4 bdrms.. 2ubas., 1011................ iy- 7 bdrms., 5 bas., oil, coun. views $225 Hill1 Road, 5 bdrnls., 3 bas., 1% A. $271 (QR & imûTys©nI1 INC. ,584 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 1i,77 133LTN45-Itc SMALJ- HOUSE IN THE WOODS. Charmlflgly furnished or may be had Sunfurnished on,, -year' lease. Large livinig rooni and dining réoon with open lireplace, .famnily bedrooni and bath. maid's bedroom and bath on lot floor. Bûtler'5 pantry and :kitchen. 2 email bëdroomus and bath. on 2nd floor. Ga- rage with storage spc......$150 Centrally located house with 4 bcd- roonis, sleeping porch, 2 baths, (1 ln basement). 011. heat, garage, 3 glazed porches. . .. . . . ... . .$110 Mrs. Fuller& Wm., Pickard 46Elm St Winnetka Wlnnetka. 3603 University 7444 133LTN4 5-ltc CURRENT. RENTALS W ILMET Near lake, 3 bedrms., 1 ba. ... $100.00 Mod. brk. 3 bedrms., 2 bas. -. 125.00 ewly,deco&r., 5, bedrms. 2 bas...125.00 Mod. brk., Ige. yd., 5 bed., 2 bas. 150.00 WINNETKA Nr. New Trier. 3 bedrms., sip. peh $80.00 Brkç.lCol., 4 bdrms., 2 bas., oil ht. 125.00 Hub. Wds., brk., Ige. grils., 5 bdrms. 2 bas.. ohl ht.......... 135.00 The BILLS REALTY, Ine. 529 Davis St. Wilmette 3740 133LTN45-ltC SELECT RENTALS GLENCOE-534 Oakdale Ave.' 6 rms.. H. W. - heat . ........ ........ $70 362 South Ave., 8 rms., 3 baths. .$130 WINNETrKA-1249 Cherry St., 8 rnis.. 2 baths............. ........ ý$110 1146 Cherry St., 3 bedrnis., 2 batlis. àun parlor. sleeping porch ...... $95 1432 Asbury Ave., 6 rnis., good con- dition -* >.......... .....$90 Shown by appontment only. CUSACK REXJLTY COMPANY, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 795 Elm Street Winntka 715 133LTN45-ltc PRICES REDUCED NEAR SCHOOL AND STATION IN Wiimette. 6 bedrooimà, 3% baths. lRas been held at $150. Might take as low as $13 for A-1 tenant., CLOSE TO IEVERYTHING IN WIL- i"tt,7 ,.onmsw Ilh baths, oil heat. 3 open ifireplacos. 011 heat. $200 nio. EAST WINNETKA-$125 MO. White Southorn Colonial. 6 bodrms., 3 baths, 2 open pches. Large wooded lot. BAUMANN-COOK Exclusive Agents. 553 Lincoîn Avenue. Winntka 3450 133LTN45-ltcý WHITE COLONIAL MODERN ANI) ATTRACTIVE WITH screenedporch; 4 bedroons; 2 familv baths and Ia-v. adjoininig maid's room. Att. garage, and ohl heat. In good. loca- tion near-Shkie School. Rentai $125.00. E. SAWYER SMITH, Exci. Agt. 725 Elnî St., Winnetka Ph. 8500 133LTN45ltc DESIRABLE 7 ROOM HOME. NORTH- east section, , conVen. to tranis.,, oil heat, 2 porches, gar ....... $90 a. month Attractive 7 roorn Colonial. 1% baths, 2-car gar., near "L," desirable rentai at.........i... ............ $125 . No vacating sales clausjes. . - R.M.* JOHNSTON & CO»., Opposite "L" TerIminai. Wilmette 444 LISTEN, LIST WITH SEARS! Unusually attr. brk Col. ni'. every- thing. 4 bdrms., 3 bas., 2 pchs. $135. SEARS REAL ESTATE 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth 5288 1 33LTN4 5-Itc, FOR RENT - AST WILMETTE 7 rooms, 4 bedroonis, glazod porch. ohl heat, garage, large yard. Covn - ont to trans. Kenilworth 2016. 