Mattbew P. G'11affùey to> Be Speaker at Forum ýCatbening This Friday Noon "ý'Future Development -in New Trier Highi school," will bc the subject, of a talk:by Matthiew P. Gaffney, super- __________intendent ýof the schôo, at the regu- lar Minmette Civic league meeting (March 25). The meeting will be, # held ini the'Eing- li shI room of Ma rs hall Field's doWntown st or e 9: ein- serv'ed at .12 0 o'dock. .Nothing is bearts of citizeiis of Wilmette and W. P. GaffneY New Trier. town- ship than the high school. Theynlot.only have a considerable inv estmenii ,i its physical properties, but a far greateré investment in the quality of citizen- ship that the school niakes possible. Th "lire fore, anything affecting the future welfare of the institution ap- peals to theii with unusual force. .Recognizing these thirîgs, the Civic league lias arranged to, discus.s the preblems affecting the school at its monthlv lunicheon meeting. This meet- ing, it is emphasized, is open to al persons interested in the higli school. It will be a public forum type of pr og r am. Superinteudent Gaffniey, who is thorougly familiar wîth pres- ent- conditions and possible future needs, will lead the discussion with the talk on "Future Developments in New Trier High Scbool." Following will. be a genieral discussion in which everyoune is invited te participate., Burgars Are Frightened A P. -- w", . Ir%, c e Must Get Ballot Frorn County Clerk Election regulations are at best in- tricate and confusing, sô it is no wode that voters find difiuly in wbat they may or may not do: Even this news-m agazin e 1last ,week added to. the confusion by not limiting the absentee voting regula- tiens to- county .or stteelections. Haste is made. to clear it up, and in- doing se the information' is limited strictly. to the April 12 primary. Registered veters. who expect to be absent from the coun ty on April' 12 may secure' an absentee ballot, by applying personally to the County Clerk, County building, Chicago, ap- plication to be. made tiot more than 30dy e estan 5 days preced- igthe primary date. If the, voter is now absent from the ceunty, and willnot be within the county before the primary date, application may be mxade by mail It is emplhasÎzed that odnly absence f romn the county entitles the voter te the privilege of absentee voting. Incpactydue. to illness or other cause to 90 to the. polîs, if the voter is within the county, dees flot con- stitute a right te the ahsentee vet- ing privilegé. Milwaukee Newsman Studies Solicitor Law Lewis French of the. Milwatikee journal reportorial staff, was a guest of Chef of Police .Cloyd C. Maguire Monday. He was seeking information on the Wilmette ordinance ini con- uectien with the licensing and finger- printing of solicitors and bouse serv- ants, with a view te advocating a similar measure-for Milwaukee. 1935 Delinquent Taxes I PREA CHER Matliew Fra neis Photo Dr. Hubert Carletoki; rector of St. Auglustllnes: E.Pisco pal clurrh, will I;e. the >reaclier at the U nion Lenteii semv.ices tb be held Stday i"vemlng, Mlarch 27, hit the Fir-st Congqreqatioinal cnef~Dr..Jolhn G. Hindley, ininister of the host church. z ili conduci flhe services. Members of Education Boards Will Be Named in Election on April 9 Justiceofth' Peac cez Outlines Proced ure;, Wil Open P~our Oilioet Deliniquent personal property for ail -of New Trier township taxtbis for the year 1935 have1 been placed ini the hands of Justire 'of the Peace GeorgeF. Scberzer of Wilmette, for, collection. It i's, stated that the amnountdue on t h e s e clelinquencies . approxinlates, $100,000, and the expressed intent of oifficials is to clear the -booka o' ha the ývarious taxing bodies of the township may knowv just where they eare at"ý financially. As th e matter -now stands these uncollkctecl taxes are carried on their books as re- ceivable,. witb the resuit that they are entirely in. the dark as to just how much. monçy they .will have to carry on tbeir work. To clarify this, situation, it is, added, and te make possible efficient and econoniical ad- mlinistration of the public agencies, the delinquent taxes must be coltedt- ed or wiped off the books. Establithez Four Offces Ini outlining the procedure which lie bas determinçd te fôlIow, Mr. Scherzer stated that he wifl establial, offices ini each of the four villages of the township, locations to be pub- lisbed later, and that ail hearigs ini connection with the unpaid tax bils will be conducted.. therein. No licar- ings will be held in bis home or any. other place, he added, although de- linquents , may call his home by tete- phone .and make appointments for conferences in one of the offices., It is intended, he stated, to set reg- (Continued on Page 10) Unie Villaeers is Semper nig men ce 193Z in athe communit The, nominations were made by aj the village area *The two chAt ;o ieresented. April 1lo-The Pail Omday OYIIig iservice will b. ln the Baptint church, under the~ direction et Dr. George 1D. Alimon. The 11ev. james T. V.ue#Iaao will preaph. to