FI1ESTA WARE $4980 44-1Piece Royal Lace DINNER'SET This pattern Ianelcopy 1e, d"eiate -.14 lacte and the lorls a cèlear searkflng bine. Set cousists et 8, cupa and saucera, 8 handle, cream 1acuipa, 8 dinner plates, 8 bread aid butter plates,, sugar and creamer, vegtetabie dilh and platter. A $3.95 valuef New Ring Bottom Georgian Tumblers One agai we ofter thîs super speclL Tb ease tumblei's are legs thain seL. aciL. er A 20 picce service for 4 et a neww Buycrs' Days priee.. Conaiste of 4 huincheon piates, 4 bread and buttera, 4 fruits, 4 cup snd s'aucera. lan'aMgY choice of. colora.. Old v.ry Red. Greenw 32.Piece Sens, Porcelan Luncheonl St Âlovely servie for .Imeludes Plat ter, vegetable dIlh, S lileeon ats 8 bread -'aed buttera, 4tnhut saucerai aàd S cumpa a»dsaucera. mla &*Me.s 0f tw ttrative, pttra. Eegalary 0.9%. Sperlalirprlcel for tis éeetu Sale of Regular $1.50. Plant Stands $1 White enaniel finish, .turdily made. Com- plete with tire. colored pots. Speelly priced for thre. deys only. Réguler $2.98 Plant Stands tog arn L ovely Cnst Cry*tal Stemware '6 FOR1 Cholce 0f goblets, sauce edam ps> Coei talla a uï ft t dtumblers. LA&MPS $1.89 27- ýMARCIt311, 1