Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1938, p. 54

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15LTN43-4tp OId Floors Made Like- New NEW FLOORS JMADE, PERFECT ArthurG. Bass Highland Park 2-184 I SLT.X43-4tp CÂRPENTER ANI) GENERÂL 'JOB-, ber. gcreena, recreation rnis., porches, roofing,. garages. Overhead doors, etc. W. R. Wilson, Kenilworth 5511.' ISLTN4*4-4tp NATruRAL COLoR PHOTOGRAPHY ln thé horne. MOviesorsti.. Children - Gardens I nterlorg. J. D. BRUBAKER UNI. 5130 15LTN46-ltp Seasoned, Fire place Logs 60 CU. PT. TO A TON, $7. 128 CU. FT. to a cord, $14.'Glencoe 858. 15L46-ltp OjpTolETRIST 85yr. experlence.. Eyes fittted properly. Broken tenses Teplaced, franies repaired. JOSEPH F. KUSS $04 Elm. St ,Winiie1la 3671 15-'rN5-tfc ICIIDISADRPI Reniodelling & Modernizing PLANNEI) AND EXECUTEL> BTSOMEONE ffl-0 KNOWS HOWý Add a bathrooni or recreation roorn Remodeling of entire home Ail under one contract By coanpetent designer and builder P H A long or short ternis arranged 1,, T. MGINNIS-20 years on N. ýS. 1348 Ridge Rd. Wilmette 5064 2ILTN43-4tp H. HARTWELL ---WINNETKA 12864 TUCKPOINTING Buiilding9, Cleanlng, Chnney repairs, Whitec: washing; Window caulklng. Wilrntte 46i2 Chicago, Republic 0428 GUNARANDERSON 2 LTrN4(6-4 tp, CARIL BENGSTON CARIPENTER A'NýD ]BUILDER Repairing and Remodeling CALL WINNE1TKA. 2480 AFTER 6 . p.ni 21 LTN46-3tp B. V._HOLDING. CARPENTER LOUIS SKOLNIK EXP. IN ANY LI-NE 0PF DEC. 0F- fers Iowest possible prices this inonth. Appreclate. your cali for any arnt. of wr.Carry Insurance. Best rets. WIL. 3503 'WINN. 258 25LTX46-ltp EXPERT DECORATING PAINTING,' PAPERHANGING, CAL- elminlnig, washing, etc.,done neat and dlean. Reliable and prompt service. Good ,workmanshlp at reas. cost. Quaiity nia- terial used only. Est. Furn. Joseph, Zack Wilmettée 1925 DURKQOP DECORATING, SERVICE *K. L. Durkeop Glencoe I807 -Sheidrake 613 25LTN4iYUc I. SKOLNIK COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE. Wall washing & starching; paper clng. Color matchlng and touch-up work reas. Lowest Prires. Any size Job. Refs. QUALITY WORR ONLY. Wil mttp 4288 25LTN46-Itp Grimn' s Decorating, Service PAINTING INTERIOR AND EXTER- lor. Paperhanging. First class work. Estimates free. Phone Wil. 4677 or Diversey -7713. 25LTN44-4tp JOHN HEYNE%', AND SON Pain ters-Decorators Wate, neldrake,71204 25LTN45ý-3Itp Ce. W. ANDERSON PAINTING AND DECORATING Reasonable prices. Wilmetté 4621. 25LTN45-4tp WE SPECIALIZE IN.OUTSIDE PAINT- lng only, that's *hy we can turnish the lewest p0osie rate, Also shingle stalning. Highland Park 2851. 0.X D. ,.nT.nL. ýden, Best .ass seed, Q. $ 3.7 5. in, Jr. netka, 852, .,TN46-ltp irview NO W 15 THE TIME.FOR VPRUNING sbrubs anid fruit :trees. Fertilize earlY to prevent crab gTass. LANDSCAPING E.stasblised 22 -yrs. on the North Shore Wm. J. Bucher & Sons Compete Maintenance service Expert lawn work. Snil - Plants - Fe-tilizer.