Entries for Flower Show on Navy Pier April 2-10 Replioe of SIiaw and Map of HoIy Land fo Se Sp.ciaI Exlibit of N. S. Club. A patio garden vwill transport spectators'into the warmnth and sunshine of, wbich California boasts, itmmdiately up'on. their arrivai at ýthe Chicago. 'Floler show on' the.Na vy Pier fromn April 2-10, inclusive. Such is to bc the entrance this vyear.ý For many weeks in small and en- ergetic groups flower show. entry committees f rom al of the participat- ana, garden clubsof the. Garden Club of Illinois, sponsor of the show, have been planning, mnaking., inquiries, se- lecting materials of many kinds, visualizing the completed pictures exlui»ts will mzke. On the north shore this saine activity goes on among the eight clubs. havinig major and special exhibits. Home and Gardon Club One of these clubs, the KenilwVorth Home and Garden club, is having a,. special exhibition. Two of the club's members. Mrs. William O. BeIt and Mrs. William Freudenreich, president, are to assist the Rev. Leland Hobart * Danforth with a replica of the Church1 of the Holy Coiforter. its garden, and its rectory which lie bas con- structed and generously off ered to * the club for* exhibition at the Flôwer show. The. universal interest in thei Eugene Field shrine andi the replica of the map of the Holy land, has made the church and garden of na-« tional interest. Mrs.' Frank C. Nason is in charge of the club's exhibits, which includei a garden cart in the north Atlantic States region, and a potted plant. On the comnittee for tiiese entries are Mrs. Richard, Johnston, Mrs. Theo- dore Moritz, Mrs. Wilson McAllister, and several others. farlane of Winnetka. OR their com- mittee for the club's major and only exhibit, a garden in the l1andscaping and architectural feeling of Louisiana, are Mrs. William, L. Heiser, Mrs.. Robert L..Scott, _Mrs. David Kimball, and Mrs. G6rahain Penfield oôf Win- netka; Mrs. Donald Rogers, Mrs., John, A. Turner., atidMrs. Alfred .. Taylor of Gl MceMs. Francis. W. Dakin of.Hubbard Woods, president, of 'the club, and, from Evanston, .Mrs. John J. Louis, Mrs-; John Mc- Pherrin. Mrs. Richard Osgood. and MNiss Ada K. Rew. Wi6nn.ka Weeders At a meeting held, Monday miorti- ing at the home of MIrs.. Wý'aldo *Gundlach in' Winnetka, her coimiît- téee -for ,the-,WMinnetka Weeders.' major exhibit made its final, plans. Their.s will be the main garden of the- Illinois b ouse, and. , in keeping with the spirit of its NVktoriai~tilnes.' pansies, ageratum,, geraniums., and bleeding hearts will be among the fiowers used in this, the side garden. O)ther groups are arranging tiue entrance,>kitcheni and terrace gardens .Of the Illinois house, but that of the Weeders is definitely a flower garden. $erving on the working committee. in addition of 'Mrs. Gundlach, the, chairman, are the M.\esdamne.s Archi- bald Wagner, Brownell Bradstreet. Ayres Boal, Jr., J. Houston 'M. Clinch. Donald C Brock Horton Faîl.' Linidsay Suter. William A. «Magie, Il. Edward Harkness, and. John 'Man- ierre., Mrs. Kenneth Henderson. president of the.Weeders, is serving on the committee ex-officio. MIr s.: Leonard Bridges of Wilmette is ar- ranging the group's mninor exhiîbit. a potted plant, and Mrs. Donald Jones is ýthe general chairman of -the ex- hibits.à Tickets are being.handled bY Mrs. ýClincb, for the Weeders. Winnetka Garden Club A Connecticut, garden will be the major exhibit of the WVinnetka Gar- den. club. NIrs. William T. Bacon. -frs. R. IH. Jarrabco f Glencai' bais .old ,,î,iril siyle tickets f lin <mv v)tllïr iine iiher mm- f flic coin- nîittec foriicd trom it, UI1Lr imard Qoft!.- .North Siiore.ilir oft lii, Cicmme,<.llacrii te1r i flutîî licdessert Ibrid.ijc andifaslimm1 Sli o b(- hi .'heMtif Slîawicc Coli- fm'clid, ' «i Marlich, i5. SMie i ha lii, iOf pri-C.S s s w'ell. Church Women of Wilmette Invited to Program, Tea Mleiiilers of the guilds and %voinen 's s(cieties of >the Pres- lwterian. I3aptist, .\Ietodist., Engi s Ltheraii. a.nd Epi scopa I chrcesare invited bv -1 the XV'oaii's guild of the Col.,re- to Be Festure of Silver .Lubilimen 'Preparations ate well under- Wvav for. theý highlight of thi s year for thie- Woman's, Catholice Club1) of, Wilrnette, ý the Silver Jubilee breakfast taking. place at Shawnee, Country' club at 12:30 o'clock Friday, March1 25. the twenty-fifth anniversary of the clb. .Mes. Clifton L.,.Walk.er is in charge of ail social arrangements for the event, the prograin for which will ini- clude a talk by Monseignor Shannon, the silver jubilee priest, whose idea wvas the original founding of the Catholicý club.. One of the famous> Abbey (Irish) Players will give, a dramatic reading. Reservations are being made wvitli Mrs. WValker for a~n event whlih lionors the club's charter members. Ail living charter members will .he present. and it is hoped ail memberN -%vill attend and bring old members o f the club, as well as their otvn friends. Tables wiIl be grouped at the party ~for the twelve months of the vear. and arrangements will be made for *members to be seated at the table' representing the month in m-hich each was born. However guests of mecm- bers will sit at the tables with their hostesses. Members excpecting to at- tend are asked to. send in the month of their birth, as birthdays of mein- bers will be celebrated by the club at the saine time that it observes, its own. *Assisting Mrs. XValker are the 1members of ber committee,: IMes-, dames J. W. Dienhart, Frank Don- niersberger, Dennis Harrison, Edward' A. Hoffman, Max J. Kellin.g, Williami D. Leary, George F. Lundy, G. Wal-. lace Moore, Samuel H. Moore, John .1. Tracey. Wifl be serve g to good or ;e who do1 will be .resi Mcare to ved for a munitee, Mvrs. r.van J. McIlraith is chairman of the East End circle-in charge of the serving oftea. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur May'nard,. 610 Gxreenleaf avenue, bave just returned t-, Wilmette froin a short vacation at Fort. Lauderdale, .Fia. WILMETTE.,LIF.E ,é atid j i ~ I i t eue (Gar- n for its fhlemann T. Mac- sic. Fo dance, game.