Arthur G. Bans Highi.and Park 21$4 1<N43-4tp RECANING IRUSH AND HICKORY SEATS Obrlst Wre Winnetka 2976 15LTN42-4tp Scasoned Fireplace. Logs 60 CU. FT. TO A TON, $7. 128 CU. PT. à t a or, $14. Giencée 858 'N, 15LT 4-3tp CARPîENTER AND GENERAL JOB- .ber. Screena, recreation rmis, porches, rooflng grages. Overhead doors, etc. W. r.A WilsonKenii worth 5511. -4-t 16LTN44-41 OPTmuETisT Ils yrs.exeen0e. 1yes i.tffd properly. Broken lne replace&, trames repaire&. JOSEPH F. KUISS 804 EI 5,.. Winnetkil 3671 15Â-LTS36-tfc OU. II*NQ AND REPAIet Rémodeling & Modernizing pl,4ÂNbNF.DAND EXECUTEI) ET SOMEUNE WH4O KNOWS 110W A&di a bathroom or recreation room RernodeIing, of entire home AU uder one commtrc By eomnpeent designer ond builder p H A long or short ternis arrs.nged 1, T. 3KcUINNIS-4@0 yeurs on N. S. 1343 Ridge Rd. Wiimette 5064 tILTN48-4tp CARL BEN(G8?ON 4ARPENTII2 AND BUILDER ]Repairing and Remodeling CALL W NYTKA 2480 AFTJaZ 6 P. PL 2lL45-ltp FLAGSTONES Beautfui tune fur Itock Uardens BRICK ANI) CEMENT WORK TuJCK POINTINU ]EL MARTWEI -1 WINNETKA 2864 21LTN18-tfe Carpenter- Painting - Decorating plMeini . egnodihg and additionn. Repam o aUkinda. Nelson B. place. Wlilmette 4181. ýprecit.e y rk. Catrry LINE 0FP EC. OF'- saibie prices this month. rcoul for any amIt. of ;urance. Best irefs. WINN. 2 58 25LTN45-!tp EXPERT DECORATING PAINTING. PAPERHANGINQ,. CAL- :cimlnlng, washing, etc., dope neat and clean. Relible and prompt service. Good workmanship at reas. cost. Quaiity ma- terial used onlyý. Est. Furn. joseph Zack. Wilmette:1925 25LTN4 j-4tp lI. SKOLNIK COMPLETE DEeCO8ATIÏqG SERVICE. .Wall waahlng & starching; paper clng. Color matchlng and touch-up work reas.- Loweait Prices. Any size job. Refs. QUALITY WORK ONLY. Wilmette 4288 25>LTN4!-ltlp Grimm's Décora ting -Service PAINTING INTERIOR AND EXTER- lor. Paperha.ngirg. First class work. Estimaes. free. Phone ~Wil. 4677or Diversey 7 713. 25LTN44-4tp O. DURIIOOP Painting and Decorating Ù5 Washington Ave., Glencoe 151ï. 25LTNÇ43-Itip JOHN HEYNE AND SON Pain ters-Decorators NORTUBROOK 206-W-.2 25LT-N,41-4tp LLOYD B. WARNER DECORATING SERVICE Interior and, exterlor. Quality work. Est. free.. dgwatqr 4991, Sheldrake 1190 .35LTN 6-tAL2 B. W. BUCK< Painting, I'aperhanglng è& Decorathri Work done rea. Interior & Extegor. PHIONE WILMETTE 2418 25LTN45-itp C.. W. ANDERSON PAINTING AND DIDCORATING Beasonabie prices. Wilmette 4621. _____________________25 LTN45-4tp WE SPECIALIZE IN OU7JTSIDB PAINT- ing only, that' Why we can furnish the lowest pos#ible rate. aso shingle staining. Highland Park. 2961. L. J.> THALMANN Complete, Mantenance Service--Nursery Stock Black Dirt-Tree Surgery-Spraying Seed-Fertilizing-Manure. Driveways.' 