IUe Io * Iai **s ns. ruYAW*fS, i.ait'x plained. Has,,Outsttanding Play* WVhile the -North Shore club ii young and bas a number of beginners in its membersbhip, nevertbeless it also: has sevreral outstandinig players witbin its tanks. These include Miss, Jane Adair,, club president, Who is a member of the AiI-American team, and Miss .Paula Kellogg, Who was selected tu play- for, AIi-American reserves lastý spring at the national tournament. Mrs. Robert Winckler is vi ce-presi-. dent of the club; Miss Jaile. Otter is' secretary and Mrs. E~. Graham,, treas-, Crosses. may.be obtained, th rough the club by those Who wish to.buy their .own, and thé club also bas a fewcrosseb* for the use of. beginticrs, lit lis aliiioulnced. Mrs. Van der Vries Endorsed by Women Mrs. Bernice T. Van der Vries of Winnetka, bas been endorsed for re- nomination to the office of state rep- resentative from the 7tb senatorial dis-' trict by the Southern Cook Coutity Women's Republican club. The endorse- ment came at a meeting of the club held March 15 at the home of Mrs. Clarence Mead i n~i osmor - FIRST BABY Mr. andI Mrs. Charles Peter Jaeger are the parents of a 'son, their. first »Child, bornWednesday of last: week at the Evanston hospital. The baby bas been' n a m e d Peter, Cauthorne Jaeger. Mrs. Jaeger, the f o r m e r Loretta, Wbite, is the daughter, of. Mrs. Thomas Cauthobrne Whiteof 310 Richmond road, Kenilworth, and the Jaegers are now making their home wlth ber. The b aby's paternial grand- parents. are Mr. and Mrs.. Robert E. Seyfarth of: Highland, Park. INSPECT SUMMER ÇOTTAGEý Mr. and Mrs. John NuveenJr., 520 Warwick road,ý Kenilwortb, their daugbter, Margaret, and nephew, Stuart McKeldin, made a trip to White Lak.e, MieIh., lat week-end. Tbey went over to inspect the Nuveen's summer cottage whicb they are having remnodeled. Next week Margaret is going to Palm Beach tou join her two brothers, ber sister, and ber grandparents, who bave beon in the South for a number of months. She will be away until after Easter. RETURNS FROM VACATION ships of uBloom, i nornton, KRicb, and ten clays. Mn. Maland Bremen. turned from. a business, Tbe group also endorsed Frank P. York, and while in tbe e Cowing of Homewood for nomination ped off at Swarthmore t to the state legislature.1 othy. trip w NeW east he stop- to visit Dor- 1t' IS dllhér.u*t Ask us about M$ C dL or Truete or DescMtpive Fod&r EzWdùwgDatai The charge for thub scontlflc oye ourvey #s very nominal. We invite ýyour case for con- sultation. We have Installed comploe modemr equlpment nommsa"r to carry out the ANALYT- ICAL TECHNIQUE. *Ibe ANALYTICAL METHO» of eiamining eyes is -anew diagnostic procodure by thse Graduate Clinic Foundation of Optometry dhrough thse cooperation of thse world'a leadlng optometric practitioners,, physicimatsam educators. It elimiinates tise guesswork and indefinitenesa often fouud in older sMsems of refraction. Thse ANALYTICAL METHOD imures true ocular 'COMFORT-im -al is phaes-wiith. or without- aid of- lensms Glaws. may hO tthe one thing you may not need. Former methods lie- quently were guilty of prescrihing leusesunnecesaarily ami only by thse newer scientifie ANALYTICAL DIAGNOSIS can dus éondition b. truly revealed. Phosefor an 4ppointmest Nowu Itattstrom & Sanders Hours 9:00-5:30 Optometric Eye Specialists 702 CHURCH STREET, EVANSTON Phon UNVERSTY 848 Eveninqs by Phon UNVERSTY 848 Appointment, SCOftINGS$PORI, H0N0151 OXFORDS Mrs 7. UU5ttad L. L1<h*uw remm of. New T rier which next Mondayi Winuetka Community Hse. 'Prof., versity and leader in national Republi of thse day, havting as bis subject, "Ti y4 Job forthlie Republicon n. REPUBLICAN LEADERS wty."