Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Mar 1938, p. 46

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Frst Presid.nt, sud Leader in Temple end Vouffi Work, fo Address N. S. Group Mrs. Hugo Hartmann of Win- netka will be the speaker at- the next mnontbly meeting, of 'tht ,North Shore Con gregat ion: Is-. rael sisterhoôd wbicb -will be hedon %Ionday, Marcb 21, atý 2:15 clock.* Mrs. Haàrtmaànn b.,as chosen as ber subject,"The Sisterbood and Its Programi for Youtb,'" whicb, isý a -topic on- ~vich, sbe caiî speak with' the profoundest. understanding. Mr.Hartnmann bas been active in, philanthiropic work for years'. and lias become known.anid loved throughout the- country. for lier unselfisli devo-, tien to the many organizations in whichi she is interested. She was the frst president of the Sisterbood ini Glencot. and is now the honorary president, She is' tht national chair- man. of the Young Folks Temple league, and recently bas- been ap- pointed treasurer of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods-. In addition to Temple work, Mrs. Hartmann bas taken active part in the Chicago Woman's Aid, wbtre she is chai-mian of tht civics and philan- thropy department. Her wide ex- aliy ndcharming delivtry. Pollow- il ing Mrs. Hartrnann's lecture, a tea is wýill be served in ber honor, at which time ber audience will have an op- portunity to greet her. Miss Betty Younker, also of. Winnet- ka, is supplementing Mrs.. Hartmann s lecture with a violin pÉogram. Miss Younker is a young musiciari of decidtd en as a Deneht ior tevvîunetic rr- ish Methodist church. The deinonstra- tions will take place in the Firs± Na- tional Bank building at 1150 Wil- mette avenue, at 9:30,,o'clock, Tues- day, Wednesday, and Thursdlay morn- ings, March, 22. 23, and 24., One morning will be devoted to baking. The, delicious home-baked gQods one see s at the varlous, food sales prove that north shore women are stili interiested in this old-fasbion- ed feature of home making. The mod- ern woman, howvever, wants to do it ini the latest Way,*ývithl modern equip- ment,. and nlew gadgets., These aids' will play .a prominenilt part . on, the morning given'to the demonstrations of party menus. A third morning wilL feature regular nitals and etes Tickets are available from Mrs. Clifford Ives, 1630 Washingtonaven- uie, Mrs. C. Rollin Smith, 1728 Higlh- land avenue, or at the office of the \\'ilinettu Homae Owners' association. Stries tickets will also bc on sale. at the door. Circle Now Announces Spring RumrnangeSale A spring rummage sale will bc sponsoredby the East End circle of thé- F crV Cnuriyt¶2inal chlirc, the. circle, Mrs. F. A. Cu s its cro-chairman. Speoloer Neildoft PhotnD iflaet-e MaMurràugk, born' ai Edenderry, Oifally, Ireland, rd-;- iicateil at Alexandraz collegei Dublin, who studied draina at the Abbey theater in Dublin, and u'lo is a former member of the fainous Irish Players, u411 givee a programi of ber "miniatures of living char- acter.?' duriizg the Silver Jubilee breakfast which observes thc hue»- ty-fifth anniversary of the Wfonta;'s Catholic Club of Wilm;ettè, .Priday, .1jarch 25, at Shau-pee Country club utf 12 (>Rlk 1-er work j.ç con- nan ot Smith Eastern Star Activity At the M.\ardi 7 meeting of \Vil- mette chapter, Order of the EHastern. Star, a dessert bridge part-,- ,as an- nlouniced for today (Thursday), at 1 :30 o'clock. at the home of Mrs. * elville 'Werner, 1624 Xalut ave- nue, Wilmette. Mrs. Werner %vill be assisted by Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Robert McClure, and Nfrs. Charles "6The Orient, Its Beauties and Customns" is. the enticintiîtileof a -taIJ wbicb will be given byý W. F. Barnes to, -members, an gussf the.Neighborsof Kn- ilwù,orthoat the meeting Ma rch 22,In the Assemblyhall. SMr. Barnes is a Chicago man .and ýup to tht year. 1935 as, a buyer and cÉollector of, "Things Oriental." Dur- ing a period of thir.ty..years, lie made, twenty-three tr.ips. to the Orient,ý visiting Japan, China, the Philippines and India, and spending tive to eigbt montbis.there on> tachttip. Ht. bas a lways been. dee.pîy interested. in, everything pertainingý to these. coun- tries,,their people, among Whom hle bas highly, esteemed- friends, their customs, and their craftsmailship. -He knows the Orient as few Americans Cali. Mr. Barnes brings with him a very beautiful display of art objects- garments, silks, tapestries, jades, and anîong them several Museum picsof great value. Berause, %vherever lie lectures, people .vant to, buy somne of thiese things, the an- nounicenient is made that "none is for sale." His really elaborate display -will be ready by 1 :15 so that mieni- ,bers may have an opportunity to view it before the meeting starts at 2:30. Fitting into his setting, M r. Barnes \vil] present bis lecture in costume, -inaking several changes throughiout thlat each miay be appropriate to the eotintrv under discussion. ht is cer-, taini to bie an intéresting and .in- StruçtiVe talk. The. afternoon ïsis.n charge of the, departmnent of art wvith MsPaul1 Clovis., chairman.* Mrs. Jolni .i aw- son. Ir., %vil] serve as hostess. home of Mrs. H. C lane, Wiunetka. Tht be MmsFrank T. l aid Cady. and. Mms uncltr, as1 'Sergeant, r's. Hugo1 'gramt. i; Mrs.' scribe ; easurer; sshep- sher as guide. Their installation will take place on March 24, at 8 o'clock, at Evanston Masonic temple, Lake and Maple, avenue. The public is ini- 'vited;-E. G. P. WILMB-TTE, LIFIE

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