r t *i keeping the teani (Leble Photo) in the figbt. First, Johni Thompson he nominated Cap- tain John Tbomp- son for bis efforts at guard. It waý be who did sucb a fuine job of boldin.p ping tbem. WeeCompiented Earl Borre. and Dlck Reynolds were complimented. Tbe latter bas tallied 33 points iii the trio of contests, bigh- light being the 18-point, performance- against Arlingtoni Heights. Earl bas 13, but, was namned cbiefly for bis flôor and spirit of teamn play- and, that feeling is. far more account i ail elimination >"ýquiek death" tourney tban in' the course of an. ordinary schedule. PIenty of ZIp charley Nevina and' Bih Jenningoi were cast lin key roles, primarlly. for the saine type of playlng that was Clted In Borre's case. They 'seemed, even more so than the rest of the- teamn,î to be inibued with the :old fightlng feeling. An d that's saying a niouthful, for the whole outfit has plenty of zip right now, even. though they, have played without the-services of two of the regular sea- son first-stringers. No matter "what the final outcome of the sectional battles,, the ten-man squad representing New Trier deserves a bushel of icredit for carrying on as they . 1ive In the face of odds that, on the strength of blak-and-wh'ite Amso5nf records, were overwhelmingly against them. Summarles: Waukeuan am New Trier (35' BF Jennings; f .2 0 3, Borre, f . ,.00 0 Reynolds, f .2 6 2 Deacon, c ý.4 0 1 Lingel, g... 2 1 4 Durr, g ..A000 Thonipson, g 3 1 2 Nvn.g .,.0i1i Waukegan 0(0) BFP Graham, f.... .5 3 4 Kolar, f .. 2 3 Cooper, f.... 01O0 Lindcpiist, c. .1 3 1 Herselle c,..1i0O0 Elo,g.. 3 3 1olenls, g . O'02 Nelidoif Photo Roy Ste fen, 421. Ridge ýroad, Keitilworth ,nanaging: director, of tihe aimnarck hotel, recentlY was elected president of the. Greater Chicago Hotel asbociatio». SORORITY PLEDGE Miss Ellen Jones, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. joues, 1514 Forest avenue, Wilmette, recently ac- cepted the pledge of the Alpha Sigma Delta Literary society of, Kalamazoo college, where she is a student. Miss Jones, who is a freshman this year, bas taken an active part in the social ife, of the.fncamus. Various comfmittees, headed by Mich- ael A. McNulty as general chairman, are working, on plans, for this elaborate affair to which the public is invited. The several committees announced, follow:' Recetion-John Randolph,cbairman; Mrs. B.ý T. McGiveri, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kearns, Mr s. Michael A. Mc- Nulty, Mr. and. Mrs.. Thomas M. IL.eahy, Mr., and Mrs. B. N. Brockman,. Mrs. Sidney Beech, Mrs. H. Paulick, Mrs. L. W.* Hayes, Mrs.. H. W. Robertst, ,Mrs. E. K. Kirchberg, Mr. and Mrs.' Frank -Brady,.John Callahan, Mr. a nd Mes. P. W. Trudeau,'Mi. and Mrs. J.' J. Enright,,Mrs. W. P. Borre, John Carney, Ed J. floyle, Jr. Door Committe Door-WV. J. Butler, chairman; Law- rence McCarthy, John-W.* Feidman, A. J. Massey, Henry Klauke, John Wade. B., G. Eberle. Wardrobe-RaymÔlid. Scheidt, chair- man; Alfred'Hafner, Dorotby Davis, Virginia Tru~deau, Mary Boheim, Betty Ansi Kearns, Mary Lou Roberts, Kath- leen McNulty. Irish favor-Mrs. Mary Dehmlow, Mrs. Nellie Rielly, Jean Richardson, Marian Weiler, Patricia Voltz. Publicity-H. . Roberts, L. W.» Hayes. 1Cards-Mrs. W. McDonald P earson, Mrs. Thomas Carney.., Orchesta-E. K. Kirchberg. 0JY Wi Wilmette ALlE EVANSTON CHAPEL RY' MAPLE AVENUE AT GROVE