E the ten-day tour. lof plysical edu is a well known North Iern university. a tew minutes the garbage collecton came along and picked Up the can, ransom and ail, and dumpeci it into his wagon. Townspeople began té fuss!about the, case, the police chief feit bis efciency was being questioned, and Mr.* Faxon was conmulted. He decided that the cuiprit wa sa 1scbool child because of, the junior highseho setting for the ransomn. Accordingly, be was given hundreds of work 'books to scrutinize and- check with, the ransom notes. Al but one were thrown out., This one beloniged to, a, 1-year-old'boy. He was confronted with the evidence and con- fessed. Said. he did it just for fun. Check Trapa Lawy.r An old lady with immense dignity, flowing, fuîli skirts-, and anelderly sis- ter for chaperone once came to see Mr. Faxon. She said she was sure her lawyer was cbeating ber. Mr. Faxon laughed at her, . but to. please. her made up an impressive photognaph and documentary exhibit for wbich lic made no charge. About six or nine months laten she came ini again, bring- ing two cbecks wbich sbe said she posi- tively had not signed. Mr. Faxon could' see that she "had sometbing there," as the slang phrase goes, but he did flot want to get into a lot of work for the old lady if she could flot pay for bis time. He told her so, indicating thàt the least lie could do the photognapli- ing for was $50. Could she raise this mucli? Thli old lady got up and walked into a corner of the room. After a tiine, which Mr. Faxon noticed was obyi- ously devoted to extracting ber bank roll from the top of ber stocking as she swished up the long silk skirts, she, came back with the $50. "Borrowed it from my relatives," she explained breatblessly. Her case. went to court, and the, law- yer, brilliant 'and successful' as he was and' able pleader of, bis own cause,. was found guilty. The checks bad identical signatures, and Mr. Faxon nrnved that they bad been traced. Later otuer mother aippeareu satisnieu with those sbe receîved. Wb-en he went home, Vernon told bis mother glee- fully about these-silly mothers who took the wrong picturest .Mn. Faxon's. World'wan record is as laden witb laurels as bis business canecer. Hewas commissioned second lieutenant and servedl neanrly two years in France, being stationed at General Headquanters, Chaumont Hte. Marne. He was dçconated by the French gov- enment with the Ordre Des Palmes Uniersiaie!. The war was the onily, interruption, to a Pacific Coast caneer until the deatb of Mn. Wood. Then it seemed desirable for 'Mn. Faxon. to take over the Chicago. office and move bis family to the north shore.. Witb bis wife, Laura and their. tbnee cbldren, Ver- non, j r., Robent, and Manjonie, he settled ini Wilsuette. Tbe Middle West is mucb to bis liking, Mn. Faxon confessed, and busi- ness is good.,Tbere's always somethinig coming up for the examiner of ques- tioned documents to look into, some- thing on which the lawyers need belp. Quietly Mn. Faxon goes into action and makes out a strong case against the guilty party. Those long years of court reporting have lef t their' mark on bim. Kenyon President to Address Alumni Group Dr. Gondon Keitb Chalmers, 34- year-old president of Kenyon col- lege, Gambier, Obio, will be tbe prin- cipal speaker at the annual dinner of the Kenyon Alumni association of Chicago Thursday, Marcb 17, at 7 p., m. at the Univers ity club. Prominent Chicagoans >Who will also' speak are Bishop George Craig Stewart of Evanston, Lewis Edward Bernays, British Consul-General in Chicago, and Dr. Raymond MoQre, who is principal of Lake Forest Rigb "Four of us left Chicago February 26, hieading for Clifty Falls Inn, a cbarming tourist hotel owned by tbe state of 'Indiana.. situated -on a highi eminence in a large state park of nugged beauty, overlooking the city of Madison and the Ohio river. The next day we motored over good roads througb Kentucky and Tennessee. PIaià Foster Momorial1 "Another initeresting* stop was Wbite Springs on the Suwanee river. Here is a marvelous spring discharg- ing 32,420 gallons .per minute at. a constant temperature of 72 degrees. Tbere will doubtless soo'n be erected bere by the state of Florida and'mu- sical cèlubs. a splendid memnièial and park bonoring Stephen Foster, the comnposer>.of "'Way Down Upoq the Suwanee:River." 