133LTN45-lti, 7 ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE. OIL heat. Provident avenue and Spruco street. $75 per month. Phono owner. *for 6 Mo Write or pt Glencoe 136 3OR4EJ ferably ir Winnetkg.$ Witinetlça3 5 OR 6 'R 6OR U~MU Must be P. G.. 4531 147b [EN4i)-Ite 1028 PAWNEE ROAD Indian Hill Estates East WILM ETT E Open Sunday 2:30 to 6 NEW' -EAILY . AMERiÇAIN uREB 1 donce, 7 rooma, 4 bedrooins, 3% bathe br.*rm., roc. rm 2-car'att. gar. Auto hoat, humidhflea, 65-foot frontage ArchLtecturally pianned and suporvised Docorated in *excellent tante. May.ahsC. 1w seen et other tuies by callng Mr Daily. Uni., 7777. 147LT'N45-ltc RIPARIAN RIGHT BUY, THE ONLY NEW HOME ON -THE lake for :sale ln Kenilworth. Lannen. stgne-ýtile roof--exquisite interlor. 5 bdrms. 4% bas., don, brkfst. rn... paneled game rn., with natural firepl.. acr. PCh. overlooking lake, For de- talles se, SEARS REFAL,1 ESTATE, Exclusive. Agents. 421 ýRlchniond Rd. Kenllworth 5238, 147LTrN45-ltec EAST KENILWORTa $ 3,000 PLUS LOT VALUE BUYS 315 ESSEX ROAD A COMFORTABLE 10 .RM. HOME., liv., din. rm., kit., lib.,. pch., 4 famý- ily bdrms., 2 baths, 2 sçparato rms. and bàth. H. W. oil. Lot 100x193. Now, offered for only $2 0,000. Might also rent. $150 a nonth.. John Weinstock, Exci. Agt. Kenllworth Realty Co., Kenllworth 507 147LTN45-ltup WIN1NJ1TKA HEINSEN REALTY CO. 660 Green Bay Rd. Winnetka 254, 147LTN46-lte CHOICE OFFERINGS . Brk. Col. 3 bednms., 1 bath ...$105600 5 bedrms., 2%/ baths, oil heat..$151:000 Choice loc., 6 bedr-ms., 3 baths . $30,00tQ SEVERAL GOOD RENTALS FRANK A. REID at ~iD,uuu.vV. Other bargains ln hlgher prlced homes. HJILL & STONE, 543 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka Wlnn. 1544 147LTN45-1 te Buit Like a Rock BRAND N EW -7 RM. BRK,. COL.- Shome. Huge, liv. rm. Stately firepi.. - Colonial staircase.,Sparkllngw appurtena- ances of 3M2 tue baths and kitchon are attractive. High, and guaranteod dry. basement. Game room . wlth fireplace. Built-in gar. Well loc. Near "L," lake. etc.8.00 KRQLL & SMITH 44Llnden Wlet 0 147LTN45-lEn 931 -PONTIAC ROAD Indian HIilEstates, East WILMETTE Open Sunday 2:30.to 6 BRAND NEW MOD. WHITE BRICK 7 ýrooma,, 4. bedroopnis, 2 bathé, lis., dressing rm.., sun dock, roc. rm.,. g» hoaet, air cond. 3-car att. gar. 60-foot lot. Restrlcted section. For week day' appt. cati Uni. 7777. 147LTN45-lte SNEW TRIER AND GREELEY are wlthin a stone's throw of this B rooni exce1,tionally well coîntruete& stucco on hollow tile home. 3 bodrooms, heated sleeping a.nd sun porches. Fenced ýIn 60x157 ft. lot. $10,000. An exclusive seloction froni our PHOTO-TOUR. R. B. WHITAKER CO. 140 Green Bay Road, Winnetka Wlnnetka 3250 Rogers Park 7302 147LTN45-ltc HUB BARD WOODS CON VENTENT In popular Southeast Wlnnetka, near high school, grade school, transp. and lake. 4 large bedrms., 2 baths, porch. Newly decorated. Venetian blinda. Own- er purchased larger hose-wants offer. BAUMANN-COOK i53 Lineoîn, Avenue 'Winnetka 3450, 141LTNV45-1t' 1 wawhR BUY, IT IS REA on a modestl 2 Green FA. COO] 155ChicAgo Ave., Esvarn tIBUV10.Ut Gre. O rties. Wl tlrlsi,5-lteIll. . 347LTN45coq