Wallace Ros Ph oto At St. Jose ph':ç church on& Sat- urdayi, Pebruary- 26, Miiss Dorothy Ste fens , daughter of 'Mr. ansd Mrs. Peteir Ste fens, 1529 WiImette ave-. ue was married to Latvrezcc Basting, son of Mr.,,aetd'Mrs. Joe Basting of 1742 Ashland avenue, Evanston. Mr. Basting and his bride are tiakiliq teir home et 1410 Greeneaf' avenue.,Jivansi on. KatIîerine French to Be Married at Skokie, April 22 French of Winnetka and H er- bert Nolan of Wilmette wil be marricd Iriday evening, April 22, in a service to be read by. Dr. Samuel Harkness, m'inister of the Winnetka Congregational' chùtrchi. Miss Margaret French will be her sister's maid of honor, and the brides- fifteen, years in. Chicago andI theCiag;MsRi eastern part of the United States. ng chairman for the He. has written, for many, magazines A brt Montgomçr: and petiodicals, is author of, text Edgewater icenter., i t center, and Mrs. , president of the, Stýockingo Ieg fit' 1s 0. nopve lty to>us! "'c 1~ I ~ K 7 s'y every daywefit dozens of women perfectly in Tassel Tâp One of our clever new Bar bots - a littie cro- cheted -cap 'Made ail by, hand with a mass of tiny tassels poised smack in front - in a dozen grand cotors for Spring. Hat Bar-First Wkoor to Mrs. Richard J. Finneg anlin "An Afternoon ini Holly.wood." John Neer, basso,'also is onAhe progran. I EDGPAR A. STEVENS, mc. Evanstf.m ENDGAA. &STVENSi Ina.