Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1938, p. 59

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WB~ WILL BUY YOUR BOOK<S. ALSO private libraries. Will eall. Wilmette 3214.. 174LTN444tfi North. Shore Salvage WILL BUY. YOUR PURnITURE, bric-a-brac and household- articles; books; magazines, 35c. per 100 Ibn"; rags, $1 per 100 Ibn. Winnetka 16i29. i 74LTN44..4tp Jutnk .Dealer Phil Schuman Wiiî buy furniture, bath tubs, old Won, washing machines, any kind of iunk;, paY' best prices. Wimette 74t. 174LTN4,4-4tp Junk Dealer Goidman WILL BUY YOIJR BOOKS, MAGA- zines, papers,. rags,. furniture and -pay best market priceà. Cail Wii. 5426 o Wil. ý481. 174LTN43..4tp -NOTICE TO CONTRACTORB FOR WORKÇ TO BE1 CONSTRUCTED I'Ni)jRTHE:MOTOR F-UEL TAX LA'W TI-ME AND PLA5CE 0F' OPENING BIDS. Sealed proposals for the improve- ment -.Of the thoroughfare described herein will be received at Ithe office- of the Village Clerk,' Village Hall, -Vil- lage of Kenilwortji, Cook County, Ilii- noiÉ, until 7:30 o'clock P. M., April 4th, 1938, and at that lime publicly opened and read. DESCRIPTION 0F' WORK. (a) The proposed work ls officially known, as Section i-CS State Bond Issue, Roitte No. 42, qheridan Road and Kenilwortb Avenue, also Stale Aid Route No. 55 extension, Green Bay Uoad, Kenilworth Avenue, a.nd Park Drive. (b) The proposed improvement con- sists of (1) changing 'the traffic lights. at Sheridan Road and Kenilworth Ave- nue from a 11xed time to a semil-traffie actuated type of coritrol, (2) furnishîng and Inetal1îng a Iraffic actuated type Of Iraffi control signais at the intersec- tion of Green Bay Road, Kenlworth Avenue, and Park D>rive. Separate bids for this work wl be received as follows: (>Bids on furnishing the control equipmenî including the vehicele actuated controllers and.housging and. pressure type 'vehicle delso- tors, and the pedestrian pushbut- tons. (2) ]Bids on furnishing all additlonal equipment and material and ln- stalling ail equipment and mia- terials- - iiiiLi ceie oimeIntant WU vellare society put off their work for children at Alice H. Wood Infant Welfare sta- tionw in Chicago. The children have the cold wveatber, but flot the. cofinfortabie firesides and Wilmette woffen help to miake their lot more bearable by cooperating With the Wilmette Community Chest inà itsaný- nual drive and by going three times every Week -to the station, at 1964 North Halsted street to.'weigb the babies Which are brought thene for examinaîloti by the Infant Welfare doctors and to help with the clerical work. The Wîlmette Community Chest contributes a part of the funds used. for the support of Alice. H. Woodl station. Not Relief Agency The Infant Welfare society does tiot give relief.* Coal and rent, food anid shoes are not its province but it does provide doctors, nurses and nutrition- ists to care for miothers during the prenatal period and to teach theni Ilow to keep their children well, notwith- standing the privations whichi many of themn suifer. Mental hygiene guidance to help the mothers in the training of. the chilciren and cod liver oil to supple- ment inadequate diets are a part of. the Infant Welfare program. Last year the: society distributed 22,306 pîints of Cod liven ou to the children under its rare. Some months ago, Mrs. Owen first brought three thin, tired looking chul- dren to the Alice H. Wood Infant Wel- f are station. Each time she came the Iast year Aiîce I1. Wood station had 1,776 infants, preschool. children and expectant mothers under its care. 1Alice H. Wood station children have too littie of the things which speil corn- fort-food, iclothing, blanket5, coal, goodý housng-but the, pricéless. gift of» .bealtb may nevertheless be theirs when those who have al 'f these other comforts share with them so thatthey mnay have the, ministrations, of the Infant Welfare society. N. U. Basebail Men Move Ont-o fuDoors; Go South Ajfirîlli/ Northw estern univé rsit y's basebal teani consistiniz of nine Plus a large group of promising sophomores be- gan daily workouis this week iii prep- aration for a 19-'ganie schedl which %vill open April Il1 against Louisiania State at Baton Rouge. La. The game with the Tigers wvill be the first Of the six games on the annual southern training trip which is counted on to put the W~idats' for the opening Of the Big Ten s chedule against Iowa, April 22. In addition to two games withLouisiana State, the Purple will play two games each with Tulane and Alabamna on the southern trip. Coach Burt Ingwersen is hopeful regarding Northwestern's prospects this year. The Wildcats have a vet- eran pitching staff available in addi- tion to several likeIy Iooking sopho- ,more hunIers. The biggesî 'problern at the moment is reshaping. the in- field and developing a first string catcher. Lette nien Returu The pitching' staff will 'be built around Bill Syring of New York,' -a right hander, and two souîhpaws, Jack Kaufman of Evanstonl, and. Harry Skidmore of Highland P ark. Al three are lettermen who pitched win- ning ball last year. The staff is rounided out by John Goldak of St. Louis anid Phil. Edwards of Chicaon. ing as hitters. Two lettermen, Bob Sampsoh and Paul Werd, both of Chicago will seek their oldpositions in' the out- field. The third Position will probabiy faîl to either Alex Lustig of Chicago or' Chartles Sticklen of Ottawa, III1, two sophomores. Northwestern's coniplete scbedule followsý: April l1-12-Louisiana State at Baton Rouge, La. .April 13-14-Tulaneat New Orleans, La. April l5-ifi-Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Ala. April 2 1-Wheaton at Evanston. April 2e-2,3--owa at Evanston. APril 26-Lake Forestt aI Evanston. Ind. May 3-Notre Dame at South Ben&, Ind. May .6-7--Ohio State at Evanston. May 9-Lake Foresi at Lake Forest. May 12-Luther at Decorah, Iowa. lis, M inn.aI M w e o - May 17-Notre Dame at Evanston. May 20-Western State at Evanston. May 2 1-Illinois aI Urbana. May 24-California at Evanston. May 25-Illinois at Evanston. May 28-Chicago at Chicago. 'May 3O-Chicago at Evanston. Robert Tinker, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Tinker, 403 Washington ave- nue, who was graduated last june frorn the Arnerican university at Washington, É). C., is now traveling in Indiana as salesmani for the Rit Mr. and Mrs. Newell Woods 2127 Bircbwood avenue, retprned last Thurs- day from a two montbs' stay in Boston, New York, and Washington, D. C. In .Washington they visjted their son and hjs wife, Mr. and Màrs. Newell Keith Woods. at this position. of hearing UPOfl luis application rnay be jack Ryan of Milwaukee, sopho- secured by cormunicating wîth the Sec- O retary of the Illinois Commerce Coen- more who starred on the fotball mission. teamn is a candidate for second base. NORTHLAND GREYHOUND LINES Dave Phelan of Homnewood, Ill., and By MEROp LL BINSN Charles Melchoir of jasper, Ind,, two BJY MERRIL B Secrtaryj more. sophomores, are also ont for the as8 toIl mW.7 ÂN oi. and place

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