Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1938, p. 11

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for the luncixeon must be macle by Fir- day, Marcb .25, at Community Hnuse. it is.announced. As usal, ýthis meetingr is limited te, members of tbe, club, for at sucb en- dorsement meetings tbe candidacy, of varions men rnnning for public ýoffice is ..discussed and, voted upon ,aftcr ýpres- entation and -recommenidation hy the Advisory board., The endorsenient of the Women's Republican Club of New Trier is s aid to be eagerly snght by ail can- didates, for public office, for its approval of ýa citizen'sý candidacy bas carried. great weigbt with the ývoters. in this district in the pýast. The assurance. tbat sncb endorsements as the club g-.vcs are Made witb no ulterioir Imotives is considered one of -the main reasuns for the growth of the club to almost tweélve hundred voting members. Professer De Long Speake * Immediately 'f ter luncheon, the clubl is to bear Earl De Long, assistant pro- fessor of political science of Nortbwest- ern nnivérsity. Proféssor De-Long, who is also chairman of the Civil Service c.ommission of FEvanston and a mernber of the National Republican Committee "n Program, was one of tbe few mien in- viteci to speak at tbe recent Chicagoj m xeeting of the program committee ane made, in the opinion of many who heard hini, the best speech at that meeting. f-le * is to talk on Monday on, "Toclay's JTob for the Republican Party." 22. Mrs. Walter' Marx, 1frs. Newell S. Knigiit. 23. Mrs.,T. Roswell Coyne. 24. MrÉ. Glen L. Haxmeçr, Mrs.: C. K. 19andiers. WILMERTTE PILBCINqCT, CHfAILMEN 25. Mise* Frances Cutier. 26. Mrs. Charles P. tvans, Mrs. P.,S. Yantts. 27.... ......... ............. 28. Mre. R. B. De Vlnney. 2à. MrS. H. E. Rlngbolm. 30. Mrs. George W. Pntnam. 31. Mrà. Harold Brown. 32.Mrs. Paul Hoffman. 3.Mrs. Frank J. Dow6d.' 34. Mrà. John 0., Snôôk., 35. Mrs. Frank Karsiake. 36. Mrs.*Lewis Ermeling. 37., Mrs. Charles Ontrom. 38. Mrs. Harry Kerr. 39. Mrs. F. IL Strayer. 40. Mrs. Fred Baird. Music Teachers -Will Visit St. Louis, Meet Miss Mary M'cKay, supervisor of music in, the Wilmette scbools, and Samuel Mages, instructor in brass and 'percussion instruments in the elementary schools,, plan to attend a national conference of music edu- cators in, St. Louis next Sunday throngh Friday. Mr. Mages will assist in the demonstration work. The conferencé will mark 100 years of music teaching in the public schools of the United States as well as 100 years of public school edu- FIRST GHURCH OF~ CHRIST, SCIENTIST Tenuix Street and Central Avnue WuaaMET1, ILLINOIS Sundlay Services-i i a.m. Wednesday-TestimonialMeeting-8 p.m.ý Sunday Sých9OolExercises-9:45 a.m. Mjàm If27, 1938 READING IROOM -Il 3 Central Avenue' Open Daily (except Wedneaday) 9 A.M. to 6 ýP.M. Wednday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 0 P.M. Tht Bible and Works of Mary Baker Êddy, and al o*ther authorised Christian Science Literature may le reail, borrowed or Durchased, at the Reading leoin TiU PtJ»Llg 15 ooaa&L V ITE T TuE N -razn CEIUaCK SEiVICZ A14D VIT TU& X UAINO ROsg MW- kem PUT YOUR SEST FOOT FORWARD, inI both meetings wxiI De the presidcit uf the club, Mrs. Edward B. Hall. As chairman of the social commit- tee of the club, Mrs. Benjamin F. Af- leckbas been bnsy with ber commnit- tee on details and plans for the lunci- eon wbich indicate that it will beèflot Only one of tbe most attractive meet- ings of -the -organization but one of the largest, judging by the reservaticns be- ing made for it. Tfhe club's directing personnel is an- ods, a number of experts will lead the discussion of tbeir various fields. A CORRECTION It was incorrectiy stated in a cap- tion ýunder a photograpb of' Miss Rosemaàry Real of Wilmette published in WiI.NiFrrELiez last week that she was a. member of the properties com- mittee for "Amne of Green Gables,"* the play the senior class of Royce- more was to nresent Thursday eve-, Thr.s and Four Thread 79i anid89 Two and lhre thr.ad Chaàr Crep. aà S and14.11 [Win M. Stark, Mrs. Robert in.Montgomery, Mrs. J. Hor- KA PIWCINCT CHAIREUX ~utn Zimxnermn. arve Badgerow. ugene Howard, Mrà. :George 7

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