Through the combined efforts of the Rev. James Sheridan, assistant priest at St. Francis Xavier churcb and chap- lain of Ouilniette council and Leo J. Hassenauer, a . dvocate of, the council, the Rt. Rev. Hillenbrand bas. been en- Re,'. James Sheridan. gaged to give an address, open to the publie, on "The Last Four Popes." The Rt. Rev. Hillenbrand was born ini Chicago and attendeçi Quigley _Pre- at Northwestern unïversity, will be guest speakers at a social meeting of the Wilrnette Masonic lodge Thurs- day evening,,March 24, at the Mason- ic temple., At that time motion pic.- tures of various Northwestern, foot- ball games'will be shown. Members have been-requested to bring their sons 'to this meeting. Tonight (Thursday) the Masons and their guests 'wil witness* the film "Play- Bail,'" officiai .motion, pic- ture. of ýthe American league, which has been brought to the village througb the courtesy of William Harý- ridge, presidentof the league, who is a member. of Winmette lodge. "Red" Ormsby, famed A merican league uni- pire, wiii bethe, commentator. Subjecte: 1938 TANCE READING ROOM -"133 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M, to 7:45P. Saturday g9 A.M. to 9 P.Mf. The ]Bible -and Works of -Mary Baker Eddy, and'ai other authoriïed iiian Science Literature may. be read, borrowed or purichased at the Reading Rooi. TRE P.UBLIC »i CORD1ALLY INVITED TO ATrEND TUR ÇCH E LEVICIE AND VIST TEE REABÀINO kOM PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISIRS.- FRJDAY, MARCII tUb year taught a course in r4nglsii ntithe Quigley seminary. About that time Cardinal Mundelein seiected him as a "member of the Diocesan Mission group. At present he is rector of St. Mary's of the Lake Seminary where he is, professor of Liturgy. Here he has aiso instituted a course in economics with special attention given to, encyclicals. The Rt. Rev. Hiiieiibrand bas spoken to the men of St. Francis Xavier Par- vited to thi$ delightful musical trea, in sacred. music$ it is announced. 1148 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 2313 OPENJNG SPECIALS! Kayser Hos. Kayser GIov.s wiII b. ftured. by *1,1. store «'SHOP IN WILMETTE!" 'i