rnepod of cnoosmng candidates in place of, the old party convention system, the requiremeàtsansd pro- cedure of. primary voting, statements coacerning officiais to be nominated adthe duities of their offices-thçse, arcesome of the subjects covcred in the bnitfifteera-ninute dialogues. Stressedl throughout the series is the fact- that- proper. funciioning of the American primary cannotlbe at- tained so long as less, than halfte7 qualifled votersý avaitl themselves of their right to a voice in their party'.s Pre-électîon <eliberaions. -A large' and intelligent vote at the primartes on April_12 is the aim of. the league mn sponsoring these programs. Land of EkMo Is-, Depicted by Pu'pilS; Icebergs, glistening show, a glow-, frtg aurôra borealis, a kayak on ai bine paper ocean, prancing pengwins,! and a very real igloo formed the background for a program given M4onday evening by the third grde pupils of St.. Joseph's school, Wil-' mette, Features of the demonstration,î which was a culmination of the class activity on Eskimos, were songs, a dance, talks on life and customs in: tht arétic, a book review on -Willy Nilly," original poems bv the voung 4bove is a~ reproduction of a model of the completed Baha'i Worsh»P,, fantus North 4Shore. Iandrnark on Sherian rad at Harbor. WVork on; the temple. is to be resurned this Spring. A description of the jroject is to bc ford elsew-hcre in thi s issue. Work o n Bi Temple Re Early in (Continued f rom House of llilmte complete i. ~ Iannounced that He* was the One ber- 2aa i alded by the Bab. At the death of IBaha'u'llah in 1892, 'Abdu'1-Baha His, !SU MeS eldest son, became the appointed lleader and interpreter. 'Abdu'l- Baba l passed iway in 1921, leaving a will ad A pr - testament appointîng His grandson, page. 5) jShoghi Effendi. as. the first guardian men V orers. Mrs. Bogert states that this time in addressing the senators her con- tinued interest in civil service is centered in the reorganization bill now before the Senate. She goes on to sav: "The civil. service pro- visions are the. only. phase of theL bill in which the League, of Womien Voters is inter&ested; but its interest in that phase in a very. real one. "Whether to have a. civil- sercice commission or a single civil service. administrator sems to.be the moot- question., In spite of the, Brookings report recornrnending the commis- sion form . the league puts its faith i -a single administrator. It is said that a co mmission is better, able to withstand politic.al pressure. I do not believe it. One can always 'pass the buck when one is one of several: but the white light of publicity would mfake,,uncomfortable aiy' succumbing to0 political pressure. That to my' I mid is the real strength, of the single adniinistrator plan. The fact that our own Dr. Leonard White of. the University of Chicago, who did an admirable piece. of work as a member of the United States Civil Service Commission, himself ap- proves a s i n g 1 e1 administrator stretwthens the case for, in in y eves. H. William Oakwoods 1.Have Infant Daughter tanciesabout the people.in the cold. northern regions was learned by the, young "explorers." Their interest ini 1* the study wag well exhibited both in the rendition of the prograin and in' the display of booklets, posters,ý friezes, panels, stories and articles ini "Flashes," the- class newspaper, a.. pocuis, and construction work in the '13 classroom. 1 ' he dome itself is remnarkable .iii that it consists of two separate, in- dependent, structural steel irames of lattice girders thorougly cross-braced. On the upper chords of the inner framework is supported a specially designed aluminum and glass dome. The structural framework of this dome consists of aluminum channel, and angle sections which support the1 panels of wire glass. There are somei WvorId C .vlizatïon, nhe states, 'Thne street, nxanston, wnho have resided ini Rleveation of l3aha'u'llah, wh.ose su- Evanston for two years. Thev came preme mission is none other but the to the north shore from Buffalo. achievement of the organic and M.\r. Oakwood's parents and Elizaý- spiritual unity of the whole body of beth Dcorothy's paternal grandparents nations, should be regarded as signal- are 'Nr. andS Mrs. C. J. Oakivood, who izing through its advent the Coming are living> in Oakwood. 111-. the town of Age of the Entire Human Race. which was nanied for' Mr.. Oak,.ood's It should be viewed not mnerely as1 great grandfather. yet another spiritual revival in the Mrs. Oakwood is the former 'May- ever-changing. fortunes of ruankind, belle Kuelzow. and her parents, Mr. flot only as a further stage in a chain and Mrs. A. J. Kuelzow, live at 611 of progressive Revelations,. nor even G nefaene imte as the culmination of one of a set'ies 1 Elizabeth Dorothy has an eIder of rerap t n,.+ i-L. !....- y Vilmette 250, and fill this nçed 1end of next week from-Ke-mpeèrhall at Kenosha, Wis., for a spring vaca- ool of Ors later