- Drivèwaysa 550 Provident- .Win)nptka M82 52LTN43-4tc CONSTRUCTION-PEMý%ODELING Est. 1,8 yrq. "n Norti Shnre L. j.THALMANN Complete Maintenan ýe Sc-rviceN eyStock Black Dirt-Tree 'Surgery -Sprayling Seed-F4ertilizing-'Man'ure. Driveways. 2323 LAKE AVE. WILMERTTV, 5 C)1 52=T41-411) COMPLETE, GARDES SER VICE. 14 YRtS. ON THE NORTH SHORE. REA:,ONABL1E P R IC E S. FREE ESTIMATE.S. EVERGREEN, $ H R 'B S AND FERTILIZERS. WVINXETKA 3858. 52LTN46-tfe WEED-FREE. RICH,. 1 'BLACK SOIL 1yd.. $2.25; 2 yds.. $4: 5 yds., $9 PHONE UNIVERSITY 5816 52LTN44-4tc BUILD NEW LAWNS, ROCK GAR- dens, water. falls, creeplng bent. Re- hu'ild lawns. Plant evergreens, shrubs, trees, perennials. Black dirt, tree trimn- mlng, surgery, removîng, topping. Wess-: Jing, Phonc, Wînnetka 3135. 52LT4 6-tp Landscaping, Maintenance. PLANTS, SHItUBS, TOP SOIL, MAN- ure hauling. F'rank Kares, W'innetka- 3622. -2LTN46-4tp 111CR BLACK SOIL FOR HUMU'S. PHONE. GREENLEAF 3542 52LTN46-4tp IPl ,'.,, u'~-60LTN43-4tp FOR $1.50 You Can Have an Expert RADIO 1ENGINEER CHEC~K Y set and antenna. Perfect reception de- mands a wel kept set .and an oc "casion-, ai check, up by an expert wiIi. prove inexpenisive and Insure the be.st service trom your radio. LeeS. Fetcher Witn-,-24UL RADIO. SERVICE Compete radio check-up-*$1.50. In% our Modern, completely equipped radio Iaboratory. Why gue as-our instruments are accuraté trouble finders. CALL WINNETKA 687 68LTN- Ttc 69 RPAIINGAND REPINisoliNO The Village Wood Shop Opp, Wllmette Postoffice, Wilmette 3484 Custoni-built furnitUre. Expert furniture repairlng and retinlshlng. Antiques a speclalty. Canlnor. ritshlng. * .. 69LTN44-41;p 71 DRAPERIES AND SL.IP COVIERS SLPCOVERS AND, DRAPE~RIES AI) t.pes et fabrlcs may be had. Satis- factory work- and reasonable prices., Brandt Upholstering Co. 715, Ridge,, WIl. 3543.7LN4-t Draperies, 'slip covers," curtains, bed;- spreads. Ail decorative furnishinge made te order. Samples and niaterlalsÉ; ofaIl kinds. AIl work guaranteed to fit :and bang properly. 10 years on north shore. H. Bell, Glencoe 1419. 71LTN44-4te 72 UPHOLSTERING ^NP REPAIRB QUALITY WORKMANSHIP ON Custeom Furniture. Repair, rewebblng, recoverlng,, recaniîig, Bert referencos. ALEX RUPPEE Formerly with Marshall Field & Tobey Wil. 4034 1124 Oreenleat Ave., Rear. 72L'TN41-4tp 73 BEWIt40 MACHINE REPAURINS $ 4-EXPERT GUAR. ADJUSTING. Al nakes. AIse repalrlng--.cleaning. Recondltloning *machines, $8 up. Buy &exch. Millen Hardware. Wllm. 306.0. 731LTN43-4tp GUARANTEED SERVICE Se*wlng Machines, Vacuum Cleaners anid Radies. Ail Makes. Free Est. BLISS ELECTRIC SERVICE 607 Denipeter St. Uni. 6680, Gre. 7177 I ~ --'k5UEY TERRIER, BLACK 908 poýt, black long ears. Reward. 975 908~ Oak SreWlniietka 2693. 3 LTN 46-1 tp 7 ANTIQUO PH- WILL SEAI CHIIIAP. ANTIQUU WAL-. ice. nut table, cherry saettee -and A genuine Meiçlgmin serape. 274 51 etèrAe *4tp.~l0(~etra~Ave7,T.N45-Upý 720 EIm St. ing- e r t-tp mete i ýLTN4I

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