2323 LAKE AVE. WILME~TTi.-C. 61 62LTN4i-4t p SEED, THE, LAWN NOW' WB ARE READY TO SERVE YOLJ. Landscaping. Maintenance, PLANT STOCK. MATERIAL. A.- SIDOFF NILýSSON 467 Chestnut St- Winn. 3558 WEED-FREE, RICH, BLACK SOIL 1 yd., $226; 2 yds %14; 5 yds., $9 PHONE UNIVidRS1TY 5816 <JENERAL LANDSCAPE S ERVICIO. Complete nursery stock. Pruning and spraying of trees and shrubbery. Ernest Mansfeld, 1734 Ashland Ave., Uni. 4371.* 62LTN45-ltp 53 LAUNPRY Laundry to Take Home .WILL CALL-DELI VER Wllmette 324Po 53LT4-ltp. Laundry to take home, curi aine, blankets and other laundry. Experienced. Call and deliver. Wilmette 2130 58LTN44-4tp Latmidry to Take Home WILL CALL FOR AND- DELI VER. Ail hand wrok. P>hone WinneUui 88u9. FOR RECONDITIONED WASHIERS and ironers, or a geînonstrati,on of any one or. the 11 néw modiels of "Easy' washers and ironers, cai North Shore. Eas yShop 907 LidnAeHu.W. Y inn. 908 53A-LTN*5,-lte L fui Anti rîîmette iPos ,itoin-bulît1 lture repairi às a sipeois 71 DRAPERIES AND SLIP COVERS SLPCOVERS ANI)D DRAPERIE Ail types of fabrica mayr be ha&. Batte factory "woirk and- reasonabie pricea. Bradt Upholstering Co. 715 Rde Wil. 3543. 71LTN44-4tp) Draperies, slip covers, curtains, -bed- spreads. Ali decorative furnishings made to'order. Samples and materiails of aU kinda. Ail work guaranteed to fit and hang properiy. 10 years e« north shore. H. Bell, Giencoe 1419. 7 1LTN44-4te 72 UPHlOLSItotiNo AND RePAIS QUALITY WORKMANSHIP ON Custom Furuiture. Re i.rewebbing, recovering, recaing. Btr refee& ALEX RUPPEE Formerly wlth Marshall Field. & Tobey Wil, 4034 1124 Greenleaf Ave., 1teav. N~T44-> 73 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRINS $1-EXPERT GUAR. ALUJUSTING. Ail niakes. Aisu repatring-c-leaning. Recoodltionlng machines, $8 up. Buy & exch. blilien Hardware. Wim. 30«* 73LTN43-4tp GUARÂNTEED SERVICE Sewing Maohines, Vacuum Cleaneru a"é Radios. Alil Makeé. Free Est. BLISS ELECTIiC SERVICE 607 Dempater St, Uni. 66»., Or.. 7177 73LTN38-tte 73-A SEWINS MACHIN» WHITE ELECTRIC CONSOLE P1400R sample, $59.50. Singer drop-hesad and electric portables s low as $15.00. Cipaned, oied and adjustei, $1.60. 1114 Da.vis St., Evans., University 6655 7tA-LTrN43-4tp LoSI AND POUND LOST - N AI IHTSEI rimmed glases Friday between New Trier Hlgh School and Glencoe. Re- ward. Gleneoe 431. 3LTN46-ltp MAN'S SLK SCAÂRF- found on west ide of 121h St. between -Greenwood and Elmwood.. Caîl Wilme-tteý 1424. 3LTN45-lttv 7 ANTIQUES WILL SELL CHEAP. AýNTIQUE WAL- nut table, cherry settee and ~.IAPJitk00D ioe1P~ ., *' ~~aldrak Slflj -~ r:....-~..ï ~ LILTN4O-tfe ; iTÈz À 0 '~7~ ý ýl ( 1 -