.WILMUTT 402 Lide Avenue. 1808 JarvisAveue Rogers Park 011,8 CHIICAGO 3959 8r..idway Fresh anti buft.ry--Ambnds. Nuls Cos@Brails, Flberis >tidCah5- 9 Corn on the Cob CaliforuaiaSardines, A. new peck tiom.stic Sàmin-m-Your choice of the pick of the crop. ail reacly to hoaf endi smoked -tior 1..poclied in .11v oil-Elther ou*e serve with Ioads of butter- 3 fia2. feu2.9 Sky Flake Wafers, Crisp, krunchy. and different- Deiiuimrs nicipSrewt ops or Fine wlfh soups, satadi or for In- eiiul rs ndcis-Siewt befwee sak-A c selads or spreard wsfh Châteu- lg-I Bedford Strawberry or Raspberry Proservesupply diliing? Thon, why not augment if with .ither one of these pure fruit lems?-They ere perfectly mrvelous- 2-1b. jar- Jumbo R11 The great big. faf,. juicy gi;rls go for in e big way- Suffet fins- ChaeanCheese A. milti-flevoreti ch....-tht sprïeds, scsor MOUS .esily-Flne with 29 2,rferr29 Jam [ Bonnie face -Peele d Apricols 5ake 5it th stns orfanLvr it ofhe .fresh, fui c I l v r S o e oiy r m v d b f r serving- No. 21/2 fins- 3c p. OivesCommodore Dili Pickles onstetlbosed C H IPSO 2 1iC Crisp andi fuil of diii fl.vou-Pbetd in 2 hendy r.frg.ratr jar- qur- FRESH STRAWBERRUES jus i magine buylng flics. ripe, juicy, Sweef South.r bordies et mid-sason prices. Speclel for Ttiursdey,, Frieay N OE 5 andi Sefurtiay 001y".AAA. .Iwway 9 Red Ripe Tomatoos Slicinqsize-Fie2for .l d 9o peel. Ripe, tieliclous fruit- 3' lbs..19 TEXASSEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT. Ic SPRUNG LIC 0F LAMBS Wonti.rfully tonder. meat end sp.clIIy l nvifing when roesieti with a clove of gent.c-. lb.1 7 c , RIO LAMB CIIOPS. S. good When broileti antiservsd wlth fr.sh spinc- IL37 GENUINE CALVES, LIVIR. A h.elthfui end i tsy *nfree whother frieti endi erved wlfh bacon, or broil.d-4b. Quat Winnetka 51 Wime1e151 MARCHl 17, 1938 Korim Chips f