1"The next day. brouglit us to the real-objectivre of ourltnip, Gainesville, and 'the -locality of the tung tree or Cbinawood pil tree, frorn. the nuts of whicb oul is pressed for commercial purposes. It is only in the last thirty years th at its uses bave become known to Americans, and its, developnient stanted hene. Best resuits in its propagation have been obtainied in Florida. Tbe trees with tbeir white and pink blossoms are just now burst- ing into blooms, and are a glorious sigbt. "On oun westerly and northerly swing we vis ited tung groves around Gainesville, Marianna, Panama City, and Penlsacpla. .We tben started our boméwand trek. Sunday. was spent ini the Great Smokies, a playground of surpassing grandeur. The niglit was passed at Gatlinburg, and towering above us was Mount ILa Conte, 6,600 feet igb-a niagnificent .mouintain streain roarinz at its base. We re- luctantly. lef t this beautv, spot and ini a few hours were out of the mountains and on, our wày to Chicago." Offer Attractive Trip to Sun Valley, Idalio John C. Pollock, mànagen'of the Chicago and North.b Western-Union VISIT 3SON Mr. and Mrs. J. -H.ý McGill of 216 Broadway avenue rvturned home -Sunday f rom a three weeks' visit with their son,, Donald, in. Losý Angeles.' Miss Shirley MsGill, wbo is a.junior at Grinnel college, will be home the. end' of next week for ber. spring, vacation. Mrs. McGill andý ber daugbter plan to spend several days in New York befoire' Miss Mc- Gi returns to Gniinnli,..Iowa. NOVICE TO CONTEACTOES FOR WORK TO BE, COXqlTILIJCTND' UXDEIL THE MOTOS, FUEL TAX LAW TIME AND PLACE 0F OPENINO BIDS. Seâled proposais for the Improve- ment of the, thoroughfare descrlbed herein wil be received at the oce of'the Village Cierk, Village Ral, Vil- lage of keni wortb, Cook County, ilii- nois, iantil 7:~30 o'cioçk P. M..Apili 4t1, 19~38, and a.t that time piublicly opened 'and read. DESCRIPTION 0F .WOIK(a),. The proposed work is officiallY known as Section '1-CS State Bond Issu eoute No. 42, S1herdan Road and Kentiworth Av'enue, also State Aid Route No. 55, extension, Green Bay Road, Kenilworth Avenue, and Park Drive. (b) The proposed Iinprovemexnt con- sists of (1) changlng the traffie iights at Sheridan Road and Kenilworth Ave- nue from a fixed time to a semt-traffid actuated type of control, (2) furnishlng and ingtalllng a traffie actuated type Of traffie control signais at, the intersec- tion of Green Bay Rtoad, Kenllworthý Avenue, and Par k Drive. Separate blds for this work will b. recelved as follows: (1) Bida on furn shing the control equipment Including the vehicle actuated controilers and hôuahngm and pressure type vehicie detec- tors, and the pedestrian pushbut- tons. (2) Bide on furnIshing al àddltional equipinent and materiai and In- stalling ail equlpment and ma- teniais. INSTRUCTIONS TO.BIDDERS. (a> Plans and specfications May be obtained from the: Village Clerk or Village Man- aoeér Rt the> Tenilworth Vi11aze, ail- 1 visible .and later used as evidence. on M1ardi. 25 to spend the spring va- Lac witb tbein grandparents for a It is a fan cry froro the photography cation week witb b is f amily. He at- montb wbule their parents are ini of legal papens jn Chicago to the pnimi- tends Colgate university at Hamiton Flonida. tive camera worlcof young Faxon out west in a stage-coach town. His father Mrs. Frank R. Eddy of 700 Gneen- Mrs. Clayton Seaman, 1234 Glen- ran a general menchandise store, and wood avenue lis in Winter Haven, denning road, entertained ber Book he ordered from Surs Roebuck and Fia., visiting ber parents, Mn. and club at ber home on Truesday, Mardi company a 4x5. plate camiera., He thep Mns. John M ilmine. - She will be re- 15. Mrs. Seaman is entertaining: her nade ýpost- cards of local beauty spots, tunning home about the first of. Apnil., bridge club this' afternoon.