Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1938, p. 45

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books. Oxie.faithfui member of long standing of the philan- thropy department, Mrs. Mar- tin Lynch, suggested a perma- nent "Thrif t shop." She,,outlined, the ways and mleans- of it.s man- agerneit. From planis then made the "~Thrift shop",,grcw, into being.ý The eiected philanthropy chairman, was chair- man of the shop. Workers were to be: volunteers from the club -body, each miember taking a day. Ail proceeds, after ail exkpenses wvere were paid, were to bc used exclusive- ly- for the 'poor anid unfortunate or. local relief. A. cali was sent out for cilothinig. and from attic, basenient and garage came floods of ail sorts of things and thus tbe, shop begai. Years of ac- cumulated goods found their way into. the Thrift shop. Not everY one vol-, unteered but rnanv imeinbers took one day a month. Thèse volunteers worked long and faithfully to put the shop on, its financial fect. Front the very first it bias beeti a success. St. Vincefit's orpbanage hias always been one of our pilant hropies. .Ve, keep up a roorn and each ycear make. a substantial donation. Complete layettes are always given on request and tbey have been many. Thousands of garments were giveni to flood 'victims and the poor. Dental care is given to the parochial schools. Hospital bills have been paid 'for in emergency cases. Ambulances calIed to transport patients, gas and electric light buis have been paid. A scholarship bias been given. Fif- teen quilts were made for missions and the unfortunate., Graduates of botb grade and bigh school are helpcd on their graduation. First communion children ar cared for ' Many, tons Of coal are bought and delivered. Al pieces of silk are used for qujîts and wools ,iôt saleable used for braided 11uUnuea Me ppointment of the comnmittee which will be busily en- gaged in planning the prograni. The menibers of the conlmittee are: Mrs. Edwin E. Aubrey of Chi- cago, Mrs. G. W. Gaidzik of High- land, Park, Mrs. R. C. Jacobson of- Chicago, Mrs. Raymônd S. Knappof Chicago, Mr5. Will F. Lyon of Chi-_ cago, Mrs. D. H. Mann of- Evanston,, Mrs. J. A., Meade of Western Springs. Mrs. C.' E. Miner of G len.,Ellyn, Mrg. J. .. Rosenstiel of Freeport, and Mrs. Maurice A. Pollak, Mrs. Pbilip Ringer, Mrs.. Walter Rubens, and Mrs.' Raymond S. Simons-'of Higbland Park. The many' Winnetka 1l'eaguers Who bave,, already been assigned specific Miss Eleanor Lewis and Miss Eliza- beth Green were two of the eighteen girls recently initiated by Alpha Phi at flePauw university, Greeneastle, mjd. Both live in Wilmette. Miss ,Lewis.'is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Lewis of 610 Wash- ington avenue. At DePauw she- bas taken an! active part in Y. W. C. A., and in atbletics.' Earlier in the year she c-aptured the all-school, women's arçbery, chanipionship. Miss Green is the daughter of 'Mr. andMrs. G. W. Green of 1706 Wal- nut avenue. Both girls attended New Trier High school and graduated f rom there in 1937. It 's pure -wizardry! thie perfect NO 'N-RUN stoclcingq on yopur coat tra la 1 They're as reel Iookng as lf you had picked them yourself ,in a SteId of p ik clover.50 You neyer saw th em grow ts big - gorgeous huge shaggy Carnations...50C Parma vioIets--the most beau- tiful ever made by man- ihey're importd. '$ 1.75 EDGAR A. STEVENS,hInc. 3 pairs-$3.fi5 Evanston EDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. Evansion day, occaw per1 as t] Mapl le home e avenue. àf ber fri parents,

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