THURSDAY - FRUDAY -SATrURDAY:AT 1179, WILMETTE A VE. J. Oskar Rydstrom,- of the Chii- cago-Conservatory facuilty, who te4Il direct ttelNorth Shore Scandiinavian Maie chorus ini its annual Concert, Swdav alterntoonz.,March 20,.,atf4 o'clock, in NeÉw Tier High sehool auditorium. The pfrogram ýwill feal- ýtilri, the nationally known cellist. laHa Jess, anid the 'ýRoserngidoi,i-> (in impressive grou/' of local enter- tàiners. Lake Forest College Oflers Scholarships Lake Forest college announices for the year M98-39 twenty-four new cholarships totaling $4,000. Seven teeîi of these, from $150 to $275 are for resident studeiîts, and seven, from, Perfection iIssues, B9ox ofme ,OZfor.46c Took Bush-Astsortod for i6c. Powder GlycerinIe n Glycrane4-o Fine velour Bath Towels lâces..... 2 1- w~ith dmÀ OIfst..mfo rose Water~ Sie Forest college, Ma3y 7, 1938. The coin- petition is openl to young men and women who are recomnnended by their high school principals. The significance of this annou1nce- .Ment is the fact that these scholar- ships are awarded for sheer menit and ability with ,no' entangling en- cumibrancès., It is a sign of educa- tional health. and vitality wbich mnany small colleges find it difficuit to avenue. Thne Steiners moved Satur. day into the house they' have pur. cbased at 1716 Highland avenue. ... 00 Mouth Piut Castor Cod ý Liver Oil.