426 Uude. Av. a. iU.ff. IRUCK, 35c F. g-mm hJue Yg 1 oi also Iooking toward election. work in the autumn. Comumittees were organized, among which were ways and means, Mrs. Rai p h, -R Sinsheimer, chairman; and publicity and legisiation, Mrs. William J. Weldon, chairman. -Mrs. Hloward, Hickey is president, Mrs.ý Chesteri Mason, secretary, a nd Mms Charlesi IWhite, treasurer of the club. Meetings will be held each Wednes- day a t 2:30 -o'clock at headquarters. Good speakers will be on the programs which will be -instructive aad-educa-ý tional, it is stated. The issues of the campaign will also be discussed, andý questions answerçd. :Miss Margaret Phelps, prominenit club woman and! leader, active in civic>club work 'and welfare work, spoke at the meeting Pl" SIlVýe& The meeting on Wednesd4y, March 30, will be in- the fornm of a silver tea which will be held at the home of ILrs,.Gore -E.Kriet.e 325 Oxford road, Kenilworth, f rom 3 to 5 o'clock. Mrs. Edmund Jarecki, wife of the judge of the County court of Cook county, Mrs. Thomias Courtney, wife of the state's attorney of Cook county, Mrs. Ralph E. Sinsheimer, whose bus- band is seeking the nomination for state semator and Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch. wife of the Democratic coin- nitteemen of New Trier township, will bc the guests of honor. Mrs. N. H. Bosworth, nast district W. 'Prank Méchere. Chicago ad- vert ising exective and >resident of the New, trier Sunday Eveniag club, tuill be the spêeaker, next Mon- day evening of 8 O'clock ut the meeting. of the mens home forum of the Firit Congregational church at the homte of Mr. and Mns. How- ard R. Smnith, 1115 Forest avenue. His sù1b7ect toit! .be: "Advertising in a Changing World." if the facts warrant, adJustments within a reasonable scope will be made. When settlement is made in conférence, the money .collected will be paid into the county treasury to. the crédit of local.taxing bodies. At the.end. of this week notices will be sent to each delinquent, con- taining -the amiount due on. unpaid personal poet tax, and notifyinig the 'delinquent to, appear at Mr. Scherzer?s office, for *a hearing. Should this notice be disregarded, légal summons will be issued de-, manding bis preence in order that the matter may' be properly ad- juidicated. Should -the delinquent not then appear, judgment will be, rend- ered by'defauit. This will add ma-, teriallyý to the amount the delinquent will have, to pay. Foliowing'lthe rendering of judÉ- ment, either by default or after a hearing, an execution. will be issûed, and this ïa turn will b. followcd by a levy upon such proerty as the con- stable may find, in value sufficient to, cover the amount of tbe tax and attendant costs. In order toprotect the delinquent froua added penalties due to court proceedings, Mr. Scherzer urges that. ail citizens receiving notices appear for prompt settiement. Ignoring the initial notice or the summons, he added, will avail nothing. Payment SIX NOITUS SUFPLT 0F tialilal i _uu&Ly %rg ai bettocer acquainted witn eacn other. troduce the guests. Mrs. B3os- also received a certiicate of Firemen Called to fmRaf us Dawes for public nfO iuring a Century of Prog- Many Prairie Blazes Mam,'Fifeld- SpkcSWilmette and Winnetka fire de- Mas. iloU Pk.vpartments were kept btisy during the Eleanor Fifield, president of past week chasing to prairie and rub- d, White, and Blue club, chair- ihbae.T r we18otes f the board of the Womn, bn ilazes.Tere 0 nw e ftheseal ,- -C . o-m-& -An inWletan10nWin .a- tge Hall for,a part-y an discussed.. future ing the Galloway is also vice-president of sunrise bis class and a star on the swimnÜung he plans and diving teams at Shattuck, the old- also be est private military schoùl in the United, States.. ul 'c 111 11#8'I